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Kas Ob.

Registriert seit: 3. Sep 2023
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AW: Nach Delphi 12.1 erscheint Meldung "Der Herausgeber konnte nicht verifiziert werd

  Alt 21. Mai 2024, 19:12

Sorry if i am missing something in the translation from German.

Now, the "The publisher could not be verified." is somethin different from "Unknown publisher"

Both have something to do with the binary (the executable EXE) being signed digitally by Trusted Issuer, aka the certificate chain root and/or all the CA in the chain are in trusted publisher in the OS store.

So what is the difference :
The difference is that, if the EXE claims to be issued by some entity and the certificate can't prove that, then smart screen will show "The publisher could not be verified", this happen if you have filled some fields in Version Info for the EXE, like filled LegalCopyright, CompanyName, LegalTrademarks .... all or some, with some combination, like lets say you filled the company name as "HappyDelphiPraxis2024" or "HappyDelphiPraxis2024.com" ... then SmartScreen will try to verify this claims from fields in the certificate namely the subject (IssuedTo) in the certificate, failing to establish that it will show that message.

So, there is high chance you edited or filled the Version Info for your project in Delphi 12.1.

ps: "The publisher could not be verified." status have worse rating in SmartScreen and Windows Defender and every AntiVirus out there that will scan that EXE, all will rank that exe as more dangerous even if it is signed with trusted issuer certificate, the certificate field Issued to must be in that EXE info or remove them and leave the version only as the certificate will prove your identity, the same problem one might face when bought or have a certificate for individuals and sign an exe with company name in the EXE detail instead of the his own name.
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