Thema: Delphi Video playback?

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Benutzerbild von himitsu

Registriert seit: 11. Okt 2003
Ort: Elbflorenz
44.332 Beiträge
Delphi 12 Athens

AW: Video playback?

  Alt 15. Dez 2024, 12:45
The TMediaPlayer can do more than you think.
If you have access to, you might be able to watch one of the contributions from Bei Google suchenEKON 28 ( Or you might have been there in person and watched it live.

not VCL ... VLC
Bei Google suchenLibVLC (Bei Google suchenVideoLAN Client)

Many media players, for example, offer an ActiveX component that can be integrated into your own program.
But you could also use the TWebBrowser to display the video there.
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