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Kas Ob.

Registriert seit: 3. Sep 2023
386 Beiträge

AW: Nach Update auf Delphi12 startet compiliertes Prog nicht mehr. Fehler bei LoadRes

  Alt 20. Jun 2024, 10:44
Hat jemand eine Idee, wo ich weiter suchen kann?
Look in every "initialization" section being called before this one, most likely the exact unit before "Soap.XSBuiltIns", this one is innocent and the error somewhere earlier.

What did happen ?
Either : (these what came to mind, may be there is more)
1) a unit in initialization section directly had corrupted the stack, aka overwrite it,
2) a unit in initialization section performed an operation that pushed/fooled the memory manager to corrupt a global variable or singleton class, that lead to corrupted stack,
3) a unit in initialization section corrupted the stack by using the wrong calling convention.

Example : loading a library (DLL) with broken declaration (wrong call convention, like missing stdcall where it is needed or using it when it is not needed) could lead to this.

In all cases the error root is in the initialization section of one unit being initialized before "Soap.XSBuiltIns".
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