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how can I call a function with parameter record in another unit ?

Ein Thema von obiwankby · begonnen am 29. Jul 2010 · letzter Beitrag vom 29. Jul 2010
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Registriert seit: 4. Jun 2010
15 Beiträge
RAD-Studio 2010 Arc

how can I call a function with parameter record in another unit ?

  Alt 29. Jul 2010, 13:00

How can I call a function with parameter record in another unit?

For example:
TGrUser = record
Name : string [20];
Descr : string [100];
R1 : boolean;

function fGrUser(sS:string;writeUser: TGrUser);

If I call the function in the unit1 where is create type record and function it work; if I call the function from unit2 I have the message error: "E2010 incompatible types ...".

The type record from unit2 is declarated in unit2.


obi wan kby
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Benutzerbild von cherry

Registriert seit: 14. Nov 2005
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RAD-Studio 2009 Ent

AW: how can I call a function with parameter record in another unit ?

  Alt 29. Jul 2010, 13:23
is the type declared twice?
if yes, try to declare it only in one unit!
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Benutzerbild von DeddyH

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AW: how can I call a function with parameter record in another unit ?

  Alt 29. Jul 2010, 13:47
That' s it. You can either declare the type in the interface-section of one of your units or create a separate unit for this type, which you add in both "uses"-clauses.
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