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Kas Ob.

Registriert seit: 3. Sep 2023
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AW: Virtueller Zugriff auf Dateien

  Alt 26. Nov 2024, 10:40
@Kas Ob.: Ja, das ist preislich schon eine andere Liga ... Davon abgesehen habe ich es nicht ganz so verstanden was die anbieten. Es macht für mich den Eindruck als da tatsächlich ein virtuelles Dateisystem in Windows zum Einsatz kommt. Ich möchte dagegen nur die Delphi-Datei-Methoden virtuell haben.

Well, most likely i don't understand your need 100%, though i got the idea that you looking for some sort of solid file storage, or at least the interface or layer for such thing solution, back when it was Eldos, these 4 libraries were more than 4 and smaller, and per their designs they fit together also they had brilliant layered design so at every stage you can derive your own work and replace the default, anyways, if you are looking for the virtual or the solid file storage, then :

1) if you look at https://www.callback.com/cbfsvault then you will see that you can build and use the virtual/solidfile , they called it CBFS Vault layer, yet again this file(/system) could be mounted on every system as the library comes with many OS drivers to do so, or leave it for your own applications (example, called users in the diagram), again it is multi layered library,
to make it clearer with example, if you are familiar with TrueCrypt/VeraCrypt then you can have your own natively Pascal/Delphi built with few lines of code, and again this doesn't mean you are limited to their solid file storage standard as you can provide the files as you see fit from zip or generate them on the fly, these are just a scratch of what this library can do, and i hope it did clear some.

2) I remember seeing and testing few libraries in torry.net years ago, well can't find much now, but have a look at https://github.com/gabr42/GpDelphiUn...redStorage.pas it could be your needed interface, yet i already have fixed data structure to be used with its own, so it is solid file storage only for storing ordinary files (not virtualized), but non the less it is great and will provide you with idea(s).
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