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Kas Ob.

Registriert seit: 3. Sep 2023
386 Beiträge

AW: _Einfaches_ Tool zum Aufspielen eines Festplatten-Images

  Alt 9. Jan 2024, 09:03

Puh, CloneZilla habe ich spontan als das genaue Gegenteil empfunden - Für absolute Vollprofis sicher ein Traum, aber nichts für "Ich will einfacch nur das Image drauf flashen". Ich schaue es mir mal genauer an, danke.
Well, you missed the scripting part and customization !

Have a look here https://clonezilla.org/fine-print-li...cript_with_PXE

You can do almost anything there, example :
Change the interface of booting to two simple selection
1) Clone.
2) Boot the existed clone.

You can also make it clone and keep last 3 clones showing their date, or/and you can include a default un-erasable clone as emergency.
In other words, easily CloneZilla boot could be simplified to no questions asked at all, just hit enter or click the down arrow key on the keyboard and hit enter, simpler than that you need to write an application to track the audio and recognize the user voice for two voice commands clone and boot
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