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Delphi 7 Professional

AW: D7 - BDE - Netzwerkproblem

  Alt 8. Jan 2024, 16:53
Gerade im Internet gefunden:
Here is part of the coding that shows you what is used (no alias etc...).
I setup a lot of these Params.Values and these are taken into account (user name, password etc...)
ps : there is maybe a monitoring tool to see what happens ?

 with DB1 do
   DatabaseName := 'MyDataBase';
   AliasName := '';
   DriverName := 'MSSQL';
   KeepConnection := True;
   LoginPrompt := False;
   SessionName := SessionName;
   with Params do
     Values['DATABASE NAME'] := 'MyDataBase';
     Values['APPLICATION NAME'] := 'Duplicates';
     Values['SERVER NAME'] := 'MyServer';
     Values['TIMEOUT'] := TimeOut;
 with SP do
   DatabaseName := DB1.DatabaseName;
   StoredProcName := 'MyStoredProcedure';
Quelle: https://www.experts-exchange.com/que...s-for-BDE.html
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