wer sucht der findet, heißt es oder? Es gibt eine Seriennummer, sogar eine unique
Aber nur

wenn das Gerät sich mit dem Logo "Designed for Windows" schmücken darf.
Storage - Architecture and Driver Support
ist eine FAQ zu USB Storage zu finden, wo die Frage nach der Seriennummer so beantwortet wurde:
Usbstor.sys and “Designed for Windows” Logo
Q: Must a USB storage device contain a unique serial number?
Yes. To comply with the USB Mass Storage Class Bulk-Only Transport Specification, all USB storage devices must contain a unique (12 digits or longer) serial number, represented as a
UNICODE string. Refer to section 4.1.1 of the USB Mass Storage Class (Bulk-Only Transport) specification and note that serial number characters must be 0x0030-0x0039 or 0x0041-0x0046.
A unique serial number on a USB device maintains the same device devnode as a user moves the device from USB port to port. This unique devnode ensures that properties (icons, policies, driver letters, and so on) associated with the device are not reset when the device is moved to a new port or when a second device with the same VID/PID/REV is added to the system.
IHVs must ensure that a device’s serial number is unique in order for that device to comply with Windows operating systems (refer to Microsoft Windows Logo Program System and Device Requirements B2.6.3.1) and to pass WHQL certification. (HCT version 10.0, and later HCTs, will test the uniqueness of a serial number on any USB device if one is specified.)
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