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barcode mit barcode.pas

Ein Thema von khh · begonnen am 6. Aug 2010 · letzter Beitrag vom 14. Mai 2011
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FreePascal / Lazarus

barcode mit barcode.pas

  Alt 6. Aug 2010, 10:09
Hallo zusammen,
ich hab bei Lazarus eine barcode.pas mit deren Hilfe ich Barodes drucken möchte.
Leider bekomme ich ne exception und ich denke ich hab irgend eine nötige Property falsch oder nicht gesetzt

Bevor ich mich jetzt da durchsteppe, hat jemand von euch schon mal was mit der Unit erfolgrecih umgesetzt, oder ne andere Idee Barcode zu drucken?

Ich danke euch

unit Barcode;

Barcode Component
Version 1.5 (23 Apr 1999)
Copyright 1998-99 Andreas Schmidt and friends


for use with Delphi 2/3/4

this component is for private use only !
i'am not responsible for wrong barcodes

bug-reports, enhancements: or

get latest version from

thanx to Nikolay Simeonov, Wolfgang Koranda, Norbert Waas,
Richard Hugues and Olivier Guilbaud.

Diese Komponente darf nur in privaten Projekten verwendet werden.
Die Weitergabe von veränderte Dateien ist nicht zulässig.
Für die Korrektheit der erzeugten Barcodes kann keine Garantie
übernommen werden.
Anregungen, Bug-Reports, Danksagungen an:

Version 1.0:
- initial release
Version 1.1:
- more comments
- changed function Code_93Extended (now correct ?)
Version 1.2:
- Bugs (found by Nikolay Simeonov) removed
Version 1.3:
- EAN8/EAN13 added by Wolfgang Koranda (
Version 1.4:
- Bug (found by Norbert Waas) removed
  Component must save the Canvas-properties Font,Pen and Brush
Version 1.5:
- Bug (found by Richard Hugues) removed
  Last line of barcode was 1 Pixel too wide
Version 1.6:
- new read-only property 'Width'

Todo (missing features)
- Code128C not implemented (could someone else
  do this for me ?)
- Wrapper Class for Quick Reports




   Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs;

        TBarcodeType = (bcCode_2_5_interleaved,

        TBarLineType = (white, black, black_half); // for internal use only
        // black_half means a black line with 2/5 height (used for PostNet)

        TBarcode = class(TComponent)
          { Private-Deklarationen }
                FHeight : integer;
                FText : string;
                FTop : integer;
                FLeft : integer;
                FModul : integer;
                FRatio : double;
                FTyp : TBarcodeType;
                FAngle : double;

                modules:array[0..3] of shortint;

                procedure OneBarProps(code:char; var aWidth:integer; var lt:TBarLineType);

                procedure DoLines(data:string; Canvas:TCanvas);

                function Code_2_5_interleaved:string;
                function Code_2_5_industrial:string;
                function Code_2_5_matrix:string;
                function Code_39:string;
                function Code_39Extended:string;
                function Code_128:string;
                function Code_93:string;
                function Code_93Extended:string;
                function Code_MSI:string;
                function Code_PostNet:string;
                function Code_Codabar:string;
                function Code_EAN8:string;
                function Code_EAN13:string;

                function GetTypText:string;
                procedure MakeModules;

                procedure SetModul(v:integer);

                function GetWidth : integer;

          { Protected-Deklarationen }
                function MakeData : string;

          { Public-Deklarationen }
                constructor Create(aOwner:TComponent); override;
                procedure DrawBarcode(Canvas:TCanvas);
                procedure DrawText(Canvas:TCanvas);
          { Published-Deklarationen }
                // Height of Barcode (Pixel)
                property Height : integer read FHeight write FHeight;
                property Text : string read FText write FText;
                property Top : integer read FTop write FTop;
                property Left : integer read FLeft write FLeft;
                // Width of the smallest line in a Barcode
                property Modul : integer read FModul write SetModul;
                property Ratio : double read FRatio write FRatio;
                property Typ : TBarcodeType read FTyp write FTyp default bcCode_2_5_interleaved;
                // build CheckSum ?
                property Checksum:boolean read FCheckSum write FCheckSum default FALSE;
                // 0 - 360 degree
                property Angle :double read FAngle write FAngle;

                property ShowText:boolean read FShowText write FShowText default FALSE;
                property Width : integer read GetWidth;

// procedure Register; // Removed by TZ


        converts a string from '321' to the internal representation '715'
        i need this function because some pattern tables have a different
        format :

        converts to '05161'


function Convert(s:string):string;
        i, v : integer;
        t : string;
        t := '';
        for i:=1 to Length(s) do
                v := ord(s[i]) - 1;

                if odd(i) then
                        Inc(v, 5);
                t := t + Chr(v);
        Convert := t;

* Berechne die Quersumme aus einer Zahl x
* z.B.: Quersumme von 1234 ist 10

function quersumme(x:integer):integer;
        sum := 0;

        while x > 0 do
                sum := sum + (x mod 10);
                x := x div 10;
        result := sum;

        Rotate a Point by Angle 'alpha'

function Rotate2D(p:TPoint; alpha:double): TPoint;
        sinus, cosinus : Extended;
        sinus := sin(alpha);
        cosinus := cos(alpha);
        result.x := Round(p.x*cosinus + p.y*sinus);
        result.y := Round(-p.x*sinus + p.y*cosinus);

        Move Point a by Vector b

function Translate2D(a, b:TPoint): TPoint;
        result.x := a.x + b.x;
        result.y := a.y + b.y;

constructor TBarcode.Create(aOwner:TComponent);
  inherited Create(aOwner);

  FAngle := 0.0;
  FRatio := 2.0;
  FModul := 1;
  FTyp := bcCodeEAN13;
  FCheckSum := FALSE;
  FShowText := FALSE;

function TBarcode.GetTypText:string;

const bcNames:array[bcCode_2_5_interleaved..bcCodeEAN13] of string =
                ('Code39 Extended'),
                ('Code93 Extended'),

        result := bcNames[FTyp];

