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Registriert seit: 13. Jan 2004
Ort: Hamm(Westf)
1.985 Beiträge
Delphi 12 Athens

AW: SQLite mit passwort -303 unsupported feature

  Alt 16. Nov 2023, 12:59
It seems like you're encountering issues related to SQLite database connections and password handling in Delphi XE12. The error "-303 unsupported feature" suggests that there might be an issue with the password parameter.
For Android32, it appears that setting a password results in an unsupported feature error. Try using an empty string or omitting the password parameter to see if that resolves the issue on Android.

For the Windows issue, where you're getting an error related to the password, it might be worth checking if there are changes in how password-protected SQLite databases are handled between Delphi XE11 and XE12. Make sure the password handling is consistent with the version of SQLite you are using.
I know. We figured this out. Now we look for away around it. There are allready workarounds, but they are not nice enough to suit my spoiled ego .

As for monads, they are a concept from functional programming. In short, monads are a design pattern used to handle computations with side effects in a pure functional way. However, it seems unrelated to the specific issues you're facing in your Delphi project. If you have any more details or specific questions about the Delphi issues, feel free to provide more information.
That Monad question is a meme in my signature. As everybody knows, in a Nutshell,a monad is a monoid in the category of endofunctors. Obviously!
Monads? Wtf are Monads?

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