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Delphi 12 Athens

AW: Celebrating 29

  Alt 27. Jan 2024, 10:55
Ach, nur so eine komische Werbemail
Zitat von Celebrating Delphi’s 29th: Join The Special Anniversary Webinar:
Celebrating Delphi’s 29th
February 13th, 2024 - 12 PM CST, 18:00 GMT

Dear Frank,
With the release of version 12 Athens of Delphi, C++Builder, and RAD Studio in November, Delphi extends a respectful nod to Greece and the origins of its prescient naming.

Were the creators of Delphi in 1995 able to look this far into the future and imagine what Delphi would look like today? Hard to tell. But the way they looked at software development then, and the solutions they provided still hold their ground today. Delphi 12 Athens is a testament to their foresight.

Delphi celebrates its 29th anniversary on 14 February, and this year, we’ll be looking once again at how far Delphi has come and where it’s headed.
Join Embarcadero Developer Advocate Ian Barker and guests for the Delphi Anniversary Webinar on Tuesday 13 February at 12 noon US Central Time (18:00 GMT) to celebrate how far Delphi has come and how it’s looking ahead as it glances back at its original inspiration.
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