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Fast integer RGB-HSL

Ein Thema von WojTec · begonnen am 29. Dez 2010 · letzter Beitrag vom 30. Dez 2010
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Registriert seit: 17. Mai 2007
482 Beiträge
Delphi XE6 Professional

Fast integer RGB-HSL

  Alt 29. Dez 2010, 16:37
I need to convert color from RGB to HSL, manupulate HSL and then make RGB. I'm using GR32, in GR32 there is function to convert RGB-HSL, is very fast, but has wrong rande - any HSL component is in 0..255. So, I checked mbColorLib, hot it working qith HSL. It allows to scale HSL range for actial needs, for example extend H component to 0..360. It is exactly what I need and looked for this for a looooong time. One thing I can't accept is performance, HSL routins can't be used in image processing. Here is unit I'm talking bout:

unit RGBHSLUtils;


 Windows, Graphics, Math, Scanlines;

var //set these variables to your needs, e.g. 360, 255, 255
 MaxHue: integer = 239;
 MaxSat: integer = 240;
 MaxLum: integer = 240;

function HSLtoRGB (H, S, L: double): TColor;
function HSLRangeToRGB (H, S, L: integer): TColor;
procedure RGBtoHSLRange (RGB: TColor; var H1, S1, L1 : integer);
function GetHValue(AColor: TColor): integer;
function GetSValue(AColor: TColor): integer;
function GetLValue(AColor: TColor): integer;
procedure Clamp(var Input: integer; Min, Max: integer);
function HSLToRGBTriple(H, S, L : integer) : TRGBTriple;
function HSLToRGBQuad(H, S, L: integer): TRGBQuad;
procedure RGBTripleToHSL(RGBTriple : TRGBTriple; var h, s, l: integer);


function HSLtoRGB(H, S, L: double): TColor;
 M1, M2: double;

  function HueToColorValue(Hue: double): byte;
   V : double;
   if Hue < 0 then
    Hue := Hue + 1
    if Hue > 1 then
     Hue := Hue - 1;
   if 6 * Hue < 1 then
    V := M1 + (M2 - M1) * Hue * 6
    if 2 * Hue < 1 then
     V := M2
     if 3 * Hue < 2 then
      V := M1 + (M2 - M1) * (2/3 - Hue) * 6
      V := M1;
   Result := round (255 * V)

 R, G, B: byte;
 if S = 0 then
   R := round (MaxLum * L);
   G := R;
   B := R
   if L <= 0.5 then
    M2 := L * (1 + S)
    M2 := L + S - L * S;
   M1 := 2 * L - M2;
   R := HueToColorValue (H + 1/3);
   G := HueToColorValue (H);
   B := HueToColorValue (H - 1/3)
 Result := RGB (R, G, B)

function HSLRangeToRGB(H, S, L : integer): TColor;
 if s > MaxSat then s := MaxSat;
 if s < 0 then s := 0;
 if l > MaxLum then l := MaxLum;
 if l < 0 then l := 0;
 Result := HSLToRGB(H / MaxHue, S / MaxSat, L / MaxLum);

procedure RGBtoHSLRange(RGB: TColor; var H1, S1, L1 : integer);
  R, G, B, D, Cmax, Cmin, h, s, l: double;
 H := h1;
 S := s1;
 L := l1;
 R := GetRValue (RGB) / 255;
 G := GetGValue (RGB) / 255;
 B := GetBValue (RGB) / 255;
 Cmax := Max (R, Max (G, B));
 Cmin := Min (R, Min (G, B));
 L := (Cmax + Cmin) / 2;
 if Cmax = Cmin then
   H := 0;
   S := 0;
   D := Cmax - Cmin;
   //calc L
   if L < 0.5 then
    S := D / (Cmax + Cmin)
    S := D / (2 - Cmax - Cmin);
   //calc H
   if R = Cmax then
    H := (G - B) / D
    if G = Cmax then
     H := 2 + (B - R) /D
     H := 4 + (R - G) / D;
   H := H / 6;
   if H < 0 then
    H := H + 1;
 H1 := round (H * MaxHue);
 S1 := round (S * MaxSat);
 L1 := round (L * MaxLum);

function GetHValue(AColor: TColor): integer;
 d, h: integer;
 RGBToHSLRange(AColor, h, d, d);
 Result := h;

function GetSValue(AColor: TColor): integer;
 d, s: integer;
 RGBToHSLRange(AColor, d, s, d);
 Result := s;

function GetLValue(AColor: TColor): integer;
 d, l: integer;
 RGBToHSLRange(AColor, d, d, l);
 Result := l;

procedure Clamp(var Input: integer; Min, Max: integer);
 if (Input < Min) then Input := Min;
 if (Input > Max) then Input := Max;

