Thema: DLL debuggen

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Kas Ob.

Registriert seit: 3. Sep 2023
386 Beiträge

AW: DLL debuggen

  Alt 15. Nov 2023, 11:14
OK, while i didn't completely understand the first two lines in post #35, but let me explain again, and sorry for the bad English.

We need to approach this by logic, so we can form a theory then test it, confirm a reason only after that will fix it for good, not leaving it to hit and miss and probable will work, you have testing bed with all these many files so it will be great for testing, the point is not to waste your time, but to fix this from the root, sure we need to find the root first or at least a direction.

In debugging with the IDE there is three things involved in this case.
1) Debugger module, loading the binaries EXE/DLL into memory and parsing the TDS info.
2) The IDE running the Debugger and controlling it to some extend or in full, but it will be responsible for providing the source files to browse !, and this is critical here, so it might be responsible to provide the DCU parser or the source file it self, i can't be sure if the DCUs are involved here.
3) EurekaLog that did something to the binaries headers and structure and might be even the TDS itself.

I can imagine a scenarios where (1) and (2) conflicting with each others, i don't know who is the responsible to read and access the source files, so what if the debugger found the TDS, then asked the the IDE to parse the DPR/DPROJ file to find the directories for the sources, remember that Delphi TDS doesn't have paths !
Also it could be the Debugger have its own outdated DPR/DPROJ parser, also is viable cause, what if the IDE and because the DPR/DPROJ are not saved and considered changed because EL and its modification to DPR, put the DPR at locked hence prevent the Debugger from accessing a file...
Another scenario with EL, like patched the binary and the IDE marked the DCUs as not for this binary and prevented the debugger from loading these files.

Most likely, either IDE or the Debugger or both failed to parse or access, but more seriously failed miserably to report what did really happen.

See, there is many scenarios here, and that why i asked if you try to debug that application without the DPR/DPROJ, will the debugger provide functions names ?
Just try another IDE and don't close your project, if that the case then we already greatly narrowed the search for this problem, (may be greatly is suitable to narrow )
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