Registriert seit: 18. Jul 2010 114 Beiträge FreePascal / Lazarus |
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Wie ihr vielleicht schon festgestellt habt, lerne ich gerade, Andorra 2d zu benutzen. Die ersten beiden Tutorials haben auch ganz gut geklappt. Im dritten Teil hänge ich jedoch fest. Mein Compiler meldet, dass FDraw.RegisterNotifyEvent(Notify) in "AdPixelTest.pas" mit einer falschen Anzahl an Parametern aufgerufen wurde, was ich mir allerdings nicht erklären kann. Danke im Vorraus für eure Hilfe! Quellcode meiner Unit:
Quellcode AdPixelTest:
unit Unit1;
{$MODE DELPHI} interface uses Classes, SysUtils, FileUtil, LResources, Forms, Controls, Graphics, Dialogs, AdDraws, AdClasses, AdTypes,AdSetupDlg,AdComponents,Windows,AdPerformanceCounter,AdSprites; type { TForm1 } TForm1 = class(TForm) procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); private { private declarations } public procedure Idle(Sender: TObject; var Done:boolean); procedure SetLine; AdDraw : TAdDraw; AdImageList : TAdImageList; AdTimer : TAdPerformanceCounter; AdSpriteEngine : TSpriteEngine; { public declarations } end; //Klasse: TFigur TFigur = class(TImageSprite) private protected procedure DoMove(TimeGap:double);override; public XSpeed:integer; constructor Create(AParent:TSprite);override; procedure SetLine; end; var Form1: TForm1; implementation { TForm1 } procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); var i:integer; //Schleifenvariable begin //Timer: AdTimer := TAdPerformanceCounter.Create; //Oberfläche erstellen: AdDraw := TAdDraw.Create(self); AdDraw.DllName := 'AndorraOGLLaz.dll'; if AdDraw.Initialize then begin Application.OnIdle := Idle; //AdImageList AdImageList := TAdImageList.Create(AdDraw); with AdImageList.Add('Figur') do //Zu der Liste wird ein Bild mit dem Namen "bild" hinzugefügt. begin Texture.LoadGraphicFromFile('Bilder/boy.bmp',true,clFuchsia); // Dieses mal laden wir das Bild transparent herein PatternWidth := 96; PatternHeight := 96; end; AdImageList.Restore; //Erzeugen der Spriteengine: AdSpriteEngine := TSpriteEngine.Create(nil); AdSpriteEngine.Surface := AdDraw; //Instanzen von TImageSprite erstellen Randomize; for i:=1 to 6 do begin with TFigur.Create(TAdSpriteEngine) do begin Image := AdImageList.Find('Figur'); AnimActive := true; AnimLoop := true; XSpeed := -(random(100)+50); AnimSpeed := Abs(XSpeed / 7.5); SetLine; //YPosition der Figur setzen und XSpeed umkehren(s.Funktion) end; end; end //wenn AdDraw Initialisierung fehlschlägt: else begin ShowMessage(AdDraw.GetLastError); halt; end; end; procedure TForm1.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); begin AdImageList.Free; AdTimer.Free; AdDraw.Free; AdSpriteEngine.Free; end; procedure TForm1.Idle(Sender: TObject; var Done:boolean); begin //Timer: AdTimer.Calculate; Caption := 'FPS:'+inttostr(AdTimer.FPS); AdDraw.ClearSurface(0); AdDraw.BeginScene; //Die Animation: AdSpriteEngine.Move(AdPerCounter.TimeGap / 1000); AdSpriteEngine.Draw; AdSpriteEngine.Dead; //Ende der Animation // AdDraw.EndScene; AdDraw.Flip; Done := false; end; {TFigur} constructor TFigur.Create(AParent: TSprite); begin inherited; X := 0; Y := 0; XSpeed := -150; end; procedure TFigur.DoMove(TimeGap: double); begin inherited; X := X + XSpeed*TimeGap; if ((X > Engine.SurfaceRect.Right) and (XSpeed > 0)) or ((X < -96) and (XSpeed < 0)) then begin SetLine; end; end; procedure TFigur.SetLine; begin XSpeed := -XSpeed; if XSpeed > 0 then begin AnimStart := 0; AnimStop := 7; X := -96; end else begin AnimStart := 8; AnimStop := 15; X := Engine.SurfaceRect.Right+96; end; Y := Random(round(Engine.SurfaceRect.Right-96)); end; initialization {$I Unit1.lrs} end.
