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Kas Ob.

Registriert seit: 3. Sep 2023
379 Beiträge

AW: IDE debuggen und __Recovery?

  Alt 3. Jul 2024, 14:37
@himitsu , in your second screenshot your focused thread is not the main one, yet it does show what may be the culprit,

LdrInitializeThunk is the kernel function responsible for loading dynamic libraries, most likely and like when the an exe is loading and the OS is preparing and loading its dependencies from its import table, some DLL loaded by LoadLibrary might pass without this, yet this one might be called for the import for that DLL, aka not directly.

On side note : i hate delayed loading import, it can lead to unpredictable cases.

Is there any thing useful with the main thread ? , as it is visible in the screen shot, which in a loop too, but with less intensive CPU usage at ~500 million cycle per second.
So your main thread might show the dead loop or at least more information.

extra resource:
, yet your case might be in loading and failed memory allocation, yet the main thread request loading again...
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