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Kas Ob.

Registriert seit: 3. Sep 2023
386 Beiträge

AW: gesucht: Log-Liste mit Schlüssel-Wert und Parent pro Eintrag

  Alt 22. Apr 2024, 11:32
One more thing:

I had a legacy project that needed something similar, and because it was huge and the modifications could take huge time, i worked around my way in it, converted the output view to TRichVeiw, colorful view one and shipped numbers along the text, similar numbers to my above post, these numbers where within after the plain text and marked (started with @$), these codes where colored with very faint grey color almost not visible so they will not interfere with the plain error message visibility (though they could be complete white and hidden), and by clicking on any line a script executed and consumed the numbers and codes to land or perform an action like open a specific table and put the cursor on specific row and column.

Again, hope that give you ideas.
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