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Kas Ob.

Registriert seit: 3. Sep 2023
353 Beiträge

AW: TLB Datei importieren Delphi 7

  Alt 24. Jul 2024, 19:07
Few things here :
1) Well Delphi.Narium answered this part, Don't trust that every class/type in VB does have the same name in Delphi,
example : in VB an Object is not TObject in Delphi (not even close).

2) In earlier post you did the unthinkable, something you should never ever do with COM, commenting a line !, just for the sake of testing for if it does compile then it is OK, but never leave it commented, the reason for that is ... the methods will be shifted one down ,
example : in you case with commenting line 5840, if you use or access CertBA your code in reality will be calling/accessing CertObj.

3) Uwe answered how when and when in doubt to drop TXML on a form, though i prefer TDataModule to isolate it, but that is irrelevant and up to you, one thing though you still can call CreateOleObject and as per documentation, the parameter from https://docwiki.embarcadero.com/Libr...reateOleObject
ClassName specifies the string representation of the Class ID (CLSID).
So the ClassName (from you uploaded file to dropbox) is one of these
// *********************************************************************//
// In dieser Typbibliothek deklarierte GUIDS . Es werden folgende        
// Präfixe verwendet:                                                    
//   Typbibliotheken    : LIBID_xxxx                                    
//   CoClasses          : CLASS_xxxx                                    
//   DISPInterfaces     : DIID_xxxx                                    
//   Nicht-DISP-Schnittstellen: IID_xxxx                                      
// *********************************************************************//
  // Haupt- und Nebenversionen der Typbibliothek

  LIBID_Aloaha_ZUGFeRD: TGUID = '{AF1E54F4-DE27-417C-A34E-9F03B663A22C}';

  IID__INIDatei: TGUID = '{4ECB07A2-B915-3A9F-A543-E8120E8D2F12}';
  IID__EasyIniDatei: TGUID = '{3F574D79-3062-3FB7-87AC-7F494B81E926}';
  IID__IniFileCache: TGUID = '{AF3F5583-F74A-3459-919E-9DE6E93C5019}';
  IID__IniFile: TGUID = '{14629400-4F8C-3548-B141-65473195083D}';
  IID__Win32Cache: TGUID = '{D308DDF8-9038-3331-8C66-AF2163DC1D5F}';
  IID__FileSavedEventHandler: TGUID = '{7C5CAA74-5937-3BEC-9DA3-2820B38EA0CD}';
  IID__IniSection: TGUID = '{BB1EC858-CB3F-3B0D-BC88-2C28E05B70DB}';
  IID__IniKey: TGUID = '{AF7A9D07-1DC1-3477-A204-CEBA63FD55E1}';
  IID__Win32Functions: TGUID = '{BCFCEE28-FDB1-365D-8540-B986865BA477}';
  IID__ReguEx: TGUID = '{99D3C287-24D1-34E7-B77E-D41C718B572E}';
  IID__RegCOMServer: TGUID = '{BCE5A303-6F96-3EE9-8BFB-CE9D79FAB6E2}';
  IID__PlainHelperThreadSafe: TGUID = '{D63EF142-4AAA-3B02-B8A4-4D5824E49884}';
One you identified your control/class... you can use its declared constant with CreateOleObject

4) You might want to give CnWizard a test with Delphi 7, its autocomplete might works way better than the IDE included one.
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