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Kas Ob.

Registriert seit: 3. Sep 2023
386 Beiträge

AW: Disabled/Excluded Packages

  Alt 6. Mär 2024, 15:28
Not sure if i understand the subject right.

But those entries in dproj were there since many years
                    <Excluded_Packages Name="
These reflect the disabled (not used or not to be used) with this project, the IDE unload these packages when open a project (well it should), while registry entries reflect the disabled packages (not loaded) in the IDE itself.

The whole thing for me looks like an abandoned nice feature to have, they failed to build it, or may be it could cost huge performance degradation with the IDE.

Take an example with one project (aka no projectgroup) it should work by unloading the marked to exclude packages, but with multiple projects in one project group, the IDE should unload these excluded packages (or reload the default) based on the activated project, On my XE8 with one project it does unload then modify the dproj on save, but fail to unload these packages after closing the project then reopening, also if there is two projects then the IDE do load them and doesn't follow of the unloading process per project as will reload them and they will stay there.

So yes some broken and/or abandoned functionality.
By the way i do/did use this disable packages for an opened application so many times, it enhance the responsiveness of the designer based on the project, but alas, the ide doesn't remember to unload later.
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