Thema: Prism Unit-Aliasnamen

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Registriert seit: 23. Sep 2002
Ort: Frankfurt am Main (in der Nähe)
1.840 Beiträge
Delphi 10 Seattle Enterprise

Re: Unit-Aliasnamen

  Alt 12. Mai 2004, 13:22
Zitat von Peter Lustig:
Laut Delphi-Hilfe ist es möglich, Kurznamen für Units einzuführen.
das habe ich auch in der Hilfe gefunden.
Bei mir funktioniert es auch nicht.

Zitat von Borland Hilfe:
Unit aliases

Namespaces can become quite long and cumbersome to type. Delphi for .NET allows you to
declare a local unit alias to introduce an alias for a long namespace.
The following uses clause introduces a local unit alias:
uses MyCompany.AVeryLongNamespaceDesignation.VeryDescriptiveUnitName as aUnit; Given a unit alias, your source code can refer to an identifier by the shorter name:
// These two statements are equivalent.
Unit aliases must not conflict with other unit or namespace identifiers. Unit aliases introduce Delphi identifiers, and therefore cannot contain dots. A unit alias is local to the unit in which it is declared. A unit alias does not obscure the fully qualified unit name that it aliases; you may always refer to an identifier either by it's fully qualified name, or by a unit alias.
Link dieser Hilfeseite: ms-help://borland.bds2/bds2guide/html/UsingNamespaces.htm
(°¿°) MaBuSE - proud to be a DP member
(°¿°) MaBuSE - proud to be a "Rüsselmops" ;-)
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