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EKON 28 Coming Up Next November

  Alt 29. Jul 2024, 12:10
EKON is one of the oldest Delphi conferences in the world, although it started with multiple topcis to eventually focus on Delphi. It's a very nice gathering, with top speakers and a nice community of attendees. I generally like this event a lot, and I'll be back this year to give a keynote and three technical sessions.*

From the official announcement: "35 sessions and 4 workshops on the topics: Delphi innovations, cross-platforms, IoT, databases, frameworks, tools, Delphi basics, web and cloud technologies as well as the latest methods and best practices await you at the conference."

Notice that there is an early bird discount of up to 200 Eur*per person if you sign up before*September 5th

More information at*https://entwickler-konferenz.de/en/. The current program with speakers and sessions is at*https://entwickler-konferenz.de/program-en/

See you in Duesseldorf!


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