// set Modul Width
procedure TBarcode.SetModul(v:integer);
        if (v >= 1) and (v < 50) then
                FModul := v;

calculate the width and the linetype of a sigle bar

  Code  Line-Color      Width              Height
        '0'  white          100%                full
        '1'  white          100%*Ratio          full
        '2'  white          150%*Ratio          full
        '3'  white          200%*Ratio          full
        '5'  black          100%                full
        '6'  black          100%*Ratio          full
        '7'  black          150%*Ratio          full
        '8'  black          200%*Ratio          full
        'A'  black          100%                2/5  (used for PostNet)
        'B'  black          100%*Ratio          2/5  (used for PostNet)
        'C'  black          150%*Ratio          2/5  (used for PostNet)
        'D'  black          200%*Ratio          2/5  (used for PostNet)

procedure TBarcode.OneBarProps(code:char; var aWidth:integer; var lt:TBarLineType);
        case code of
                '0': begin aWidth := modules[0]; lt := white; end;
                '1': begin aWidth := modules[1]; lt := white; end;
                '2': begin aWidth := modules[2]; lt := white; end;
                '3': begin aWidth := modules[3]; lt := white; end;

                '5': begin aWidth := modules[0]; lt := black; end;
                '6': begin aWidth := modules[1]; lt := black; end;
                '7': begin aWidth := modules[2]; lt := black; end;
                '8': begin aWidth := modules[3]; lt := black; end;

                'A': begin aWidth := modules[0]; lt := black_half; end;
                'B': begin aWidth := modules[1]; lt := black_half; end;
                'C': begin aWidth := modules[2]; lt := black_half; end;
                'D': begin aWidth := modules[3]; lt := black_half; end;
                // something went wrong :-(
                // mistyped pattern table
                raise Exception.CreateFmt('%s: internal Error', [self.ClassName]);

function TBarcode.MakeData : string;
        // calculate the with of the different lines (modules)

        // get the pattern of the barcode
        case Typ of
                bcCode_2_5_interleaved: Result := Code_2_5_interleaved;
                bcCode_2_5_industrial: Result := Code_2_5_industrial;
                bcCode_2_5_matrix: Result := Code_2_5_matrix;
                bcCode39: Result := Code_39;
                bcCode39Extended: Result := Code_39Extended;
                bcCode128C: Result := Code_128;
                bcCode93: Result := Code_93;
                bcCode93Extended: Result := Code_93Extended;
                bcCodeMSI: Result := Code_MSI;
                bcCodePostNet: Result := Code_PostNet;
                bcCodeCodabar: Result := Code_Codabar;
                bcCodeEAN8: Result := Code_EAN8;
                bcCodeEAN13: Result := Code_EAN13;
                raise Exception.CreateFmt('%s: wrong BarcodeType', [self.ClassName]);

//Showmessage(Format('Data <%s>', [Result]));

function TBarcode.GetWidth:integer;
        data : string;
        i : integer;
        w : integer;
        lt : TBarLineType;
        Result := 0;

        // get barcode pattern
        data := MakeData;

        for i:=1 to Length(data) do // examine the pattern string
                OneBarProps(data[i], w, lt);
                Inc(Result, w);

////////////////////////////// EAN /////////////////////////////////////////

function getEAN(Nr : String) : String;
   var i,fak,sum : Integer;
       tmp : String;
     sum := 0;
     tmp := copy(nr,1,Length(Nr)-1);
     fak := Length(tmp);
          for i:=1 to length(tmp) do
         if (fak mod 2) = 0 then
            sum := sum + (StrToInt(tmp[i])*1)
            sum := sum + (StrToInt(tmp[i])*3);
     if (sum mod 10) = 0 then
        result := tmp+'0'
                  result := tmp+IntToStr(10-(sum mod 10));

////////////////////////////// EAN8 /////////////////////////////////////////

// Pattern for Barcode EAN Zeichensatz A
// L1 S1 L2 S2
const tabelle_EAN_A:array['0'..'9', 1..4] of char =
        ('2', '6', '0', '5'), // 0
        ('1', '6', '1', '5'), // 1
        ('1', '5', '1', '6'), // 2
        ('0', '8', '0', '5'), // 3
        ('0', '5', '2', '6'), // 4
        ('0', '6', '2', '5'), // 5
        ('0', '5', '0', '8'), // 6
        ('0', '7', '0', '6'), // 7
        ('0', '6', '0', '7'), // 8
        ('2', '5', '0', '6') // 9

// Pattern for Barcode EAN Zeichensatz C
// S1 L1 S2 L2
const tabelle_EAN_C:array['0'..'9', 1..4] of char =
        ('7', '1', '5', '0' ), // 0
        ('6', '1', '6', '0' ), // 1
        ('6', '0', '6', '1' ), // 2
        ('5', '3', '5', '0' ), // 3
        ('5', '0', '7', '1' ), // 4
        ('5', '1', '7', '0' ), // 5
        ('5', '0', '5', '3' ), // 6
        ('5', '2', '5', '1' ), // 7
        ('5', '1', '5', '2' ), // 8
        ('7', '0', '5', '1' ) // 9

function TBarcode.Code_EAN8:string;
        i, j: integer;
        tmp : String;
        if FCheckSum then
           tmp := '00000000'+FText;
                          tmp := getEAN(copy(tmp,length(tmp)-6,7)+'0');
           tmp := Ftext;

        result := '505'; // Startcode

        for i:=1 to 4 do
            for j:= 1 to 4 do
                                         result := result + tabelle_EAN_A[tmp[i], j] ;

        result := result + '05050'; // Trennzeichen

        for i:=5 to 8 do
            for j:= 1 to 4 do
                                         result := result + tabelle_EAN_C[tmp[i], j] ;

        result := result + '505'; // Stopcode

////////////////////////////// EAN13 ///////////////////////////////////////

// Pattern for Barcode EAN Zeichensatz B
// L1 S1 L2 S2
const tabelle_EAN_B:array['0'..'9', 1..4] of char =
        ('0', '5', '1', '7'), // 0
        ('0', '6', '1', '6'), // 1
        ('1', '6', '0', '6'), // 2
        ('0', '5', '3', '5'), // 3
        ('1', '7', '0', '5'), // 4
        ('0', '7', '1', '5'), // 5
        ('3', '5', '0', '5'), // 6
        ('1', '5', '2', '5'), // 7
        ('2', '5', '1', '5'), // 8
        ('1', '5', '0', '7') // 9

