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Registriert seit: 24. Sep 2022
Ort: Planet Erde
356 Beiträge
Delphi 11 Alexandria

AW: Programmübergreifend Steuerelemente aktualisieren

  Alt 5. Nov 2023, 13:20
- hier ein Beispiel, das nach einen Prozess, und dessen Unter-Prozesse sucht.
- es werden Tastenkombinationen ausgetauscht, um den Inhalt zu selektieren und zu kopieren
- uses: TLHelp32, Clipbrd

// get content of "open" hnd8.exe process content editor
procedure TForm2.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
  hSnap : THandle;
  hProc : THandle;
  procWin : THandle;
  priClass : DWORD;
  procEntry: TProcessEntry32;
  childWindowHandles: HWNDArray;
  i : Integer;
  s1, s2, s3: string;
  found: Boolean;
  Input: TInput;
  InputList: TList<TInput>;
  FCounter := -1;

  // make a snapshot of the current system
  found := false;
  hSnap := CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0);
  if hSnap = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then
    ShowMessage('Error: CreateToolhelp32Snapshot');

  // clean init the ProcEntry structure:
  ProcEntry.dwSize := sizeOf(ProcessEntry32);

  // if the processID > 0 ...
  if (Process32First(hSnap, ProcEntry)) then
    // ... then get the running processes
    while Process32Next(hSnap, ProcEntry) do
      // if HelpNDoc.exe (hnd8.exe) is found, then
      // internal switch to the process
      s1 := ProcEntry.szExeFile;
      if ExtractFileName(s1) = 'hnd8.exethen
        priClass := 0;
        hProc := OpenProcess(

        // get some internal informations about the process:
        priClass := GetPriorityClass( hProc );
        if priClass < 1 then
        ShowMessage('Error: GetPriorityClass');

        // fill the sub-hwnd container:
        childWindowHandles := FindChildWindowHandles(ProcEntry.th32ProcessID);

        // now, we can iterate the sub-windows:
        for i := 0 to High(childWindowHandles) do
          s2 := GetWindowCaption(childWindowHandles[i]);
          if System.SysUtils.AnsiPos('- HelpNDoc Personal',s2) = 0 then
            if System.SysUtils.AnsiPos('- HelpNDoc',s2) > 0 then
              procWin := childWindowHandles[i];
              s3 := Copy(s2,1,Pos(' -',s2)-1);
              found := true;
              //ShowMessage('>' + s3 + '<');
    if found = true then

      // select all: ctrl+A ...
      InputList := TList<TInput>.Create;
        Input := Default(TInput);
        Input.Itype := INPUT_KEYBOARD;
        Input.ki.wScan := 0;
        Input.ki.time := 0;
        Input.ki.dwExtraInfo := 0;

        // 1. press ctrl key
        Input.ki.dwFlags := 0; // 0 for key-press
        Input.ki.wVk := VK_CONTROL;

        // 2. press "a" key
        Input.ki.dwFlags := 0; // 0 for key-press
        Input.ki.wVk := Ord('A');

        // 3. release "a" key
        Input.ki.dwFlags := KEYEVENTF_KEYUP;
        Input.ki.wVk := Ord('A');

        // 4. release ctrl key
        Input.ki.dwFlags := KEYEVENTF_KEYUP;
        Input.ki.wVk := VK_CONTROL;

        SendInput(InputList.Count, InputList.List[0], sizeof(TInput));

        //s := GetRichViewText(w2);

      // copy selected text: ctrl+c
      InputList := TList<TInput>.Create;
        Input := Default(TInput);
        Input.Itype := INPUT_KEYBOARD;
        Input.ki.wScan := 0;
        Input.ki.time := 0;
        Input.ki.dwExtraInfo := 0;

        // 1. press ctrl key
        Input.ki.dwFlags := 0; // 0 for key-press
        Input.ki.wVk := VK_CONTROL;

        // 2. press "c" key
        Input.ki.dwFlags := 0; // 0 for key-press
        Input.ki.wVk := Ord('C');

        // 3. release "c" key
        Input.ki.dwFlags := KEYEVENTF_KEYUP;
        Input.ki.wVk := Ord('C');

        // 4. release ctrl key
        Input.ki.dwFlags := KEYEVENTF_KEYUP;
        Input.ki.wVk := VK_CONTROL;

        // copy text to clipboard, sleep could be adjusted for big text:
        SendInput(InputList.Count, InputList.List[0], sizeof(TInput));

        // this does not work:
        FEditorFrame.RichEdit1.Perform(WM_SETTEXT, 0, PWChar(Clipboard.AsText));

      // at end, switch back to applicatiin
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Geändert von paule32.jk ( 5. Nov 2023 um 13:22 Uhr) Grund: uses Text hinzugefügt
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