* This program is licensed under the Common Public License (CPL) Version 1.0 * You should have recieved a copy of the license with this file. * If not, see http://www.opensource.org/licenses/cpl1.0.txt for more informations. * * Inspite of the incompatibility between the Common Public License (CPL) and the GNU General Public License (GPL) you're allowed to use this program * under the GPL. * You also should have recieved a copy of this license with this file. * If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt for more informations. * Project: Andorra 2D * Authors: Andreas Stoeckel * File: AdPixelTest.pas * Comment: Contains a class which allows simple and hardware accelerated collision detection. } {Contains a class which allows simple and hardware accelerated collision detection.} unit AdPixelTest; interface uses AdClasses, AdTypes, AdDraws, AdContainers; type {Callback procedure type used by TAdPicelCollisionTester. Called when a object should be drawn. @param(AObj represents the object that should be drawn) @param(ASurface the surface it should be drawn to) @param(AX, AY the top corner edge of the object where it should be drawn to.)} TAdCollisionTestDrawProc = procedure(AObj: TObject; ASurface: TAdRenderingSurface; AX, AY: integer) of object; {Callback procedure type. Used by TAdPixelCollisionTester to indicate that two objects collided.} TAdCollisionTestCollisionProc = procedure(AObj1, AObj2: TObject) of object; {@exclude} TAdCollisionTesterItem = record Obj1, Obj2: TObject; CollisionCallback: TAdCollisionTestCollisionProc; PixelCounter: TAd2dPixelCounter; end; {@exclude} PAdCollisionTesterItem = ^TAdCollisionTesterItem; {This class can be used to see whether two user-defined objects collide. TAdPixelCollisionTester manages its own surfaces where the test objects are temporaly drawn at. After sending all test to the class using the "CheckCollision" method, the results can be retrieved using the "GetCollisions" method.} TAdPixelCollisionTester = class private FSurface: TAdTextureSurface; FDraw: TAdDraw; FCollisionObjectList: TAdLinkedList; FCount: integer; procedure Notify(ASender: TObject; AEvent: TAdSurfaceEventState); procedure Clear; function AddTestItem: PAdCollisionTesterItem; protected procedure Initialize; procedure Finalize; public {Creates an instance of TAdPixelCollisionTester.} constructor Create(AParent: TAdDraw); {Destroys the instance of TAdPixelCollisionTester.} destructor Destroy;override; {The check collision function performs a collision test between two objects. The only thing you need to have, is a callback function that draws the objects on the surface to a specific position. @param(AObj1 is only a pointer that may contain user data that is in connection with the first collision object.) @param(ABoundsRect1 specifies the boundsrect of the first object.) @param(AObj2 is only a pointer that may contain user data that is in connection with the second collision object.) @param(ABoundsRect2 specifies the boundsrect of the second object. @param(ADrawCallback is called when one of the objects should be drawn on a specific surface on a specific position. The pointer given in AObj1 or AObj2 will be sent, to indicate which object should be drawn.) @param(ACollisionCallback is called when a collision between the two objects takes place. The pointers to the two given objects are sent. This callback function will be called after the "GetCollisions" function is called.) @seealso(TAdCollisionTestDrawProc) @seealso(TAdCollisionTestCollisionProc)} procedure CheckCollision(AObj1: TObject; ABoundsRect1: TAdRect; AObj2: TObject; ABoundsRect2: TAdRect; ADrawCallback: TAdCollisionTestDrawProc; ACollisionCallback: TAdCollisionTestCollisionProc); {Analyzes the last collision tests done by CheckCollision. If a collision took place, the "CollisionCallback" method given to CheckCollision is called.