// Zuordung der Paraitaetsfolgen für EAN13
const tabelle_ParityEAN13:array[0..9, 1..6] of char =
        ('A', 'A', 'A', 'A', 'A', 'A'), // 0
        ('A', 'A', 'B', 'A', 'B', 'B'), // 1
        ('A', 'A', 'B', 'B', 'A', 'B'), // 2
        ('A', 'A', 'B', 'B', 'B', 'A'), // 3
        ('A', 'B', 'A', 'A', 'B', 'B'), // 4
        ('A', 'B', 'B', 'A', 'A', 'B'), // 5
        ('A', 'B', 'B', 'B', 'A', 'A'), // 6
        ('A', 'B', 'A', 'B', 'A', 'B'), // 7
        ('A', 'B', 'A', 'B', 'B', 'A'), // 8
        ('A', 'B', 'B', 'A', 'B', 'A') // 9

function TBarcode.Code_EAN13:string;
        i, j, LK: integer;
        tmp : String;
        if FCheckSum then
                tmp := '0000000000000'+FText;
                tmp := getEAN(copy(tmp,length(tmp)-11,12)+'0');
                tmp := Ftext;

        LK := StrToInt(tmp[1]);
        tmp := copy(tmp,2,12);

        result := '505'; // Startcode

        for i:=1 to 6 do
                case tabelle_ParityEAN13[LK,i] of
                        'A' : for j:= 1 to 4 do
                                                result := result + tabelle_EAN_A[tmp[i], j] ;
                        'B' : for j:= 1 to 4 do
                                                result := result + tabelle_EAN_B[tmp[i], j] ;
                        'C' : for j:= 1 to 4 do
                                                result := result + tabelle_EAN_C[tmp[i], j] ;

        result := result + '05050'; // Trennzeichen

        for i:=7 to 12 do
                for j:= 1 to 4 do
                        result := result + tabelle_EAN_C[tmp[i], j] ;

        result := result + '505'; // Stopcode

// Pattern for Barcode 2 of 5
const tabelle_2_5:array['0'..'9', 1..5] of char =
        ('0', '0', '1', '1', '0'), // 0
        ('1', '0', '0', '0', '1'), // 1
        ('0', '1', '0', '0', '1'), // 2
        ('1', '1', '0', '0', '0'), // 3
        ('0', '0', '1', '0', '1'), // 4
        ('1', '0', '1', '0', '0'), // 5
        ('0', '1', '1', '0', '0'), // 6
        ('0', '0', '0', '1', '1'), // 7
        ('1', '0', '0', '1', '0'), // 8
        ('0', '1', '0', '1', '0') // 9

function TBarcode.Code_2_5_interleaved:string;
        i, j: integer;
        c : char;

        result := '5050'; // Startcode

        for i:=1 to Length(FText) div 2 do
                for j:= 1 to 5 do
                        if tabelle_2_5[FText[i*2-1], j] = '1then
                                c := '6'
                                c := '5';
                        result := result + c;
                        if tabelle_2_5[FText[i*2], j] = '1then
                                c := '1'
                                c := '0';
                        result := result + c;

        result := result + '605'; // Stopcode

function TBarcode.Code_2_5_industrial:string;
        i, j: integer;
        result := '606050'; // Startcode

        for i:=1 to Length(FText) do
                for j:= 1 to 5 do
                if tabelle_2_5[FText[i], j] = '1then
                        result := result + '60'
                        result := result + '50';

        result := result + '605060'; // Stopcode

function TBarcode.Code_2_5_matrix:string;
        i, j: integer;
        c :char;
        result := '705050'; // Startcode

        for i:=1 to Length(FText) do
                for j:= 1 to 5 do
                        if tabelle_2_5[FText[i], j] = '1then
                                c := '1'
                                c := '0';

                        // Falls i ungerade ist dann mache Lücke zu Strich
                        if odd(j) then
                                c := chr(ord(c)+5);
                        result := result + c;
                result := result + '0'; // Lücke zwischen den Zeichen

        result := result + '70505'; // Stopcode

function TBarcode.Code_39:string;

type TCode39 =
                c : char;
                data : array[0..9] of char;
                chk: shortint;

const tabelle_39: array[0..43] of TCode39 = (
        ( c:'0'; data:'505160605'; chk:0 ),
        ( c:'1'; data:'605150506'; chk:1 ),
        ( c:'2'; data:'506150506'; chk:2 ),
        ( c:'3'; data:'606150505'; chk:3 ),
        ( c:'4'; data:'505160506'; chk:4 ),
        ( c:'5'; data:'605160505'; chk:5 ),
        ( c:'6'; data:'506160505'; chk:6 ),
        ( c:'7'; data:'505150606'; chk:7 ),
        ( c:'8'; data:'605150605'; chk:8 ),
        ( c:'9'; data:'506150605'; chk:9 ),
        ( c:'A'; data:'605051506'; chk:10),
        ( c:'B'; data:'506051506'; chk:11),
        ( c:'C'; data:'606051505'; chk:12),
        ( c:'D'; data:'505061506'; chk:13),
        ( c:'E'; data:'605061505'; chk:14),
        ( c:'F'; data:'506061505'; chk:15),
        ( c:'G'; data:'505051606'; chk:16),
        ( c:'H'; data:'605051605'; chk:17),
        ( c:'I'; data:'506051600'; chk:18),
        ( c:'J'; data:'505061605'; chk:19),
        ( c:'K'; data:'605050516'; chk:20),
        ( c:'L'; data:'506050516'; chk:21),
        ( c:'M'; data:'606050515'; chk:22),
        ( c:'N'; data:'505060516'; chk:23),
        ( c:'O'; data:'605060515'; chk:24),
        ( c:'P'; data:'506060515'; chk:25),
        ( c:'Q'; data:'505050616'; chk:26),
        ( c:'R'; data:'605050615'; chk:27),
        ( c:'S'; data:'506050615'; chk:28),
        ( c:'T'; data:'505060615'; chk:29),
        ( c:'U'; data:'615050506'; chk:30),
        ( c:'V'; data:'516050506'; chk:31),
        ( c:'W'; data:'616050505'; chk:32),
        ( c:'X'; data:'515060506'; chk:33),
        ( c:'Y'; data:'615060505'; chk:34),
        ( c:'Z'; data:'516060505'; chk:35),
        ( c:'-'; data:'515050606'; chk:36),
        ( c:'.'; data:'615050605'; chk:37),
        ( c:' '; data:'516050605'; chk:38),
        ( c:'*'; data:'515060605'; chk:0 ),
        ( c:'$'; data:'515151505'; chk:39),
        ( c:'/'; data:'515150515'; chk:40),
        ( c:'+'; data:'515051515'; chk:41),
        ( c:'%'; data:'505151515'; chk:42)

function FindIdx(z:char):integer;
  Result := -1;
  for i:=0 to High(tabelle_39) do
    if z = tabelle_39[i].c then
      Result := i;

  i, idx : integer;

  vChecksum := 0;
  // Startcode
  Result:=tabelle_39[FindIdx('*')].data + '0';

  for i:=1 to Length(FText) do
    idx := FindIdx(FText[i]);
    if idx < 0 then
    result := result + tabelle_39[idx].data + '0';
    Inc(vChecksum, tabelle_39[idx].chk);

