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Kas Ob.

Registriert seit: 3. Sep 2023
386 Beiträge

AW: Packages in anderem Verzeichnis

  Alt 24. Sep 2024, 08:34
  var Environment := TStringList.Create;
  Environment.TrailingLineBreak := True;
  Environment.LineBreak := #0;

  //Environment.StrictDelimiter := True;
  //Environment.Delimiter := #0;
  //Environment.DelimitedText := GetEnvironmentStrings;
  var P := GetEnvironmentStrings;
  var S: String;
  while P <> 'do begin
    Inc(P, Succ(Length(P)));

  Environment.Values['PATH'] := Environment.Values['PATH'] + ';' + TPath.Combine(TPath.GetAppPath, 'Version_1.0.0');

  var Test := Environment.Text;
  //CreateProcess(ApplicationName, CommandLine, ProcessAttributes, ThreadAttributes, InheritHandles, CreationFlags, PChar(Environment.Text), CurrentDirectory, StartupInfo, ProcessInformation);
Well, that is nice !

Alas, i can't repeat it on my XE8, and neither it will work on older versions.

On side note: Environment.Text should add an extra null char (two zeros bytes when used with CreateProcess), so it should be PChar(Environment.Text + #0), of course assuming the last line has the null terminator, if not then it should be added also, and that honestly because i never used StringList with #0 as LineBreak, it gives me goosebumps.
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