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Kas Ob.

Registriert seit: 3. Sep 2023
385 Beiträge

AW: Google Chrome Sicherheitswarnungen

  Alt 27. Aug 2024, 12:53
I want to submit my program to google to avoid the download warning.
Download from where ?
Use that URL., not the home page of a site ( or your site), the URL must be directly leading to that false positive reported file (binary or whatever).

And that is the whole point of Safe Browsing, to staple an application to an URL, only then Google can check frequently and to some extend vouch for the application and its site.

Google is trying with its safe browsing to be an alternative to Code Signing or more like a complementary service to it, without depending on the PKI trust chain and stores, also safe browsing is not for executables and scripts, this include all sort of media, like audio, video, images and prohibited/controversial text content files, in other words any un-safe files, according to some non disclosed criteria or simply following the laws (local and international).
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