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Kas Ob.

Registriert seit: 3. Sep 2023
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AW: Aufeinmal ist die "Klasse nicht registriert"

  Alt 25. Jan 2024, 14:30
3. Die neu erstellte Exe auf den Server in das entsprechende Verzeichnis kopiert
How ? and this is your problem !

Did you use Windows RDP ? in this case the files you are uploaded files are in very peculiar position and here comes the user permission to complicate things.

To explain: RDP will connect with Windows User credential on the server, while RDP will mix this with your own credential from your Windows User permission, will copy files and give them permission from your own local user permission, your local and special folders on your device will play role in that.
Notice that : Terminal service is Windows system, and have very high privileges at its core, but will limit what RDP user can do according to their credential and privileges, also because file transfer in RDP is an extension done by the Windows Explorer not by the TS itself.

also when you registered that EMail Architect activeX (i have never used it) it might registered to specific user on the server, hence when you are logged on and ran your own application things go smoothly, but after you disconnect RDP, Windows will revert to its own User and permission and that ActiveX could be installed to different user from the Windows perspective, hence your application can't access/found it.

these might help you fix this:
1) register that ActiveX to everyone (or at least for the user that will run the EXE), this might be tricky just a little bit, open mmc in console then from file -> add/remove snap.. -> Component Services, from here find your activeX then right click for properties , there is also DCOMCNFG command will load the above directly, did not work for me always and on all Windows, adjust the permission in security tab.
2) check and compare your application permission that uses that ActiveX, make sure it is handled as local application and the owner is the User on the Server not your user form your PC, this happen if your are using wrongly configured AD (or simply enforced override policy), also there might be a conflict between two different Active Directory for both your device and the server, after checking the difference in the permission try to adjust the folder you are uploading to using RDP not the EXE itself, it might fix the problem and prevent it in the future, but again it must not conflict with active AD configuration.
3) may be the easiest way, simply, don't upload files specially executables using RDP, use any different approach, from sending an email with attachment ... to install FTP server on your server and use it to upload, then you can simply disable it, for me i have always a simple server installed (as service) on my servers that i do enable and can share files between my PC and the remote server, permission will always be the same as this RTCServer.

Hope that help, or at least give you a place to start, i am not sure what have changed in Windows 11 or latest Windows Server versions with the latest updates, but your problem security and permission and their policies.

ps : there is another approach but really i don't know if it is still possible or working with your setup, in RDP settings you can share you drives with the remote server, hence you will see your local drives are mounted drives remotely, so don't copy and paste you EXE using the RDP from your own folder, instead open your own drive on the remote server and copy the file form there to local folder.
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