  // Calculate Checksum Data
  if FCheckSum then
    vChecksum := vChecksum mod 43;
    for i:=0 to High(tabelle_39) do
      if vChecksum = tabelle_39[i].chk then
        Result := result + tabelle_39[i].data + '0';

  // Stopcode
  Result := result + tabelle_39[FindIdx('*')].data;

function TBarcode.Code_39Extended:string;

const code39x : array[0..127] of string[2] =
        ('%U'), ('$A'), ('$B'), ('$C'), ('$D'), ('$E'), ('$F'), ('$G'),
        ('$H'), ('$I'), ('$J'), ('$K'), ('$L'), ('$M'), ('$N'), ('$O'),
        ('$P'), ('$Q'), ('$R'), ('$S'), ('$T'), ('$U'), ('$V'), ('$W'),
        ('$X'), ('$Y'), ('$Z'), ('%A'), ('%B'), ('%C'), ('%D'), ('%E'),
         (' '), ('/A'), ('/B'), ('/C'), ('/D'), ('/E'), ('/F'), ('/G'),
        ('/H'), ('/I'), ('/J'), ('/K'), ('/L'), ('/M'), ('/N'), ('/O'),
        ( '0'), ('1'), ('2'), ('3'), ('4'), ('5'), ('6'), ('7'),
         ('8'), ('9'), ('/Z'), ('%F'), ('%G'), ('%H'), ('%I'), ('%J'),
        ('%V'), ('A'), ('B'), ('C'), ('D'), ('E'), ('F'), ('G'),
         ('H'), ('I'), ('J'), ('K'), ('L'), ('M'), ('N'), ('O'),
         ('P'), ('Q'), ('R'), ('S'), ('T'), ('U'), ('V'), ('W'),
         ('X'), ('Y'), ('Z'), ('%K'), ('%L'), ('%M'), ('%N'), ('%O'),
        ('%W'), ('+A'), ('+B'), ('+C'), ('+D'), ('+E'), ('+F'), ('+G'),
        ('+H'), ('+I'), ('+J'), ('+K'), ('+L'), ('+M'), ('+N'), ('+O'),
        ('+P'), ('+Q'), ('+R'), ('+S'), ('+T'), ('+U'), ('+V'), ('+W'),
        ('+X'), ('+Y'), ('+Z'), ('%P'), ('%Q'), ('%R'), ('%S'), ('%T')

        i : integer;
        save := FText;
        FText := '';

        for i:=1 to Length(save) do
                if ord(save[i]) <= 127 then
                        FText := FText + code39x[ord(save[i])];
        result := Code_39;
        FText := save;

Code 128

function TBarcode.Code_128:string;
type TCode128 =
                a, b : char;
                c : string[2];
                data : string[6];

