Phew! Quite a lot! I still need to understand parts of it, but I'm gratefull for
your donation of other paddings!
We (Christoph and me) need to have a look at your stuff and try to understand it,
then we can make up or minds about whether to take it 1:1 or in a modified variant.
This will take a little bit of time.
About the test data used in your sample run: do you have any URLs for the srouce
of those? I'm asking because I had already learned years ago that some of the
test data in
DEC (a project which I inherited btw.) was not 100% correct and thus
masked 1 or 2 bugs in
DEC. I tried to find the original/official test data for the
hash algorithms then at least and was only partially successfull. But I "implemented"
what I found as original test data.