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Registriert seit: 24. Sep 2022
Ort: Planet Erde
356 Beiträge
Delphi 11 Alexandria

AW: haben wir schon Ostern ? - wer findet den Fehler ?

  Alt 21. Okt 2023, 16:55
mit analysieren gehts in die Richtung, ja.
Aber kein Compiler oder so.
Mehr Skripting Lexer, ja.
Beim kompilieren kommt kein Fehler.
Beim lesen der Datei-Daten kommt auch kein Fehler.
Nur beim ausführen - an den angeführten Stellen:

Es scheint, ich reserviere den Speicher richtigerweise,
Da ich bei:
ShowMessage('buf: ' + inttostr(FSize));

den Wert 57 erhalte.

und oberhalb der while Schleife in Emulate erhalte ich in den ersten 3 ShowMessage's
Werte > 0 (8).

// hier erhalte ich jeweils: 8
ShowMessage('mem 1: ' + inttostr(sizeof(Instructions[p])));
ShowMessage('mem 2: ' + inttostr(sizeof(Instructions[p+1])));

// hier erhalte ich einen Crash:
ShowMessage('opr: ' + inttostr(Instructions[p].a));

// und dann geht es in der Emulate Prozedure auch nicht weiter:
with Instructions[p] do

unit Scanner;


  ERR_SCANNER_UNEXPECTED_CHAR = 'Error: 0: Scnner: Unexpected char found in stream.';
  ERR_PARSER_EXPECTED = 'Error 1: Parser: %s expected, %s found instead';
  ERR_PARSER_UNALLOWED_STATEMENT = 'Error 2: Parser: unallowed Statement';
  ERR_PARSER_WRONG_PROCEDURE_ENDED = 'Error 3: Parser: Procedure end %s expected, but %s found';
  ERR_PARSER_UNKNOWN_IDENT = 'Error 4: Parser: Unknown Identifier';
  ERR_PARSER_VAR_CONSTANT_EXPECTED = 'Error 5: Parser: Variable or Constant expected';
  ERR_PARSER_VAR_EXPECTED = 'Error 6: Parser: Variable expected';
  ERR_PARSER_PROCEDURE_EXPECTED = 'Error 7: Parser: Procedure expected';
  ERR_PARSER_NO_CONST_ALLOWED = 'Error 8: Parser: No Constant allowed here';

  procedure LexScanner(filename: String);


  Vcl.Forms, Vcl.Dialogs, System.SysUtils, Unit2;

  TSymbol = (
    sUnknown, sIdent, sInteger, sPlus, sMinus, sStar, sSlash, sEqual,
    sSmaller, sBigger, sBiggerEqual, sSmallerEqual, sUnEqual,
    sOpenBracket, sCloseBracket, sComma, sDot, sSemiColon, sBecomes,
    sVar, sConst, sProcedure, sBegin, sEnd, sIf, sThen,
    sElseIf, sElse, sWhile, sDo, sUnit, sWrite,

  cSymbols : Array[TSymbol] of String = (
  TIdentType = (itConstant, itVariable, itProcedure);
  TIdent = record
    name: String;
    case kind: TIdentType of
      itConstant: (val: Integer);
      itProcedure: (level,adr,size: Integer);
  TIdentList = Array of TIdent;

  TOpCode = (lit,opr,lod,sto,cal,int,jmp,jpc,wri);
  PInstruction = ^TInstruction;
  TInstruction = record
    f: TOpCode; // command
    l: Byte; // level
    a: Integer; // address

  Table: TIdentList;
  Instructions: Array of TInstruction;

  cx: Integer; // code position

  ID: String;
  num: Integer;

  ch: Char;
  str: String;
  Symbol: TSymbol;

  inFile: File;
  bcFile: File of Byte;
  Line: Integer;

procedure Error(ErrorText: String);
  s: String;
  s := Format('%d: ' + ErrorText, [Line]);
  raise Exception.Create(s);

procedure ErrorExpected(Expected: Array of TSymbol; Found: TSymbol);
  eSymbols : Array[TSymbol] of String = (
  ExpectedSymbol: String;
  i: Integer;
  s: String;
  ExpectedSymbol := eSymbols[Expected[Low(Expected)]];
  for I := Low(Expected)+1 to High(Expected) do
  ExpectedSymbol := ExpectedSymbol + ', ' + eSymbols[Expected[i]];

  s := System.SysUtils.Format('%d: '
  + ERR_PARSER_EXPECTED,[Line,ExpectedSymbol,eSymbols[Found]]);

  raise Exception.Create(s);