function HSLToRGBTriple(H, S, L: integer): TRGBTriple;
 Divisor = 255*60;
 hTemp, f, LS, p, q, r: integer;
 Clamp(H, 0, MaxHue);
 Clamp(S, 0, MaxSat);
 Clamp(L, 0, MaxLum);
 if (S = 0) then
   Result := RGBToRGBTriple(L, L, L)
   hTemp := H mod MaxHue;
   f := hTemp mod 60;
   hTemp := hTemp div 60;
   LS := L*S;
   p := L - LS div MaxLum;
   q := L - (LS*f) div Divisor;
   r := L - (LS*(60 - f)) div Divisor;
   case hTemp of
    0: Result := RGBToRGBTriple(L, r, p);
    1: Result := RGBToRGBTriple(q, L, p);
    2: Result := RGBToRGBTriple(p, L, r);
    3: Result := RGBToRGBTriple(p, q, L);
    4: Result := RGBToRGBTriple(r, p, L);
    5: Result := RGBToRGBTriple(L, p, q);
    Result := RGBToRGBTriple(0, 0, 0);

function HSLToRGBQuad(H, S, L: integer): TRGBQuad;
 Divisor = 255*60;
 hTemp, f, LS, p, q, r: integer;
 Clamp(H, 0, MaxHue);
 Clamp(S, 0, MaxSat);
 Clamp(L, 0, MaxLum);
 if (S = 0) then
   Result := RGBToRGBQuad(L, L, L)
   hTemp := H mod MaxHue;
   f := hTemp mod 60;
   hTemp := hTemp div 60;
   LS := L*S;
   p := L - LS div MaxLum;
   q := L - (LS*f) div Divisor;
   r := L - (LS*(60 - f)) div Divisor;
   case hTemp of
    0: Result := RGBToRGBQuad(L, r, p);
    1: Result := RGBToRGBQuad(q, L, p);
    2: Result := RGBToRGBQuad(p, L, r);
    3: Result := RGBToRGBQuad(p, q, L);
    4: Result := RGBToRGBQuad(r, p, L);
    5: Result := RGBToRGBQuad(L, p, q);
    Result := RGBToRGBQuad(0, 0, 0);

procedure RGBTripleToHSL(RGBTriple: TRGBTriple; var h, s, l: integer);

 function RGBMaxValue(RGB: TRGBTriple): byte;
  Result := RGB.rgbtRed;
  if (Result < RGB.rgbtGreen) then Result := RGB.rgbtGreen;
  if (Result < RGB.rgbtBlue) then Result := RGB.rgbtBlue;

 function RGBMinValue(RGB: TRGBTriple) : byte;
  Result := RGB.rgbtRed;
  if (Result > RGB.rgbtGreen) then Result := RGB.rgbtGreen;
  if (Result > RGB.rgbtBlue) then Result := RGB.rgbtBlue;
 Delta, Min: byte;
 L := RGBMaxValue(RGBTriple);
 Min := RGBMinValue(RGBTriple);
 Delta := L-Min;
 if (L = Min) then
   H := 0;
   S := 0;
   S := MulDiv(Delta, 255, L);
   with RGBTriple do
     if (rgbtRed = L) then
      H := MulDiv(60, rgbtGreen-rgbtBlue, Delta)
      if (rgbtGreen = L) then
       H := MulDiv(60, rgbtBlue-rgbtRed, Delta) + 120
       if (rgbtBlue = L) then
        H := MulDiv(60, rgbtRed-rgbtGreen, Delta) + 240;
     if (H < 0) then H := H + 360;

So, could you share fast 0..360 integer-based HSL (scalable if possible )?
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Benutzerbild von himitsu

Registriert seit: 11. Okt 2003
Ort: Elbflorenz
44.316 Beiträge
Delphi 12 Athens

AW: Fast integer RGB-HSL

  Alt 29. Dez 2010, 22:01
//set these variables to your needs, e.g. 360, 255, 255
Did you even read this line?

Hier im Forum suchenRGB HSV

The calculations can be necessary also to convert HSL.
Ein Therapeut entspricht 1024 Gigapeut.

Geändert von himitsu (29. Dez 2010 um 22:06 Uhr)
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Registriert seit: 19. Mai 2006
570 Beiträge
Delphi XE3 Professional

AW: Fast integer RGB-HSL

  Alt 29. Dez 2010, 23:55
so, wie ich das verstanden habe, geht es darum, dass ihm diese Funktionen zu langsam sind:
It is exactly what I need... One thing I can't accept is performance
Eine mögliche Antwort wäre: Umschreiben in Assembler...
Thomas Nitzschke
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Registriert seit: 23. Jan 2008
3.687 Beiträge
Delphi 2007 Enterprise

AW: Fast integer RGB-HSL

  Alt 30. Dez 2010, 01:49
As far as I see it, all the calculations can be done purely with integers. To keep some proper precision, this should be done at some higher scaling than 0..255, a factor of 100 or 1000 should suffice - any scale up to |scale*MaxValueAnywhere|<MaxInt may be chosen though.
Working strictly in the range 0..1 usually only makes things a whole lot easier (or merely possible in some cases), if nonlinear functions like powers or trigonometry come into play, of which none are involved here.

