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Int32 on input should have specified numbers count on output

Ein Thema von WojTec · begonnen am 14. Okt 2010 · letzter Beitrag vom 14. Okt 2010
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Registriert seit: 17. Mai 2007
482 Beiträge
Delphi XE6 Professional

Int32 on input should have specified numbers count on output

  Alt 14. Okt 2010, 10:48
Delphi-Version: 5

I have another question for you.

On input I have a number <> 0, eg. -542, 4558846, 95423, -55487130 (Int32). On output I want to specified number of input digits whithout converting to string (trim or extend if needed), eg. if digits count = 5 for above numbers output will be:

-55487130 --> 55487 (if < 0 then call Abs())
-542 --> 54200 (if number is < than counter then fill with 0)
4558846 --> 45588
95423 --> 95423

Do you have some idea how can do it?
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Benutzerbild von DeddyH

Registriert seit: 17. Sep 2006
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Delphi 12 Athens

AW: Int32 on input should have specified numbers count on output

  Alt 14. Okt 2010, 10:54
A simple solution:
function Number5Digits(aNumber: integer): Cardinal;
  Result := abs(aNumber);
  while Result > 99999 do
    Result := Result div 10;
  while Result < 10000 do
    Result := Result * 10;
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Delphi XE6 Professional

Re: Int32 on input should have specified numbers count on output

  Alt 14. Okt 2010, 13:19
Thanks And what about something like this:

function NumberDigits(ANumber: Int32; ADigits: Byte = 5): Cardinal;
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Benutzerbild von jfheins

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AW: Int32 on input should have specified numbers count on output

  Alt 14. Okt 2010, 13:27
0. Use Abs()
1. Use log(aNumber) (base 10) to get the number of digits
2. x = ADigits - (result of 1.)
3. Result = ANumber * Math.Power(10, (result of 2.));

Just curious: What ist the reason for this? Output with fixed number of significant figures?
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Benutzerbild von DeddyH

Registriert seit: 17. Sep 2006
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Delphi 12 Athens

AW: Int32 on input should have specified numbers count on output

  Alt 14. Okt 2010, 14:06
Or something like this:
uses math;

function NumberToDigits(aNumber: integer; Digits: Byte = 5): Cardinal;
var RangeMin, RangeMax: Cardinal;
  if Digits < 1 then
    raise Exception.Create('What number do you expect to get having less than 1 digit?');
  Result := abs(aNumber);
  RangeMin := trunc(Power(10,Pred(Digits)));
  RangeMax := Pred(trunc(Power(10,Digits)));
  while Result > RangeMax do
    Result := Result div 10;
  while Result < RangeMin do
    Result := Result * 10;
"Ich habe Angst vor dem Tag, an dem die Technologie unsere menschlichen Interaktionen übertrumpft. Die Welt wird eine Generation von Idioten bekommen." (Albert Einstein)
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Delphi XE6 Professional

Re: AW: Int32 on input should have specified numbers count on output

  Alt 14. Okt 2010, 14:15
This what I have:

function NumberDigits(ANumber: Int32; ADigits: Byte = 5): Cardinal;
  A: Cardinal;
  A := Abs(ANumber);
  Result := Round(A * Power(10, ADigits - Log10(A)));
Result is always 1 with ADigits 0s?

with fixed number of significant figures?
Exactly! I'm trying make own serial protection to stop little "crackers"

// Edited

@DeddyH, your function working

Geändert von WojTec (14. Okt 2010 um 14:36 Uhr)
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Benutzerbild von DeddyH

Registriert seit: 17. Sep 2006
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Delphi 12 Athens

AW: Re: AW: Int32 on input should have specified numbers count on output

  Alt 14. Okt 2010, 15:39
Zitat von Woj[I:
// Edited[/I]

@DeddyH, your function working
Fine, but you should declare RangeMin and RangeMax as Extended to avoid wrong results due to integer overflows (did not think about this before):

function NumberToDigits(aNumber: integer; Digits: Byte = 5): Cardinal;
var RangeMin, RangeMax: Extended;
  if Digits < 1 then
    raise Exception.Create('What number do you expect to get having less than 1 digit?');
  Result := abs(aNumber);
  RangeMin := Power(10,Pred(Digits));
  RangeMax := Power(10,Digits) - 1;
  while Result > RangeMax do
    Result := Result div 10;
  while Result < RangeMin do
    Result := Result * 10;
"Ich habe Angst vor dem Tag, an dem die Technologie unsere menschlichen Interaktionen übertrumpft. Die Welt wird eine Generation von Idioten bekommen." (Albert Einstein)
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Registriert seit: 17. Mai 2007
482 Beiträge
Delphi XE6 Professional

Re: Int32 on input should have specified numbers count on output

  Alt 14. Okt 2010, 18:29
Maybe Int64 will be also good? and RandgeMin/Max formulas from 1st version?
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Benutzerbild von DeddyH

Registriert seit: 17. Sep 2006
Ort: Barchfeld
27.655 Beiträge
Delphi 12 Athens

AW: Int32 on input should have specified numbers count on output

  Alt 14. Okt 2010, 18:32
Yes, I think so.
"Ich habe Angst vor dem Tag, an dem die Technologie unsere menschlichen Interaktionen übertrumpft. Die Welt wird eine Generation von Idioten bekommen." (Albert Einstein)
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Registriert seit: 17. Mai 2007
482 Beiträge
Delphi XE6 Professional

Re: Int32 on input should have specified numbers count on output

  Alt 14. Okt 2010, 19:29
I changeg Int32 to Int64 after asked, because I didn't sure range is good or not In my tests all was ok, but I changed type. Thanks for help
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