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Kas Ob.

Registriert seit: 3. Sep 2023
386 Beiträge

AW: Programmübergreifend Steuerelemente aktualisieren

  Alt 5. Nov 2023, 12:28
There is so many ways to do this

1) Run program_1 with command line and pass something like
A) Window handle for message back
B) Named or Unnamed Pipe
C) A file with path with shared write and read protection and pull status on it
... TCP ?!
Any Inter Process Communication IPC .

2) Hardcode the above in program_1 and _2

3) CreateProcess and use timer with GetExitCodeProcess https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/wi...xitcodeprocess to know if _1 is finished.

If you can hardcoded then it is the best, but GetExitCodeProcess is my preferred method to check without blocking on not-my-own applications.
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