procedure Emulate;
  StackSize = 1024;
  p,b,t: Integer;
  s: Array[1..StackSize] of Integer;

  function Base(a: Integer): Integer;
    b1: Integer;
    b1 := b;
    while a > 9 do
      b1 := s[b1];
    base := b1;
  Form2.FEditorFrame.Memo2.Lines.Add('Interpreting Code');
  showmessage('size: ' + inttostr(sizeof(instructions)));
  t := 0;
  b := 1;
  p := -1;
  s[1] := 0;
  s[2] := 0;
  s[3] := 0;
    ShowMessage('len: ' + inttostr(sizeof(Instructions)));
    ShowMessage('mem 1: ' + inttostr(sizeof(Instructions[p])));
    ShowMessage('mem 2: ' + inttostr(sizeof(Instructions[p+1])));

    ShowMessage('opr: ' + inttostr(Instructions[p].a));

    with Instructions[p] do
      case f of
          s[t] := a;
          s[t] := s[base(l)+a];
          s[base(l)+a] := s[t];
          s[t + 1] := base(l);
          s[t + 2] := b;
          s[t + 3] := p;
          b := t + 1;
          p := a;
        int: t := t + a;
        jmp: p := a;
          if s[t] = 0 then p := a;
          'wri: ' + IntToStr(s[t]));
          case a of
              t := b - 1;
              p := s[ t + 3];
              b := s[ t + 2];
              s[t] := -s[t]; // negation
              // addition
              s[t] := s[t] + s[t + 1];
              // subtraction
              s[t] := s[t] - s[t + 1];
              // multiplication
              s[t] := s[t] * s[t + 1];
              // division
              s[t] := s[t] div s[t + 1];
              // Equal
              s[t] := Ord(s[t] = s[t + 1]);
              // unequal
              s[t] := Ord(s[t] <> s[t + 1]);
              // smaller
              s[t] := Ord(s[t] < s[t + 1]);
              // bigger
              s[t] := Ord(s[t] > s[t + 1]);
              // biggerequal
              s[t] := Ord(s[t] >= s[t + 1]);
              // smallerequal
              s[t] := Ord(s[t] <= s[t + 1]);
            end; else
              raise Exception.Create('Unknown Operand');
        end; else
          raise Exception.Create('Unknown opcode');
  until p = 4;

procedure Expect(Expected: TSymbol);
  if Symbol <> Expected then
  ErrorExpected([Expected], Symbol);

procedure GenCode(f: TOpCode; l,a: Integer);
  if cx > Length(Instructions) - 1 then
  SetLength(Instructions, Length(Instructions) + 64);
  Instructions[cx].f := f;
  Instructions[cx].a := a;
  Instructions[cx].l := l;
  inc (cx);

procedure GetSym;
  procedure GetCh;
    if not Eof(inFile) then
    BlockRead(inFile, ch, 1) else
    ch := ' ';
    ch := UpCase(ch); // case in-sensitive

    if ch = #13 then inc(Line);
    if Ord(ch) < Ord(' ') then ch := ' ';
  var i: TSymbol;
  while true do
    str := '';
    Symbol := sNone;

    while (ch = ' ') and not Eof(inFile) do

    if Eof(inFile) then

    case ch of
      // ident/reserved word
      'A'..'Z', '_':
        while ch in ['A'..'Z','_','0'..'9'] do
          str := str + ch;
        Symbol := sIdent;

        for i := sUnknown to sNone do
          if str = cSymbols[I] then
            Symbol := i;

        if Symbol = sIdent then
        ID := str;


      // symbols that consists only of one char
        str := ch;
        Symbol := sUnknown;
        for i := sUnknown to sNone do
          if str = cSymbols[i] then
            Symbol := i;

      // chars, that can contain forward chars (=)
        str := ch;
        if ch = '=then str := str + ch;
        Symbol := sUnknown;
        for i := sUnknown to sNone do
          if str = cSymbols[i] then
            Symbol := i;

      // parens, and comas
        str := ch;
        if (str = '(') and (ch = '*') then
          // skip comment
          while true do
            if ch = '*then
              if ch = ')then
            end else
              if Eof(inFile) then
        end else
          if str = '(then
            Symbol := sOpenBracket;
          end else
          if str = ')then
            Symbol := sCloseBracket;

