Thema: DLL debuggen

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Kas Ob.

Registriert seit: 3. Sep 2023
386 Beiträge

AW: DLL debuggen

  Alt 14. Nov 2023, 18:39
I am not sure that understand half of the former posts due the translation.

And sorry if that i am missing the point.
This line brings me to something i saw in either D2009 and D2010 years back, (or it was D2010 and XE5, i really can't remember)
Process start: C:\Develop\ActiveScripting\ Win32 \Debug\Scripting.e xe. Base address: $00EC0000. Process Scripting.exe (8064)
Load module: Scripting.exe. Without debug information . Base address: $00EC0000. Process Scripting.exe (8064)
The problem was that : EXE is not in the same folder as the dpr while the dpr of the EXE and the DLL in the ProjectGroup.

On other hand i will check and make sure to disable all Debug information handling in EurekaLog for these projects, it might introduced some regression, or test an older stable version, because EL does restructure the EXE, and could did mess something.
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