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Kas Ob.

Registriert seit: 3. Sep 2023
386 Beiträge

AW: Kleines Weihnachtsgeschenk von der DEC

  Alt 3. Jan 2025, 08:01

What just jump into my eye is this, cant this be written more efficient?
class function TDECPaddingCommon.CalculatePaddingLength(DataLength, BlockSize, MinLength: Integer): Integer;
  if (MinLength < 0) or (DataLength < 0) or (BlockSize < 0) or (MinLength or BlockSize = 0) then
like so

class function TDECPaddingCommon.CalculatePaddingLength(DataLength, BlockSize, MinLength: Integer): Integer;
  if (MinLength <= 0) or (DataLength <= 0) or (BlockSize <= 0) then
Not sure is there is any hidden math trick behind that logic, have not thought too deep into it ...
Simple, none of these can be negative but all can be zero, with only one condition that MinLength and BlockSize can't be zero at the same time.
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