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Kas Ob.

Registriert seit: 3. Sep 2023
385 Beiträge

AW: Anwendungs Server als Client betreiben mit Indy

  Alt 27. Nov 2023, 17:24
ya that clears the myst, thanks for taking your time , with me .
You are welcome.

Is a Google API-ID needed to use the STUN server of google?
When registering to a STUN server for example?
Google API-ID or anything has to do with Google is needed, some public STUN does need a login because it is a service just like VPN, and some doesn't, you can also can host your own STUN server on public IP server or a VPS or any other means, the point is to keep your main server on your local network and use a light weight relay to connect to it, this also will hide your real Server IP from the Internet hence provide your server with privacy and avoiding DDoS and other stuff, also doesn't required high price host, as the cheapest could be enough it could be any small VM Linux with enough bandwidth to relay your traffic.

Today i saw that https://www.esegece.com/ has %30 on all packages for one day, so if you are going after developing network application and might need many tools, real secure tools, then that library is your to think about, from the demos i see it has native implementation of STUN, TURN and ICE too, and that should help solve almost any network topology you ever will need to deal with, of course this library is not limited to these protocols.

Go and have a look.
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