const tabelle_128: array[0..102] of TCode128 = (
        ( a:' '; b:' '; c:'00'; data:'212222'; ),
        ( a:'!'; b:'!'; c:'01'; data:'222122'; ),
        ( a:'"'; b:'"'; c:'02'; data:'222221'; ),
        ( a:'#'; b:'#'; c:'03'; data:'121223'; ),
        ( a:'$'; b:'$'; c:'04'; data:'121322'; ),
        ( a:'%'; b:'%'; c:'05'; data:'131222'; ),
        ( a:'&'; b:'&'; c:'06'; data:'122213'; ),
        ( a:''''; b:''''; c:'07'; data:'122312'; ),
        ( a:'('; b:'('; c:'08'; data:'132212'; ),
        ( a:')'; b:')'; c:'09'; data:'221213'; ),
        ( a:'*'; b:'*'; c:'10'; data:'221312'; ),
        ( a:'+'; b:'+'; c:'11'; data:'231212'; ),
        ( a:'´'; b:'´'; c:'12'; data:'112232'; ),
        ( a:'-'; b:'-'; c:'13'; data:'122132'; ),
        ( a:'.'; b:'.'; c:'14'; data:'122231'; ),
        ( a:'/'; b:'/'; c:'15'; data:'113222'; ),
        ( a:'0'; b:'0'; c:'16'; data:'123122'; ),
        ( a:'1'; b:'1'; c:'17'; data:'123221'; ),
        ( a:'2'; b:'2'; c:'18'; data:'223211'; ),
        ( a:'3'; b:'3'; c:'19'; data:'221132'; ),
        ( a:'4'; b:'4'; c:'20'; data:'221231'; ),
        ( a:'5'; b:'5'; c:'21'; data:'213212'; ),
        ( a:'6'; b:'6'; c:'22'; data:'223112'; ),
        ( a:'7'; b:'7'; c:'23'; data:'312131'; ),
        ( a:'8'; b:'8'; c:'24'; data:'311222'; ),
        ( a:'9'; b:'9'; c:'25'; data:'321122'; ),
        ( a:':'; b:':'; c:'26'; data:'321221'; ),
        ( a:';'; b:';'; c:'27'; data:'312212'; ),
        ( a:'<'; b:'<'; c:'28'; data:'322112'; ),
        ( a:'='; b:'='; c:'29'; data:'322211'; ),
        ( a:'>'; b:'>'; c:'30'; data:'212123'; ),
        ( a:'?'; b:'?'; c:'31'; data:'212321'; ),
        ( a:'@'; b:'@'; c:'32'; data:'232121'; ),
        ( a:'A'; b:'A'; c:'33'; data:'111323'; ),
        ( a:'B'; b:'B'; c:'34'; data:'131123'; ),
        ( a:'C'; b:'C'; c:'35'; data:'131321'; ),
        ( a:'D'; b:'D'; c:'36'; data:'112313'; ),
        ( a:'E'; b:'E'; c:'37'; data:'132113'; ),
        ( a:'F'; b:'F'; c:'38'; data:'132311'; ),
        ( a:'G'; b:'G'; c:'39'; data:'211313'; ),
        ( a:'H'; b:'H'; c:'40'; data:'231113'; ),
        ( a:'I'; b:'I'; c:'41'; data:'231311'; ),
        ( a:'J'; b:'J'; c:'42'; data:'112133'; ),
        ( a:'K'; b:'K'; c:'43'; data:'112331'; ),
        ( a:'L'; b:'L'; c:'44'; data:'132131'; ),
        ( a:'M'; b:'M'; c:'45'; data:'113123'; ),
        ( a:'N'; b:'N'; c:'46'; data:'113321'; ),
        ( a:'O'; b:'O'; c:'47'; data:'133121'; ),
        ( a:'P'; b:'P'; c:'48'; data:'313121'; ),
        ( a:'Q'; b:'Q'; c:'49'; data:'211331'; ),
        ( a:'R'; b:'R'; c:'50'; data:'231131'; ),
        ( a:'S'; b:'S'; c:'51'; data:'213113'; ),
        ( a:'T'; b:'T'; c:'52'; data:'213311'; ),
        ( a:'U'; b:'U'; c:'53'; data:'213131'; ),
        ( a:'V'; b:'V'; c:'54'; data:'311123'; ),
        ( a:'W'; b:'W'; c:'55'; data:'311321'; ),
        ( a:'X'; b:'X'; c:'56'; data:'331121'; ),
        ( a:'Y'; b:'Y'; c:'57'; data:'312113'; ),
        ( a:'Z'; b:'Z'; c:'58'; data:'312311'; ),
        ( a:'['; b:'['; c:'59'; data:'332111'; ),
        ( a:'\'; b:'\'; c:'60'; data:'314111'; ),
        ( a:']'; b:']'; c:'61'; data:'221411'; ),
        ( a:'^'; b:'^'; c:'62'; data:'431111'; ),
        ( a:'_'; b:'_'; c:'63'; data:'111224'; ),
        ( a:' '; b:'`'; c:'64'; data:'111422'; ),
        ( a:' '; b:'a'; c:'65'; data:'121124'; ),
        ( a:' '; b:'b'; c:'66'; data:'121421'; ),
        ( a:' '; b:'c'; c:'67'; data:'141122'; ),
        ( a:' '; b:'d'; c:'68'; data:'141221'; ),
        ( a:' '; b:'e'; c:'69'; data:'112214'; ),
        ( a:' '; b:'f'; c:'70'; data:'112412'; ),
        ( a:' '; b:'g'; c:'71'; data:'122114'; ),
        ( a:' '; b:'h'; c:'72'; data:'122411'; ),
        ( a:' '; b:'i'; c:'73'; data:'142112'; ),
        ( a:' '; b:'j'; c:'74'; data:'142211'; ),
        ( a:' '; b:'k'; c:'75'; data:'241211'; ),
        ( a:' '; b:'l'; c:'76'; data:'221114'; ),
        ( a:' '; b:'m'; c:'77'; data:'413111'; ),
        ( a:' '; b:'n'; c:'78'; data:'241112'; ),
        ( a:' '; b:'o'; c:'79'; data:'134111'; ),
        ( a:' '; b:'p'; c:'80'; data:'111242'; ),
        ( a:' '; b:'q'; c:'81'; data:'121142'; ),
        ( a:' '; b:'r'; c:'82'; data:'121241'; ),
        ( a:' '; b:'s'; c:'83'; data:'114212'; ),
        ( a:' '; b:'t'; c:'84'; data:'124112'; ),
        ( a:' '; b:'u'; c:'85'; data:'124211'; ),
        ( a:' '; b:'v'; c:'86'; data:'411212'; ),
        ( a:' '; b:'w'; c:'87'; data:'421112'; ),
        ( a:' '; b:'x'; c:'88'; data:'421211'; ),
        ( a:' '; b:'y'; c:'89'; data:'212141'; ),
        ( a:' '; b:'z'; c:'90'; data:'214121'; ),
        ( a:' '; b:'{'; c:'91'; data:'412121'; ),
        ( a:' '; b:'|'; c:'92'; data:'111143'; ),
        ( a:' '; b:'}'; c:'93'; data:'111341'; ),
        ( a:' '; b:'~'; c:'94'; data:'131141'; ),
        ( a:' '; b:' '; c:'95'; data:'114113'; ),
        ( a:' '; b:' '; c:'96'; data:'114311'; ),
        ( a:' '; b:' '; c:'97'; data:'411113'; ),
        ( a:' '; b:' '; c:'98'; data:'411311'; ),
        ( a:' '; b:' '; c:'99'; data:'113141'; ),
        ( a:' '; b:' '; c:' '; data:'114131'; ),
        ( a:' '; b:' '; c:' '; data:'311141'; ),
        ( a:' '; b:' '; c:' '; data:'411131'; )

StartA = '211412';
StartB = '211214';
StartC = '211232';
Stop = '2331112';

// find Code 128 Codeset A or B
function Find_Code128AB(c:char):integer;
  for i:=0 to High(tabelle_128) do
    if FTyp = bcCode128A then
       v := tabelle_128[i].a
       v := tabelle_128[i].b;

    if c = v then
      result := i;
  result := -1;

var i, idx : integer;
    startcode :string;
    vChecksum : integer;

  vChecksum := 0; // Added by TZ
  case FTyp of
    bcCode128A: begin
                  vChecksum := 103;
                  startcode:= StartA;
    bcCode128B: begin
                  vChecksum := 104;
                  startcode:= StartB;
    bcCode128C: begin
                  vChecksum := 105;
                  startcode:= StartC;

  result := Convert(startcode); // Startcode

  if FTyp = bcCode128C then
      for i:=1 to Length(FText) div 2 do
              // not implemented !!!
    for i:=1 to Length(FText) do
      idx := Find_Code128AB(FText[i]);
      if idx < 0 then
         idx := Find_Code128AB(' ');
      result := result + Convert(tabelle_128[idx].data);
      Inc(vChecksum, idx*i);

  vChecksum := vChecksum mod 103;
  result := result + Convert(tabelle_128[vChecksum].data);