} procedure GetCollisions; {The surface all collision tests take place on. Increase the size of this surface by settings its size via "SetSize" to get more accurate pixel check results.} property Surface: TAdTextureSurface read FSurface; {The parent AdDraw given in the constructor.} property AdDraw: TAdDraw read FDraw; end; implementation { TAdPixelCollisionTester } constructor TAdPixelCollisionTester.Create(AParent: TAdDraw); begin inherited Create; FDraw := AParent; FDraw.RegisterNotifyEvent(Notify); FSurface := TAdTextureSurface.Create(FDraw); FSurface.Options := [aoStencilBuffer, aoAlphaMask, aoZBuffer, aoTextures]; FSurface.SetSize(32, 32); FCollisionObjectList := TAdLinkedList.Create; if FDraw.Initialized then Initialize; end; destructor TAdPixelCollisionTester.Destroy; begin Finalize; FSurface.Free; FCollisionObjectList.Free; inherited; end; procedure TAdPixelCollisionTester.CheckCollision(AObj1: TObject; ABoundsRect1: TAdRect; AObj2: TObject; ABoundsRect2: TAdRect; ADrawCallback: TAdCollisionTestDrawProc; ACollisionCallback: TAdCollisionTestCollisionProc); var AOverlapRect: TAdRect; ATestItem: PAdCollisionTesterItem; w, h: integer; begin if CalcOverlapRect(AOverlapRect, ABoundsRect1, ABoundsRect2) then begin //Get new list element ATestItem := AddTestItem; //Clear surface FSurface.ClearSurface(0); //Set the size of the scene to the width of the overlap rect w := AOverlapRect.Right - AOverlapRect.Left; h := AOverlapRect.Bottom - AOverlapRect.Top; FSurface.Scene.Setup2DScene(w, h); //Setup stencil options. When a pixel is drawn, increment the stencil buffer FDraw.AdAppl.SetStencilOptions(1, $FFFF, asfAlways); FDraw.AdAppl.SetStencilEvent(asePass, asoReplace); //Draw the first object ADrawCallback(AObj1, FSurface, ABoundsRect1.Left - AOverlapRect.Left, ABoundsRect1.Top - AOverlapRect.Top); //Now, only draw a pixel, if the stencil buffer value is one, what means that //there is already another pixel FDraw.AdAppl.SetStencilOptions(0, $FFFF, asfLessThan); FDraw.AdAppl.SetStencilEvent(asePass, asoKeep); //Start counting drawn pixels ATestItem^.PixelCounter.StartCount; //Draw the second object ADrawCallback(AObj2, FSurface, ABoundsRect2.Left - AOverlapRect.Left, ABoundsRect2.Top - AOverlapRect.Top); //Stop counting ATestItem^.PixelCounter.StopCount; //Set list item data ATestItem^.Obj1 := AObj1; ATestItem^.Obj2 := AObj2; ATestItem^.CollisionCallback := ACollisionCallback; //Reset stencil options FDraw.AdAppl.SetStencilOptions(0, $FFFF, asfAlways); end; end; procedure TAdPixelCollisionTester.Clear; var pct: PAdCollisionTesterItem; begin FCollisionObjectList.StartIteration; while not FCollisionObjectList.ReachedEnd do begin pct := FCollisionObjectList.GetCurrent; pct^.PixelCounter.Free; Dispose(pct); end; FCount := 0; end; procedure TAdPixelCollisionTester.Finalize; begin Clear; end; procedure TAdPixelCollisionTester.GetCollisions; var pct: PAdCollisionTesterItem; i: integer; begin //Iterate through list i := 0; FCollisionObjectList.StartIteration; while (not FCollisionObjectList.ReachedEnd) and (i < FCount) do begin pct := FCollisionObjectList.GetCurrent; if pct^.PixelCounter.GetCount > 0 then pct^.CollisionCallback(pct^.Obj1, pct^.Obj2); i := i + 1; end; //Reset list FCollisionObjectList.StartIteration; FCount := 0; end; procedure TAdPixelCollisionTester.Initialize; begin Finalize; end; procedure TAdPixelCollisionTester.Notify(ASender: TObject; AEvent: TAdSurfaceEventState); begin case AEvent of seInitialize: Initialize; seFinalize: Finalize; end; end; function TAdPixelCollisionTester.AddTestItem: PAdCollisionTesterItem; begin if not FCollisionObjectList.ReachedEnd then begin result := FCollisionObjectList.GetCurrent; end else begin New(result); result^.PixelCounter := AdDraw.AdAppl.CreatePixelCounter; FCollisionObjectList.Add(result); end; FCount := FCount + 1; end; end. |
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