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Registriert seit: 12. Dez 2009
Ort: Eifel
1.237 Beiträge
Delphi 2007 Architect

AW: Overbyte FTPS und Datachannel

  Alt 16. Mär 2025, 11:42
Hier noch ein Log mit ICSLogger gemacht.

11:27:21:556 ! HighLevelAsync 0
11:27:21:601 Control DNS Lookup Done -
11:27:21:615 Control Socket Connect, error=0 to
11:27:21:668 >|220 ProFTPD Server (Debian) []|

11:27:21:668 ! HighLevelAsync 0
11:27:21:668 Start command, Req=AuthAsync - AUTH TLS
11:27:21:670 >|234 AUTH TLS successful|

11:27:21:702 ! HighLevelAsync 0
11:27:21:702 Start command, Req=UserAsync - USER ftpusr
11:27:21:703 >|331 Password required for ftpusr|

11:27:21:704 ! HighLevelAsync 0
11:27:21:704 Start command, Req=PassAsync - PASS 123456
11:27:21:776 >|230 User ftpusr logged in|

11:27:21:776 ! HighLevelAsync 0
11:27:21:776 ! HighLevelAsync done
11:27:26:432 Start command, Req=PbszAsync - PBSZ 0
11:27:26:577 >|200 PBSZ 0 successful|

11:27:26:579 Start command, Req=ProtAsync - PROT P
11:27:26:701 >|200 Protection set to Private|

11:27:26:702 Start command, Req=TypeSetAsync - TYPE I
11:27:26:860 >|200 Type set to I|

11:27:27:022 ! HighLevelAsync 0
11:27:27:022 Start command, Req=PortAsync - PASV
11:27:27:023 >|227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,0,238,179,33).|

11:27:27:023 ! HighLevelAsync 0
11:27:27:023 Start command, Req=Put/Append - libssl-1_1.zip
11:27:27:025 ! Data Session opened (Put)
11:27:27:027 >|150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for file.zip|

11:27:27:028 ! Send first block
11:27:27:028 DataSocketPutDataSent 65536
11:27:27:032 ! Data Session closed
11:27:27:032 ! Next3PutAsync
11:27:27:033 >|425 Unable to build data connection: Die Operation ist nicht erlaubt|

11:27:27:034 Start command, Req=QuitAsync - QUIT
11:27:27:036 >|221 Goodbye.|

11:27:27:038 Control Socket Closed, error=0
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