  result := result + Convert(Stop); // Stopcode

function TBarcode.Code_93:string;
type TCode93 =record
                c : char;
                data : array[0..5] of char;

const tabelle_93: array[0..46] of TCode93 = (
        ( c:'0'; data:'131112'  ),
        ( c:'1'; data:'111213'  ),
        ( c:'2'; data:'111312'  ),
        ( c:'3'; data:'111411'  ),
        ( c:'4'; data:'121113'  ),
        ( c:'5'; data:'121212'  ),
        ( c:'6'; data:'121311'  ),
        ( c:'7'; data:'111114'  ),
        ( c:'8'; data:'131211'  ),
        ( c:'9'; data:'141111'  ),
        ( c:'A'; data:'211113'  ),
        ( c:'B'; data:'211212'  ),
        ( c:'C'; data:'211311'  ),
        ( c:'D'; data:'221112'  ),
        ( c:'E'; data:'221211'  ),
        ( c:'F'; data:'231111'  ),
        ( c:'G'; data:'112113'  ),
        ( c:'H'; data:'112212'  ),
        ( c:'I'; data:'112311'  ),
        ( c:'J'; data:'122112'  ),
        ( c:'K'; data:'132111'  ),
        ( c:'L'; data:'111123'  ),
        ( c:'M'; data:'111222'  ),
        ( c:'N'; data:'111321'  ),
        ( c:'O'; data:'121122'  ),
        ( c:'P'; data:'131121'  ),
        ( c:'Q'; data:'212112'  ),
        ( c:'R'; data:'212211'  ),
        ( c:'S'; data:'211122'  ),
        ( c:'T'; data:'211221'  ),
        ( c:'U'; data:'221121'  ),
        ( c:'V'; data:'222111'  ),
        ( c:'W'; data:'112122'  ),
        ( c:'X'; data:'112221'  ),
        ( c:'Y'; data:'122121'  ),
        ( c:'Z'; data:'123111'  ),
        ( c:'-'; data:'121131'  ),
        ( c:'.'; data:'311112'  ),
        ( c:' '; data:'311211'  ),
        ( c:'$'; data:'321111'  ),
        ( c:'/'; data:'112131'  ),
        ( c:'+'; data:'113121'  ),
        ( c:'%'; data:'211131'  ),
        ( c:'['; data:'121221'  ), // only used for Extended Code 93
        ( c:']'; data:'312111'  ), // only used for Extended Code 93
        ( c:'{'; data:'311121'  ), // only used for Extended Code 93
        ( c:'}'; data:'122211'  ) // only used for Extended Code 93

// find Code 93
function Find_Code93(c:char):integer;
var i:integer;
  for i:=0 to High(tabelle_93) do
    if c = tabelle_93[i].c then
      result := i;
  result := -1;

  i, idx : integer;
  checkC, checkK, // Checksums
  weightC, weightK : integer;
  result := Convert('111141'); // Startcode

  for i:=1 to Length(FText) do
    idx := Find_Code93(FText[i]);
    if idx < 0 then
            raise Exception.CreateFmt('%s:Code93 bad Data <%s>', [self.ClassName,FText]);
    result := result + Convert(tabelle_93[idx].data);

  checkC := 0;
  checkK := 0;

  weightC := 1;
  weightK := 2;

  for i:=Length(FText) downto 1 do
    idx := Find_Code93(FText[i]);

    Inc(checkC, idx*weightC);
    Inc(checkK, idx*weightK);

    if weightC > 20 then weightC := 1;
    if weightK > 15 then weightC := 1;

  Inc(checkK, checkC);

  checkC := checkC mod 47;
  checkK := checkK mod 47;

  result := result + Convert(tabelle_93[checkC].data) +

  result := result + Convert('1111411'); // Stopcode

function TBarcode.Code_93Extended:string;
const code93x : array[0..127] of string[2] =
        (']U'), ('[A'), ('[B'), ('[C'), ('[D'), ('[E'), ('[F'), ('[G'),
        ('[H'), ('[I'), ('[J'), ('[K'), ('[L'), ('[M'), ('[N'), ('[O'),
        ('[P'), ('[Q'), ('[R'), ('[S'), ('[T'), ('[U'), ('[V'), ('[W'),
        ('[X'), ('[Y'), ('[Z'), (']A'), (']B'), (']C'), (']D'), (']E'),
         (' '), ('{A'), ('{B'), ('{C'), ('{D'), ('{E'), ('{F'), ('{G'),
        ('{H'), ('{I'), ('{J'), ('{K'), ('{L'), ('{M'), ('{N'), ('{O'),
        ( '0'), ('1'), ('2'), ('3'), ('4'), ('5'), ('6'), ('7'),
         ('8'), ('9'), ('{Z'), (']F'), (']G'), (']H'), (']I'), (']J'),
        (']V'), ('A'), ('B'), ('C'), ('D'), ('E'), ('F'), ('G'),
         ('H'), ('I'), ('J'), ('K'), ('L'), ('M'), ('N'), ('O'),
         ('P'), ('Q'), ('R'), ('S'), ('T'), ('U'), ('V'), ('W'),
         ('X'), ('Y'), ('Z'), (']K'), (']L'), (']M'), (']N'), (']O'),
        (']W'), ('}A'), ('}B'), ('}C'), ('}D'), ('}E'), ('}F'), ('}G'),
        ('}H'), ('}I'), ('}J'), ('}K'), ('}L'), ('}M'), ('}N'), ('}O'),
        ('}P'), ('}Q'), ('}R'), ('}S'), ('}T'), ('}U'), ('}V'), ('}W'),
        ('}X'), ('}Y'), ('}Z'), (']P'), (']Q'), (']R'), (']S'), (']T')

// save:array[0..254] of char;
// old:string;
        save : string;
        i : integer;
// CharToOem(PChar(FText), save);
  save := FText;
  FText := '';

  for i:=0 to Length(save)-1 do
          if ord(save[i]) <= 127 then
                  FText := FText + code93x[ord(save[i])];

