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Anti End Task, not WM_Close?

Ein Thema von user · begonnen am 1. Jan 2011 · letzter Beitrag vom 3. Jan 2011
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Delphi 7 Professional

AW: Anti End Task, not WM_Close?

  Alt 2. Jan 2011, 20:57
I know I know: I'm paranoid. But just because you're not paranoid doesn't mean they aren't after you
Don't we all are a bit paranoid? - If you want security you have to test it, not just think it will work.

However, for XP MS offered (until recently, I think it was withdrawn) something like a kiosk mode. I.e. you could lock down an XP quite thoroughly. Would have to ask in the forum whether someone still has a copy around. I don't even recall the name of the tool, but it got "advertised" on
Do you think of the "Shared Computer Toolkit"? - I have got a copy.

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AW: Anti End Task, not WM_Close?

  Alt 2. Jan 2011, 21:03
Do you think of the "Shared Computer Toolkit"? - I have got a copy.
That could well be it (new name seems to be SteadyState). I don't need it, but the OP might appreciate to get his hands on a copy. Let's see when he returns to this topic
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