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Kas Ob.

Registriert seit: 3. Sep 2023
355 Beiträge

AW: Windows 11 - Partitionsverwaltung

  Alt 20. Aug 2024, 14:02
Was mich aber auch bissl nervt, dass in der neuen Verwaltung die Checkbox "Schnellformatieren" angehakt und disabled ist,
was ich aber gern haben wollte, da ich soeben eine alte Fesplatte, eines kaputten PCs, löschen wolte, bevor sie hier in der Rumpelschublade verschwindet und vielleicht doch irgendwann weggeworfen wird.
Slow or normal format removed for good reason, as almost all disks now are SSD, and slow format just like wipe will eat of its life like fire, the impact of fully rewrite SSD is significant.

Anyway, use either :
1) There cipher command on Windows that does secure wiping
Use the /w to torture the disk BDSM style !, though not all SSD support low level access, but in such case the data are there and not wiped, yet if the wiper can't reach it then no software can recover it too, yet again hardware intervention can recover it, then the best solution is to use the good old hammer then melt it in real fire.

2) 3rd party tools, like https://www.partitionwizard.com/free...n-manager.html i used/using this for many years, it is the best in my opinion.
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