//Showmessage(Format('Text: <%s>', [FText]));

  result := Code_93;
  FText := save;

function TBarcode.Code_MSI:string;
const tabelle_MSI:array['0'..'9'] of string[8] =
        ( '51515151' ), // '0'
        ( '51515160' ), // '1'
        ( '51516051' ), // '2'
        ( '51516060' ), // '3'
        ( '51605151' ), // '4'
        ( '51605160' ), // '5'
        ( '51606051' ), // '6'
        ( '51606060' ), // '7'
        ( '60515151' ), // '8'
        ( '60515160' ) // '9'

  check_even, check_odd, vChecksum:integer;
  result := '60'; // Startcode
  check_even := 0;
  check_odd := 0;

  for i:=1 to Length(FText) do
    if odd(i-1) then
      check_odd := check_odd*10+ord(FText[i])
      check_even := check_even+ord(FText[i]);

    result := result + tabelle_MSI[FText[i]];

  vChecksum := quersumme(check_odd*2) + check_even;

  vChecksum := vChecksum mod 10;
  if vChecksum > 0 then
       vChecksum := 10-vChecksum;

  result := result + tabelle_MSI[chr(ord('0')+vChecksum)];

  result := result + '515'; // Stopcode

function TBarcode.Code_PostNet:string;
const tabelle_PostNet:array['0'..'9'] of string[10] =
        ( '5151A1A1A1' ), // '0'
        ( 'A1A1A15151' ), // '1'
        ( 'A1A151A151' ), // '2'
        ( 'A1A15151A1' ), // '3'
        ( 'A151A1A151' ), // '4'
        ( 'A151A151A1' ), // '5'
        ( 'A15151A1A1' ), // '6'
        ( '51A1A1A151' ), // '7'
        ( '51A1A151A1' ), // '8'
        ( '51A151A1A1' ) // '9'
  result := '51';

  for i:=1 to Length(FText) do
          result := result + tabelle_PostNet[FText[i]];
  result := result + '5';

function TBarcode.Code_Codabar:string;
type TCodabar =record
                c : char;
                data : array[0..6] of char;

const tabelle_cb: array[0..19] of TCodabar = (
        ( c:'1'; data:'5050615'  ),
        ( c:'2'; data:'5051506'  ),
        ( c:'3'; data:'6150505'  ),
        ( c:'4'; data:'5060515'  ),
        ( c:'5'; data:'6050515'  ),
        ( c:'6'; data:'5150506'  ),
        ( c:'7'; data:'5150605'  ),
        ( c:'8'; data:'5160505'  ),
        ( c:'9'; data:'6051505'  ),
        ( c:'0'; data:'5050516'  ),
        ( c:'-'; data:'5051605'  ),
        ( c:'$'; data:'5061505'  ),
        ( c:':'; data:'6050606'  ),
        ( c:'/'; data:'6060506'  ),
        ( c:'.'; data:'6060605'  ),
        ( c:'+'; data:'5060606'  ),
        ( c:'A'; data:'5061515'  ),
        ( c:'B'; data:'5151506'  ),
        ( c:'C'; data:'5051516'  ),
        ( c:'D'; data:'5051615'  )

// find Codabar
function Find_Codabar(c:char):integer;
var i:integer;
  for i:=0 to High(tabelle_cb) do
    if c = tabelle_cb[i].c then
      result := i;
  result := -1;

  i, idx : integer;
  result := tabelle_cb[Find_Codabar('A')].data + '0';
  for i:=1 to Length(FText) do
    idx := Find_Codabar(FText[i]);
    result := result + tabelle_cb[idx].data + '0';
  result := result + tabelle_cb[Find_Codabar('B')].data;

procedure TBarcode.MakeModules;
  case Typ of
            if Ratio < 2.0 then Ratio := 2.0;
            if Ratio > 3.0 then Ratio := 3.0;

            if Ratio < 2.25 then Ratio := 2.25;
            if Ratio > 3.0 then Ratio := 3.0;
    bcCodePostNet: ;

  modules[0] := FModul;
  modules[1] := Round(FModul*FRatio);
  modules[2] := modules[1] * 3 div 2;
  modules[3] := modules[1] * 2;

Draw the Barcode

Parameter :
'data' holds the pattern for a Barcode.
A barcode begins always with a black line and
ends with a black line.

The white Lines builds the space between the black Lines.

A black line must always followed by a white Line and vica versa.

        '50505'  // 3 thin black Lines with 2 thin white Lines
        '606'    // 2 fat black Lines with 1 thin white Line

        '5605015' // Error

data[] : see procedure OneBarProps


procedure TBarcode.DoLines(data:string; Canvas:TCanvas);

var i:integer;
    lt : TBarLineType;
    xadd:integer; //
    w, h:integer;
    a,b,c,d, // Edges of a line (we need 4 Point because the line
                                     // is a recangle
    orgin : TPoint;

  xadd := 0;
  orgin.x := FLeft;
  orgin.y := FTop;
  alpha := FAngle*pi / 180.0;

  with Canvas do
    Pen.Width := 1;

    for i:=1 to Length(data) do // examine the pattern string
     OneBarProps(data[i], w, lt);

      case data[i] of
              '0': begin w := modules[0]; lt := white; end;
              '1': begin w := modules[1]; lt := white; end;
              '2': begin w := modules[2]; lt := white; end;
              '3': begin w := modules[3]; lt := white; end;

              '5': begin w := modules[0]; lt := black; end;
              '6': begin w := modules[1]; lt := black; end;
              '7': begin w := modules[2]; lt := black; end;
              '8': begin w := modules[3]; lt := black; end;

              'A': begin w := modules[0]; lt := black_half; end;
              'B': begin w := modules[1]; lt := black_half; end;
              'C': begin w := modules[2]; lt := black_half; end;
              'D': begin w := modules[3]; lt := black_half; end;

              // something went wrong
              // mistyped pattern table
              raise Exception.CreateFmt('%s: internal Error', [self.ClassName]);

      if (lt = black) or (lt = black_half) then
        Pen.Color := clBlack;
        Pen.Color := clWhite;
      Brush.Color := Pen.Color;

      if lt = black_half then
         H := FHeight * 2 div 5
         H := FHeight;

      a.x := xadd;
      a.y := 0;

      b.x := xadd;
      b.y := H;

// c.x := xadd+width;
      c.x := xadd+W-1; // 23.04.1999 Line was 1 Pixel too wide
      c.y := H;

// d.x := xadd+width;
      d.x := xadd+W-1; // 23.04.1999 Line was 1 Pixel too wide
      d.y := 0;

