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Kas Ob.

Registriert seit: 3. Sep 2023
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AW: bestimmt Frequenzen von der Soundkarte abfragen

  Alt 18. Mai 2024, 19:19

I would suggest VC from LakeOfSoft, it being released at github for years now, i had the Enterprise version from before and there is one particular demo had being removed from (not added to) github:
and on Github

This demo is not there, and i can't share it, also there is noting in it, except one needed line to build your demo or to use TunadspFFTControl
i used unavclWaveInDevice1 here but you need to find the suitable input device after understanding the VCP package, it should satisfy all your needs.

But specially i would suggest to have a look at
This unit has DTMF detector/decoder which is what you need, but of course need adjusting to for your own frequencies.

I tried this demo with the one line code above and the result in the screenshot ( i had to cough in the mic to make so many bands high ! )
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