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Rolf Frei

Registriert seit: 19. Jun 2006
655 Beiträge
Delphi 11 Alexandria

AW: Warnung vor massivem Einsatz von Generics in Delphi

  Alt 17. Dez 2024, 17:54
Hat Delphi 12.2 nicht einen 64 Bit Compiler und Linker erhalten, der aber idiotischerweise nur in der Enterprise+ Version enthalten ist. Ist damit das Memory Problem nicht gelöst? Oder mache ich hier ein Durcheinander?

Delphi 64-bit Compilers

RAD Studio version 12.2 Enterprise and Architect versions include 64-bit versions of the Delphi compilers. The new feature is referred to as 64-bit tools architecture. Using 64-bit tools allows users to have a larger memory space available to the compiler and, therefore, the ability to compile larger applications without running into memory issues.

The following are the new 64-bit tools:

Delphi Windows 32-bit target compiler
Delphi Windows 64-bit target compiler

Using the external MSBuild to compile, in the Delphi compiler configuration in the RAD Studio IDE Project Options dialog box, specify the version of the tools (including the command line compilers) to use in the “Preferred tool architecture” field.

Find the Delphi Windows command line compilers, dcc32.exe and dcc64.exe, in the RAD Studio installation bin64 folder (C:\Program Files (x86)\Embarcadero\Studio\23.0\bin64 by default), the. Similar executables still exist in the product bin folder, the command line compiler 32-bit versions.
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