      // a,b,c,d builds the rectangle we want to draw

      // rotate the rectangle
      a := Translate2D(Rotate2D(a, alpha), orgin);
      b := Translate2D(Rotate2D(b, alpha), orgin);
      c := Translate2D(Rotate2D(c, alpha), orgin);
      d := Translate2D(Rotate2D(d, alpha), orgin);

      // draw the rectangle

      xadd := xadd + w;

procedure TBarcode.DrawBarcode(Canvas:TCanvas);
  data : string;
  SaveFont: TFont;
  SavePen: TPen;
  SaveBrush: TBrush;
  Savefont := TFont.Create;
  SavePen := TPen.Create;
  SaveBrush := TBrush.Create;

  // get barcode pattern
  data := MakeData;

    // store Canvas properties

    DoLines(data, Canvas); // draw the barcode

    if FShowText then
        DrawText(Canvas); // show readable Text

    // restore old Canvas properties

  draw contents and type/name of barcode
  as human readable text at the left
  upper edge of the barcode.

  main use for this procedure is testing.

  note: this procedure changes Pen and Brush
  of the current canvas.

procedure TBarcode.DrawText(Canvas:TCanvas);
  with Canvas do
    Font.Size := 4;
    // the fixed font size is a problem, if you
    // use very large or small barcodes

    Pen.Color := clBlack;
    Brush.Color := clWhite;
    TextOut(FLeft, FTop, FText); // contents of Barcode
    TextOut(FLeft, FTop+14, GetTypText); // type/name of barcode


Geändert von mkinzler ( 6. Aug 2010 um 10:10 Uhr) Grund: Code-Tag durch Delphi-Tag ersetzt
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AW: barcode mit barcode.pas

  Alt 6. Aug 2010, 10:11
Wo tritt der Fehler genau auf?
-Bei umfangreichen Quelltext, besser als Anhang
-Delphi-Tags für Delphi(Pascal)Code
Markus Kinzler
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Registriert seit: 18. Apr 2008
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FreePascal / Lazarus

AW: barcode mit barcode.pas

  Alt 6. Aug 2010, 10:18
Wo tritt der Fehler genau auf?
-Bei umfangreichen Quelltext, besser als Anhang
-Delphi-Tags für Delphi(Pascal)Code
Der Fehler tritt auf beim:

ich hab die printer.canvas jetzt mal durch eine image.canvas ersetzt,

Der Fehler bleibt der gleiche: Tbarcode:internalError
danach werden dann ein paar Streifen mit völlig schwarzem HG auf das image gedruckt.
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Benutzerbild von DeddyH

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Delphi 12 Athens

AW: barcode mit barcode.pas

  Alt 6. Aug 2010, 10:26
Bist Du mal mit F7 durchgesteppt und hast die fehlerhafte Zeile lokalisiert?
"Ich habe Angst vor dem Tag, an dem die Technologie unsere menschlichen Interaktionen übertrumpft. Die Welt wird eine Generation von Idioten bekommen." (Albert Einstein)
Dieser Tag ist längst gekommen
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FreePascal / Lazarus

AW: barcode mit barcode.pas

  Alt 6. Aug 2010, 10:30
Bist Du mal mit F7 durchgesteppt und hast die fehlerhafte Zeile lokalisiert?

in der procedure TBarcode.OneBarProps(code:char; var aWidth:integer; var lt:TBarLineType);

geht er ein paarmal durch bis er im else-zweig
raise Exception.CreateFmt('%s: internal Error', [self.ClassName]);

Geändert von khh ( 6. Aug 2010 um 10:37 Uhr)
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Benutzerbild von DeddyH

Registriert seit: 17. Sep 2006
Ort: Barchfeld
27.655 Beiträge
Delphi 12 Athens

AW: barcode mit barcode.pas

  Alt 6. Aug 2010, 10:32
Naja, so lang ist die DrawBarcode-Methode ja nicht, als dass das in stundenlange Arbeit ausarten würde
"Ich habe Angst vor dem Tag, an dem die Technologie unsere menschlichen Interaktionen übertrumpft. Die Welt wird eine Generation von Idioten bekommen." (Albert Einstein)
Dieser Tag ist längst gekommen
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Benutzerbild von p80286

Registriert seit: 28. Apr 2008
Ort: Stolberg (Rhl)
6.659 Beiträge
FreePascal / Lazarus

AW: barcode mit barcode.pas

  Alt 6. Aug 2010, 14:28
Hallo zusammen,

der Fehler steckt wohl hier:
 case tabelle_ParityEAN13[LK,i] of
                        'A' : for j:= 1 to 4 do
                                                result := result + tabelle_EAN_A[tmp[i], j] ;
                        'B' : for j:= 1 to 4 do
                                                result := result + tabelle_EAN_B[tmp[i], j] ; // <<<<<<<<<
                        'C' : for j:= 1 to 4 do
                                                result := result + tabelle_EAN_C[tmp[i], j] ;
da wird eine #0 zurück geliefert. Auch wenn j von 4 nach 1 gezählt wird, sollten zumindestens keine #0 zurückgegeben werden.

Edith: Ich nehme beinahe alles zurück. Da fehlen eine Menge formale Prüfungen. So sollte es z.B. nicht möglich sein mit einem 5stelligem Code zu versuchen eine EAN13 zu erzeugen. Das geht schief!

Programme gehorchen nicht Deinen Absichten sondern Deinen Anweisungen
R.E.D retired error detector

Geändert von p80286 ( 6. Aug 2010 um 15:02 Uhr)
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Registriert seit: 18. Apr 2008
Ort: Südbaden
1.929 Beiträge
FreePascal / Lazarus

AW: barcode mit barcode.pas

  Alt 6. Aug 2010, 18:26
mh und nu?
es kann doch nicht soo schwierig sein ein paar Striche auf dem Drucker auszugeben

habt ihr ne andere idee?
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AW: barcode mit barcode.pas

  Alt 6. Aug 2010, 19:54
Welche Barcode-Typen brauchst du denn genau?
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Ort: Bad Honnef
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Turbo Delphi für Win32

AW: barcode mit barcode.pas

  Alt 6. Aug 2010, 20:07
Wie wäre es, wenn Du dir dieses nicht gefundene Zeichen einfach mal ausgeben lässt?
Ggf. hilft dir auch ein Trim auf die data-Variable.
Tomorrow will be cancelled due to lack of interest.

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