Going assembler does not generally yield better performance, MMX is not an option with values >255, but handmade SSE(2) might work. Downside: This should be done right where the load of calculations are performed, to avoid switching the FPU from/into SSE mode for every tiny conversion - this could even make things slower than the current solution. Thus, I'd first try to go all integer, and see how that performs.

Edit: Another thing might be de-modularizing the whole thing. There's a lot of calling to tiny helper functions going on, and iirc, Delphi doesn't inline (at least not per default, and not at all with older versions). Doing everything in one go, even if it results in much longer and possibly uglier code, may improve speed a bit, too. But certainly not as much as eliminating the floats completely, by far.

Edit2: Also, I'm a little unsure why these functions are so long. I haven't read them that thoroughly, but here's two methods I use in a C# project of mine:
public void ColorToHSV(Color c, out double h, out double s, out double v)
         double r = c.R/255f;
         double g = c.G/255f;
         double b = c.B/255f;
         double max = Math.Max(r, Math.Max(g, b));
         double min = Math.Min(r, Math.Min(g, b));
         if (max.Equals(min)) h = 0; else
         if (max.Equals(r)) h = 60f*((g-b)/(max-min)); else
         if (max.Equals(g)) h = 60f*(2f+(b-r)/(max-min)); else
         if (max.Equals(b)) h = 60f*(4f+(r-g)/(max-min)); else
         h = 0;
         if (h<0) h += 360;
         if (max.Equals(0)) s = 0; else
         s = (max-min)/max;
         v = max;
      public Color HSVToColor(double h, double s, double v)
         int hi = (int)Math.Floor(h/60f);
         double f = h/60f - hi;
         double p = (v*(1-s))*255f;
         double q = (v*(1-s*f))*255f;
         double t = (v*(1-s*(1-f)))*255f;
         v *= 255f;
         Color cn = new Color();
         switch (hi) {
            case 0:
               cn = Color.FromArgb(255, (byte)v, (byte)t, (byte)p);
            case 1:
               cn = Color.FromArgb(255, (byte)q, (byte)v, (byte)p);
            case 2:
               cn = Color.FromArgb(255, (byte)p, (byte)v, (byte)t);
            case 3:
               cn = Color.FromArgb(255, (byte)p, (byte)q, (byte)v);
            case 4:
               cn = Color.FromArgb(255, (byte)t, (byte)p, (byte)v);
            case 5:
               cn = Color.FromArgb(255, (byte)v, (byte)p, (byte)q);
            case 6:
               cn = Color.FromArgb(255, (byte)v, (byte)t, (byte)p);
         return cn;
It's full of floats though, and thus not meant for speed, but it seems a lot shorter and less complex than what you posted, and can most certainly even be optimized and shortened further
"When one person suffers from a delusion, it is called insanity. When a million people suffer from a delusion, it is called religion." (Richard Dawkins)

Geändert von Medium (30. Dez 2010 um 02:04 Uhr)
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Benutzerbild von himitsu

Registriert seit: 11. Okt 2003
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Delphi 12 Athens

AW: Fast integer RGB-HSL

  Alt 30. Dez 2010, 09:19
@Medium: HSV <> HSL (Wiki)
Aber grundsätzlich ist es ähnlich, so da man sich einen HSV-Code eventuell entsprechend anpassen könnte.

@Thom: Ich dachte er hat sich auch noch drüber beschwert, daß dieses nur von 0..255, anstatt von 0..359 geht
Ein Therapeut entspricht 1024 Gigapeut.

Geändert von himitsu (30. Dez 2010 um 09:21 Uhr)
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Registriert seit: 23. Jan 2008
3.687 Beiträge
Delphi 2007 Enterprise

AW: Fast integer RGB-HSL

  Alt 30. Dez 2010, 15:10
HSL and HSV are that similar, that there is virtually no notable difference. It's just that L ranges from black to white, while V is from black to 50% gray. The RGB->HSL/V conversions shown here reflect that similarity pretty well, so that my code's coarse structure is still a valid indicator for the algorithms complexity.
"When one person suffers from a delusion, it is called insanity. When a million people suffer from a delusion, it is called religion." (Richard Dawkins)
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Registriert seit: 17. Mai 2007
482 Beiträge
Delphi XE6 Professional

Re: Fast integer RGB-HSL

  Alt 30. Dez 2010, 16:38
Maybe you mean HSV/HSB? If I know HSL != HSV.

Ok, let's back to the topic. I made some changes, so now working not bad and I can use in image processing
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