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Registriert seit: 28. Feb 2016
Ort: Nordost Baden-Württemberg
3.017 Beiträge
Delphi 12 Athens

AW: Hilfe bei Umstellung Unit DEC5.1 zu DEC6.0

  Alt 26. Jan 2024, 18:50
I looked at the library,
ValidFormat and ValidHash supposed to be working as factory design, you feed them a class type and will get a class, this implementation to remove the need to hardcode a switch between algorithms.

but with simple function instead of a class.
I'm not completely sure yet what you want to tell with this.
Is this something which should be changed in DEC?
Did I mess up something? If so, how should it be changed?
Or was this just some explanation of where the OP's problem comes from?
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