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Kas Ob.

Registriert seit: 3. Sep 2023
386 Beiträge

AW: Akku leer obwohl voll?

  Alt 5. Aug 2024, 10:14
Just a point for correction here, if i understood the translation right :

Das ist ja Chipset/Bios was den Zustand des Akkus ausließt und dir mitteilt. Das kann schon sein dass da irgend ein Fehler drinne ist der beim Bios Update Schluckauf bekommen hat.
BIOS has nothing to do with the battery status,(<- as status in general), BIOS only can see it and interface with it as general device according to standardized specification, only when BIOS build with custom additions then it might report these extra status beyond the battery is there and responding, and in this case the battery has no interface but its power circuit (inverter/charger, the power unit) will interface with BIOS.

That powerunit/controller... will only be added to the DMI table in the bios https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deskto...ment_Interface
form that DMI, the status of the battery can be read using the assigned/allocated addresses, but BIOS in general will not interface or handle any specific information like what percent power the battery holds.
These addresses can hold and response standardized behavior, but also can hold customized per provider some sort of API, documented or not.
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