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Webinar: PHP Web- und Facebook-Anwendungen

Ein Thema von Daniel · begonnen am 10. Dez 2010
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Registriert seit: 30. Mai 2002
Ort: Hamburg
13.920 Beiträge
Delphi 10.4 Sydney

Webinar: PHP Web- und Facebook-Anwendungen

  Alt 10. Dez 2010, 12:02
Ich leite das gern mal weiter, es geht um ein Webinar von Embarcadero:

14. Dezember 2010, 14:00 Uhr

With over 20 million servers worldwide, every day PHP serves up a huge amount of web content - covering everything from the most used blogging software, WordPress, to websites like Wikipedia. With so many huge sites using PHP, it obviously has a lot going for it.

In this free webinar, learn about PHP web and Facebook application development and why RadPHP XE is a top choice for developing web site and applications using the PHP language, JavaScript and AJAX.


The basics of creating PHP applications
When to use an IDE instead of a code editor
Using class libraries like the RadPHP Component Library (RPCL)
How to connect and work with databases with PHP
Using drag-and-drop components to speed development
How to quickly build a Facebook application with RadPHP
The webinar will contain a short overview of the PHP language, and focus mostly on a demonstration of the technology. We intend to allow adequate time for question and answers at the end of the presentation.

Es ist eine kostenfreie Anmeldung erforderlich:

Daniel R. Wolf
mit Grüßen aus Hamburg
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