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Kas Ob.

Registriert seit: 3. Sep 2023
379 Beiträge

AW: Kleines Weihnachtsgeschenk von der DEC

  Alt 24. Dez 2024, 17:03
Happy holidays to you too and too everyone !

Nice and thank you for work and contribution!

One very small thing i saw here
This should be exception raised in consistent with the used style and coding, if the length is 0 this PKCS7 padding is absent and broken.

on side note: these exception in general, not only in PKCS7 or any specific unit
raise EDECCipherException.Create('xxxxxxxxxx'); Can affect performance due to code for string handling inserted by the compiler, although using TBytes itself does that too, so the following is not so important performance wise in this case per se, but..
replacing these calls with something centralized would be contain the usage of the strings and open the door for localization or at least just translating, it is cosmetic suggestion mostly.
as procedure DECExceptionRaise(DECEXCEPT_CIPHER_PADDING_PKCS7_INVALID;...); And this could be applied to other exception across the library to make it useful, see these
  sInvalidMessageLength = 'Message length for mode %0:s must be a multiple of %1:d bytes';
  sInvalidBlockSize = 'Block size must be %0:d bit for selected mode %1:s';
  sInvalidModeForMethod = 'Invalid mode for this method. Mode must be %0:s';

procedure TDECCipherModes.SetDataToAuthenticate(const Value: TBytes);
  if (FMode = cmGCM) then
    FGCM.DataToAuthenticate := Value
    raise EDECCipherException.CreateResFmt(@sInvalidModeForMethod, ['cmGCM']);
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