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Kas Ob.

Registriert seit: 3. Sep 2023
385 Beiträge

AW: Arraygrösse und Stack Overflow

  Alt 21. Feb 2024, 14:23

wie schaltet man das auf Heap um? Arbeitsspeicher ist genug vorhanden (ca. 196 GB Ram)[/QUOTE]

As Klaus said, dynamic allocations are on the heap (array or whatever).

You may want to look at the answers for this question

As for more in depth details, i think there is many here will not suffer from language barrier to explain any more questions you might have.

Personally i would stay from generics and anonymous methods when there is complex and long calculations, mostly to keep it simple and readable.

Also you can might consider separate you construct (your data build) to array of matrixes, this way you will not need one big continuous piece of RAM to fit it, this might be easier to manage and will lead to more readable code, but this is personal choice.
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