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Kas Ob.

Registriert seit: 3. Sep 2023
386 Beiträge

AW: Speicherproblem mit Objekten in DLL

  Alt 7. Dez 2023, 09:15
@BastiFantasti , Hi

For me this behavior looks like dangling pointers (by-copy), this of course will leads to memory leak but not exactly as traditional just not-freed.

So my thoughts here:
1) you can increase the stack reported by FastMM for the leaks by adjusting a constant in FastMM4.pas to something like 30, it might help, or you can use EurekaLog as it will report the leaks with far more accuracy, as i can't see if the record (you mentioned in the second post) in the report, did it leak too ?
2) the most crucial thing is to check and then double check, how these record and objects being passed to the DLL, i mean how did you declare the parameters for these managed types or that record, are these "const" or "var" or left as default without modifier, each one will behave differently and this might cause this copy, hence increasing the ref count causing this leak.
3) are doing any sort of casting on managed type or that record? is it passed by pointer or as const ? you can also track its refCount (or any of its managed type field) in memory before calling from the EXE and compare on the DLL after that call.

Hope that helps.
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