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File notification not fully works on XP

Ein Thema von user · begonnen am 13. Jul 2010 · letzter Beitrag vom 13. Jul 2010
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Registriert seit: 13. Jul 2010
25 Beiträge
Delphi 2 Desktop

File notification not fully works on XP

  Alt 13. Jul 2010, 08:56

I try a great file notification component at

It can catch the event when I extract any file from winzip/winrar on vista. Problem is it can not catch event from extracted file on xp.

It's so hard to debug the source code on xp because windows always send message to program (stopped at my breakpoint) therefore I can't compare the difference of program's routine between xp and vista.

Hope somebody want to try to look the source code.

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AW: File notification not fully works on XP

  Alt 13. Jul 2010, 13:40

you are sure that this code does the job on Windows XP and not only on Vista/7!? I have not seen any information about this fact. In the readme the author does not say any about compatibility

Where exactly is the problem!? I think you mean this method procedure TShellNotify.WndProc(var Message: TMessage); , right?! But where (in which line) have you set the breakpoint?
It's so hard to debug the source code on xp because windows always send message to program (stopped at my breakpoint)...
Do you mean that windows xp always sends a WM_SHELLNOTIFY message?! And Visty/7 not!?
»Remember, the future maintainer is the person you should be writing code for, not the compiler.« (Nick Hodges)
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Registriert seit: 13. Jul 2010
25 Beiträge
Delphi 2 Desktop

AW: File notification not fully works on XP

  Alt 13. Jul 2010, 16:12

you are sure that this code does the job on Windows XP and not only on Vista/7!? I have not seen any information about this fact. In the readme the author does not say any about compatibility
The code works in my XP and Vista. On XP it can't catch created event of extracted file.

lbEvents.Items.Add('A nonfolder item has been created ' + Path1);
Where exactly is the problem!? I think you mean this method procedure TShellNotify.WndProc(var Message: TMessage); , right?! But where (in which line) have you set the breakpoint?
Right. I set breakpoint at
if Message.Msg = WM_SHELLNOTIFY Then
Do you mean that windows xp always sends a WM_SHELLNOTIFY message?! And Visty/7 not!?
Yes. Every time I touch Windows Explorer, the breakpoint stop

I am not sure what I am doing, so I ask for some suggestion here.

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