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VB to Delphi bräuchte Unterstützung

Ein Thema von msickel · begonnen am 13. Mär 2011 · letzter Beitrag vom 13. Mär 2011

Registriert seit: 14. Mai 2005
108 Beiträge
Delphi 2005 Professional

VB to Delphi bräuchte Unterstützung

  Alt 13. Mär 2011, 15:10
Hallo ihr lieben Spezialisten

Ich versuche diesen VB Quelltext nach Delphi zu Übersetzen.

’ This sample code changes Personal Status to "In a Meeting"
Private WithEvents oSession As Session
Private Sub Command1_Click()
’ Session and User object variables
Dim oSession As New Session
Dim oUser As User
’ Variables to hold the collection of Personal Status objects for user
Dim oPersonalStatusFolder As Folder
Dim oPersonalStatus As TeleVantage.PersonalStatus
’ Log on to the TeleVantage Server.
’ “32402” is a unique number used to identify the application using this Session object.
    oSession.Logon "Server_Name", "Joe Smith", "****", 2, tvApplicationTypeClient, "32402", , False
’ Get the User object
Set oUser = oSession.User
’ Get the Personal Status Folder
Set oPersonalStatusFolder = oSession.GetDefaultFolder(tvFolderPersonalStatus)
’ Look at each Personal status object in the folder until we find "*In A Meeting"
’ Note that the Name field of statuses are prefixed with "*"
For Each oPersonalStatus In oPersonalStatusFolder.Items
        If oPersonalStatus.Name = "*In A Meeting" Then
            ’ Use the ApplyStatus method with our "*In A Meeting" Personal status object
            oUser.ApplyStatus oPersonalStatus
        End If
’ Destroy objects and log off Server
    Set oUser = Nothing
    Set oPersonalStatusFolder = Nothing
    Set oPersonalStatus = Nothing

das habe ich schon und das funktioniert bis dahin auch.


  oCallFolder, oCallFolderHistory, oPersonalStatusFolder : Televantage_TLB.Folder;
  oCallItems, oCallItemsHistory : Televantage_TLB.Items;
  oPersonalStatus : Televantage_TLB.PersonalStatus;
  oUser : Televantage_TLB.User;

      if oSession.Status = tvSessionStatusLoggedOn then
// tchkLogon.Enabled := True;
// CoolTrayIcon1.IconIndex := 8;
// CoolTrayicon1.Hint := Application.Exename + #13#10 + 'logon ok - ready for input';
// CoolTrayIcon1.IconVisible := True;

        // Register for Call Events
        oCallFolder := oSession.GetDefaultFolder(tvFolderCalls);
        oCallItems := oCallFolder.Items;
        // Register for HistoryCall Events
        //oCallFolderHistory := oSession.GetDefaultFolder(tvFolderCallHistory);
        //oCallItemsHistory := oCallFolderHistory.Items;

        oUser := oSession.User;
        oPersonalStatusFolder := oSession.GetDefaultFolder(tvFolderPersonalStatus);


       // oSystemTargetFolder1 := v7Session1.GetDefaultFolder(tvFolderSystemTarget);
       // oTarget1 := _SystemTarget(oSystemTargetFolder1.Items.Item(AdvEdit7.Text,tvSearchkey));

      lblStatus.Caption := 'Error logon to Televantage Server';
      JFCLogFile1.LogText := 'btnLogOnLogOff -> Error logon to Televantage Server';

    btnLogOnLogOff.Caption := 'logoff';
    btnLogOnLogOff.Caption := 'logd off';

bin für jede Hilfe dankbar

ich weiss, das ich nichts weiss!

Geändert von msickel (13. Mär 2011 um 15:22 Uhr)
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