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Registriert seit: 11. Okt 2003
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44.287 Beiträge
Delphi 12 Athens

AW: MAPI Mailversand mit TB und Delphi 7

  Alt 20. Feb 2025, 14:45
Geht die Mail damit direkt weg, oder muss man die Mail selbst absenden (um kann ggfs zuvor noch was korrigieren) wie bei MAPI?
Nee, sie wird im Senden-Fenster des Standardmail-Programms geöffnet und man muß auf senden klicken. (aber das wollen wir ja so haben)

Da Outlook mal wieder vor kurzem bissl was geändert hat, mußten wir bissl umbauen.
Multipart-Mails mit Formatierung und Anhänge ... da hatten die was verändert und beim Laden der Mail wurden die Anhänge plötzlich ignoriert.

Wir nutzen TIdMessage, um die Mail zu generieren.
Als EML via ShellExecute lässt sich in der MailApp öffnen und dann senden
oder sie ließe sich über TIdSMP direkt versenden.

function TCimSendMail.ExecuteWithEML: Boolean;
  _SL : TStringList;
  _IdMsg : TIdMessage;
  _Idx : Integer;
  _FileName : String;
  _Addresses : TStringList;

  _MsgPartBody : TIdText;

  _Matches : TMatchCollection;
  _Match : TMatch;
  _Group : TGroup;
  _IdxM : Integer;
  _AttLnk : TIdAttachmentFile;
  _Pair : TPair<String, TCimSendMail.TAttachmentLink>;

  _IdxRelated : Integer;
  _IdxAlternative : Integer;

  function ContentIdgenerate: String;
    Result := Format('%s%s', [IntToHex(Random(MaxInt), 4), IntToHex(Random(MaxInt), 4)]);

  procedure _LinkMsgPart(const AGroup: TGroup; const AMsgPart: TIdAttachmentFile; const ADisplayname: String);
    Self.BodyText := Copy(Self.BodyText, 1, AGroup.Index - 1) + AMsgPart.ContentID + Copy(Self.BodyText, AGroup.Index + AGroup.Length, System.MAXINT);

    if (not (ADisplayname = '')) then
      AMsgPart.Name := ADisplayname;

  // Compose Email mittels Indy
  _IdMsg := TIdMessage.Create(nil);
  _IdMsg.Subject := Subject;
  _Addresses := TStringList.Create;
    ExtractList(MailTo, _Addresses, [',', ';'], False, False);

    for _Idx := 0 to _Addresses.Count - 1 do
      if Pos(' ', _Addresses[_Idx]) > 0 then
        raise Exception.Create(makeText(13207) // "EMail-Adresse darf keine Leerzeichen enthalten. Bitte prüfen Sie die Stammdaten der Adresse oder des Ansprechpartners."
                               + slinebreak
                               + 'Email: "'
                               + _Addresses[_Idx] + '"');
       _IdMsg.Recipients.Add.Address := Trim(_Addresses[_Idx]);

    // for linked message-parts (within the email) we need it set to mixed/related !!!
    // this will then clash with attachments, which are not related
    // https://redmine.prodat-sql.de/issues/22117
    // https://borland.public.delphi.internet.winsock.narkive.com/26JN1s0l/tidmessage-nested-parts
    _IdMsg.ContentType := 'multipart/mixed; charset=UTF-8;';

    _SL := TStringList.Create;
      // this allows to prepare the linked attachments: TFormDokments._PrepareCimEmailLinkedAttachments
      if (Assigned(FOnBeforeEMLAddAttachments)) then

      with TIdText.Create(_IdMsg.MessageParts, NIL) do
        ContentType := 'multipart/alternative';

        _IdxAlternative := Index;

      with TIdText.Create(_IdMsg.MessageParts, _SL) do
        ContentType := 'text/plain';
        ParentPart := _IdxAlternative;

      // Zeilenumbrueche mit HTML Tags ersetzen
      BodyText := StringReplace(BodyText, sLineBreak, '<br />', [rfReplaceAll, rfIgnoreCase]);
      BodyText := StringReplace(BodyText, #$A, '<br />', [rfReplaceAll, rfIgnoreCase]);

      with TIdText.Create(_IdMsg.MessageParts, NIL) do
        ContentType := 'multipart/related; type="text/html"';
        ParentPart := _IdxAlternative;

        _IdxRelated := Index;

      _MsgPartBody := TIdText.Create(_IdMsg.MessageParts, NIL);
      _MsgPartBody.ContentType := 'text/html';
      _MsgPartBody.CharSet := 'UTF-8';
      _MsgPartBody.ParentPart := _IdxRelated;

      // replace the src="cid:" with the correct cid's inside the emailbody of the lniked attachment
      for _Pair in AttachmentsLinked do
        _AttLnk := TIdAttachmentFile.Create(_IdMsg.MessageParts, _Pair.Value.SourceFilename);
        _AttLnk.ContentID := Format('%d_attlnk_%s', [_Idx, ContentIdgenerate]);
        _AttLnk.ParentPart := _IdxRelated;

        // we need to actually call it for each Pair !!!
        _Matches := TRegEx.Matches(BodyText, CATTLNK_REGEX, [roIgnoreCase]);
          for _IdxM := _Matches.Count - 1 downto 0 do
            _Match := _Matches.Item[_IdxM];
            _Group := _Match.Groups.Item[CATTLNK_LINK];

            if ((_Match.Groups.Count = CATTLNK_GRPCNT) and _Group.Success and _Match.Groups.Item[CATTLNK_TYPE].Success) then
              // even if a MDS-Link and a File-Link are present, which point to the same sourcefile
              // there can be only one entry in Self.AttachmentsLinked for both
              // thats why we do a string check again instead of TAttachmentLinkSource
              // see TCimSendMail.AddAttachmentLinked
              if (SameText(CATTLNK_TYPE_DMS, _Match.Groups.Item[CATTLNK_TYPE].Value)) then
                if (SameText(_Pair.Value.ID, _Match.Groups.Item[CATTLNK_ID].Value)) then
                  _LinkMsgPart(_Group, _AttLnk, _Pair.Value.DisplayFilename);
              else if (SameText(CATTLNK_TYPE_FILE, _Match.Groups.Item[CATTLNK_TYPE].Value)) then
                if (SameText(_Pair.Value.SourceFilename, _Match.Groups.Item[CATTLNK_ID].Value)) then
                  _LinkMsgPart(_Group, _AttLnk, _Pair.Value.DisplayFilename);

      _SL.Add('<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">');
      _SL.Add('<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset="UTF-8" />');
      _SL.Add(Format('<title>%s</title>', ['Title']));
      _SL.Add(Format('<div>%s</div>', [BodyText]));
      // assign the message text
      _MsgPartBody.Body := _SL;

      for _Idx := 0 to Length(Attachments) - 1 do
        with TIdAttachmentFile.Create(_IdMsg.MessageParts, Attachments[_Idx]) do
          ContentID := Format('%d_attach_%s', [_Idx, ContentIdgenerate]);

    // Wichtig ist dabei einzig und allein der X-Header (damit es als eine neue, zu sendende EMail verarbeitet wird): X-Unset
    _IdMsg.Headers.Add('X-Unsent: 1');

    // Save to file
    _FileName := Format('%s\%s.eml', [CurrentSession_UConstants.Path_MailTemp, ContentIdgenerate]);

    // Mark file for delete on reboot/logout

      // 'Open' file -> Default Email Client will open
      DoExecute(0, _FileName, '', 'open', False);
      Result := True;
      on E: Exception do
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