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Registriert seit: 29. Sep 2004
Ort: Jena
6 Beiträge
Delphi 11 Alexandria

AW: Exception in IsFormSizeStored

  Alt 28. Feb 2024, 17:06

Thank you for your hints, but its difficoult to determin, where the strange SetFocus-Message come from.

The Problem is, that - as already mentioned by BlueStarHH - it does not occur for years but suddenly now.

There is a process, that is repeated - say 100 times a day - on the same machine, same user, same setting, but in about 20 cases the error occur, in about 80 cases not.

On mine own machine I could not reproduce it at all.

There are also other machines, where it occur only once a month or so, nevertheless, they use it also many times a dayx.

It looks like, thats a strange Windows probnlem, because machines, where it occur more often, are updated recently,

What do you mean by "decent logging"? Shall I catch all setfocus messages and write them to a logfile?

But that would also not show, where they come from...

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