Registriert seit: 17. Nov 2005
Ort: Hamburg
1.087 Beiträge
Delphi XE2 Professional
AW: WindowFromPoint
28. Nov 2023, 12:07
If you want to make it fail, then you need a Windows without the Explorer, so either try to kill/disable it, or try on Windows Server Core (without GUI)
I love (re)installing these after renting a dedicated server, just removing the GUI and Shell, but it seems Microsoft did removed this feature recently so you can't uninstall/install the GUI any more, shame !
Server 2008/2012 does support this feature unless they ruined it by some update, Server 2016/2019 not sure, the recent ones sure not have the ability to install/uninstall the GUI.
Thank youe Kas OB.
Seems i have to live with the situation (don't want to change the system).
Gruß, Klaus
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