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Delphi 11 Alexandria

AW: TGUID - einzigartige ID auf andere Computer Systeme ?

  Alt 30. Okt 2023, 14:58
Vielen Dank für die Infos und Hilfen!

Ich habe mir mal angehen, wie TSystemTime realisiert ist.
Nur mal eine kurze Übersicht, falls es jemanden direkt interessiert:
  PSystemTime = ^TSystemTime;
  _SYSTEMTIME = record
    wYear: Word;
    wMonth: Word;
    wDayOfWeek: Word;
    wDay: Word;
    wHour: Word;
    wMinute: Word;
    wSecond: Word;
    wMilliseconds: Word;
  TSystemTime = _SYSTEMTIME;
Das braucht natürlich einiges an Speicherplatz. Ich habe mich jetzt für GetTickCount entschieden, das die Systemlaufzeit als Cardinalwert zurück liefert.

Als Korrektur will ich die neue Unit nochmal hier einbinden. Vielleich hilf es ja mal jemandem.

unit myGuid;





    PmyGUID = ^TmyGUID;

    TmyGUID = record //: 12 Byte / 96 Bit
      C : Cardinal; //: 4 Byte / 32 Bit
      TS1: Cardinal; //: 4 Byte / 32 Bit
      TS2: Cardinal; //: 4 Byte / 32 Bit
      class function Create(const aGuid: PmyGUID): TmyGUID; overload; static;
      class function Create(const aGuid: String): TmyGUID; overload; static;
      class function Create(const aGuid: TmyGUID): TmyGUID; overload; static;
      class function CreateEmpty: TmyGUID; static;
      class function CreateNew: TmyGUID; static;
      class function StringIsValidGuid(const aGuid: String): Boolean; static;
      class operator Equal(const Left, Right: TmyGUID): Boolean;
      class operator NotEqual(const Left, Right: TmyGUID): Boolean; inline;
      function GetHashCode: Integer;
      function IsEmpty: Boolean;
      function ToString: String;
      procedure DoEmpty;
      procedure DoNew;
      procedure FromString(const aGuid: String);
      procedure ReadFromStream(const aStream: TMemoryStream);
      procedure WriteToStream(const aStream: TMemoryStream);



    System.SysUtils, System.Hash, Winapi.Windows;


    MaxCardinal = 4294967295;


    customTS1: Cardinal = 0;
    customTS2: Cardinal = 0;
    customC : Cardinal = 0;

  {: **************************************** TmyGUID *************************************** :}

  {: ---------------------------------------- default --------------------------------------- :}

  //: 2023-10-30
  class function TmyGUID.Create(const aGuid: String): TmyGUID;
    if (aGuid <> '') then
        Result := TmyGUID.CreateEmpty;
        Result := TmyGUID.CreateNew;

  //: 2023-10-30
  class function TmyGUID.Create(const aGuid: TmyGUID): TmyGUID;
    Result := aGuid;

  //: 2023-10-30
  class function TmyGUID.Create(const aGuid: PmyGUID): TmyGUID;
    Result := aGuid^;

  //: 2023-10-30
  class function TmyGUID.CreateEmpty: TmyGUID;
    Result.TS1 := 0;
    Result.TS2 := 0;
    Result.C := 0;

  //: 2023-10-30
  class function TmyGUID.CreateNew: TmyGUID;
    customTS2 := GetTickCount;
    Result.TS1 := customTS1;
    Result.TS2 := customTS2;
    Result.C := customC;
    if (customC = MaxCardinal) then
      customC := 0

  //: 2023-10-30
  class function TmyGUID.StringIsValidGuid(const aGuid: String): Boolean;
    I: Integer;
    C: Char;
    //: 123456789012345678901234567 - > Length = 27
    if (Length(aGuid) = 27) then
        Result := True;
        for I := 1 to Length(aGuid) do
            C := aGuid[I];
            case I of
                if C <> '#then
                    Result := False;
              10, 19:
                if C <> '-then
                    Result := False;
              if not CharInSet(C, ['0'..'9', 'A'..'F']) then
                  Result := False;
      Result := False;

  //: 2023-10-30
  class operator TmyGUID.Equal(const Left, Right: TmyGUID): Boolean;
    Result := ((Left.TS1 = Right.TS1) and (Left.TS2 = Right.TS2) and (Left.C = Right.C));

  //: 2023-10-30
  class operator TmyGUID.NotEqual(const Left, Right: TmyGUID): Boolean;
    Result := ((Left.TS1 <> Right.TS1) or (Left.TS2 <> Right.TS2) or (Left.C <> Right.C));

  //: 2023-10-30
  function TmyGuid.GetHashCode: Integer;
    Result := 17;
    Result := Result * 397 + Integer(C);
    Result := Result * 397 + THashBobJenkins.GetHashValue(TS1, sizeOf(Cardinal), 5);
    Result := Result * 397 + THashBobJenkins.GetHashValue(TS2, sizeOf(Cardinal), 7);

  //: 2023-10-30
  function TmyGUID.IsEmpty: Boolean;
    Result := ((TS1 = 0) and (Ts2 = 0) and (C = 0));

  function TmyGUID.ToString: String;
    //: 123456789012345678901234567 - > Length = 27
    Result := '#' + TS1.ToHexString + '-' + TS2.ToHexString + '-' + C.ToHexString;

  //: 2023-10-30
  procedure TmyGUID.DoEmpty;
    TS1 := 0;
    TS2 := 0;
    C := 0;

  //: 2023-10-30
  procedure TmyGUID.DoNew;
    lGuid: TmyGUID;
    lGuid := CreateNew;
    TS1 := lGuid.TS1;
    TS2 := lGuid.TS2;
    C := lGuid.C;

  //: 2023-10-30
  procedure TmyGUID.FromString(const aGuid: String);
    //: 123456789012345678901234567 - > Length = 27
    if (StringIsValidGuid(aGuid)) then
        TS1 := StrToInt('$' + Copy(aGuid, 2, 8));
        TS2 := StrToInt('$' + Copy(aGuid, 11, 8));
        C := StrToInt('$' + Copy(aGuid, 20, 8));
        TS1 := 0;
        Ts2 := 0;
        C := 0;

  //: 2023-10-30
  procedure TmyGUID.ReadFromStream(const aStream: TMemoryStream);

  //: 2023-10-30
  procedure TmyGUID.WriteToStream(const aStream: TMemoryStream);


  //: 2023-10-30
  customTS1 := GetTickCount;
  customTS2 := GetTickCount;
  customC := 0;

"Jetzt muss ich seh´n, dass ich kein Denkfehler mach...!?" Dittsche (2004)
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