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AW: Kann nicht in my.embacadero einloggen und Getit funzt auch nicht

  Alt 25. Nov 2023, 05:16
Hatte mich dafür mühevoll durch das Formular gekämpft.
Zitat von embt.support@embarcadero.com:
Hello Frank,

This is Diego from the Embarcadero IDERA Technical Support team. I am contacting you regarding Case # 01022950 - Quality portal log in issue

Thank you for your request. In order to better address this issue, would you please provide me the following information?

- Are you using the same EDN Account credentials that you used to access your account at the Registered Products Portal (https://my.embarcadero.com/#login)?
- When was the last time you access the quality portal with your credentials?
- Are you looking to log in to the Quality Portal to submit and track support requests?

Please try once more and send me a screenshot of your attempt in the quality portal and via my.embarcadero.com.


Diego Gabanzo
Technical Support Engineer

Ansonsten könnte man auch da unten rechts den Chat versuchen. (letztens war dort auch kein Bot dran)


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