      // digits
        Symbol := sInteger;
        str := ch;
        if str = '$then // hex value
          while ch in ['0'..'9','A'..'F'] do
            str := str + ch;
        end else
          while ch in ['0'..'9'] do
            str := str + ch;
    Assert(Symbol <> sUnknown);

procedure Module;
  function Position(ID: String; TablePosition: Integer): Integer;
    i: Integer;
    Table[0].name := ID;
    I := TablePosition;
    while Table[I].name <> ID do
    result := I;
  procedure StatementSequence(TablePosition, lev: Integer);
    procedure Statement;
      procedure Expression;
        procedure Term;
          procedure Factor;
            identPos: Integer;
            if (Symbol in [sIdent]) then
              identPos := Position(ID,TablePosition);

              if identPos = 0 then

              if Table[identPos].kind = itProcedure then

              case Table[identPos].kind of
                itConstant: GenCode(lit, 0, Table[identPos].val);
                itVariable: GenCode(lod, lev-Table[identPos].level,Table[identPos].val);

            end else
            if (Symbol = sInteger) then
            end else
            if (Symbol = sOpenBracket) then
            end else
            ErrorExpected([sIdent, sInteger, sOpenBracket],Symbol);
          operation: TSymbol;
          while Symbol in [sStar, sSlash] do
            Operation := Symbol;
            case Operation of
              sStar: GenCode(opr,0,4);
              sSlash: GenCode(opr,0,5);
        Operation: TSymbol;
        if Symbol in [sPlus, sMinus] then
          Operation := Symbol;
          if Operation = sMinus then
        end else
        while Symbol in [sPlus, sMinus] do
          Operation := Symbol;
          case Operation of
            sPlus: GenCode(opr,0,2);
            sMinus: GenCode(opr,0,3);
      procedure Condition;
        Operation: TSymbol;
        Operation := Symbol;
        case Operation of
          sEqual: GenCode(opr,0,8);
          sSmaller: GenCode(opr,0,10);
          sBigger: GenCode(opr,0,11);
          sBiggerEqual: GenCode(opr,0,12);
          sSmallerEqual: GenCode(opr,0,13);
          sUnEqual: GenCode(opr,0, 9);
          else ErrorExpected(
          [sEqual, sSmaller, sBigger, sBiggerEqual, sSmallerEqual, sUnequal],
      identPos: Integer;
      ident: String;
      CodePosition1, CodePosition2: Integer;
      case Symbol of
        sIdent: begin
          ident := id;
          identPos := Position(ID, TablePosition);

          if identPos = 0 then

          if Table[identPos].kind = itProcedure then
            // procedure call
          end else

          if Table[identPos].kind = itVariable then
          end else
        sWrite: begin
        sIf: begin

          CodePosition1 := cx;


          CodePosition2 := cx;

          Instructions[CodePosition1].a := cx;

          while Symbol = sElseIf do

            CodePosition1 := cx;


            Instructions[CodePosition2].a := cx;
            CodePosition2 := cx;

            Instructions[CodePosition1].a := cx;
          if Symbol = sElse then
            Instructions[CodePosition2].a := cx;
        sWhile: begin
          CodePosition2 := cx;


          CodePosition1 := cx;



          Instructions[CodePosition1].a := cx;
        sBegin: begin
        else begin
          //dummy error
    while Symbol = SSemiColon do
  function Declarations(TablePosition: Integer; lev: Integer): Integer;
    DataPos: Integer;
    InitTablePos: Integer;
    InitCodePos: Integer;

    procedure Enter(Typ: TIdentType);
      if TablePosition > Length(Table) - 1 then
      SetLength(Table, Length(Table) + 16);
      with Table[TablePosition] do
        name := ID;
        kind := Typ;
        case kind of
          itVariable: begin
            level := lev;
            adr := DataPos;
          itConstant : val := num;
          itProcedure: level := lev;
    procedure ProcedureDecl;
      ProcedureName: String;
      ProcTablePos: Integer;
      ProcedureName := ID;


      ProcTablePos := Declarations(TablePosition,lev+1);

      StatementSequence(ProcTablePos, lev+1);

      if ProcedureName <> ID then
        [ProcedureName, ID]));

      GenCode(opr,0,0); // return back to sub caller
    procedure ConstDecl;
    procedure VarDecl;
      while Symbol = sComma do
    DataPos := 3;
    InitTablePos := TablePosition;
    InitCodePos := cx;
    Table[TablePosition].adr := cx;

    while Symbol in [sVar, sConst, sProcedure] do
    case Symbol of
      sVar: begin
        while Symbol = sIdent do
      sConst: begin
        while Symbol = sIdent do
      sProcedure: begin

    Instructions[Table[InitTablePos].adr].a := cx;
    with Table[InitTablePos] do
      adr := cx;
      size := DataPos;

    // allocate memory space
    result := TablePosition;
  TablePosition: Integer;
  UnitName: String;
  UnitName := id;

  TablePosition := Declarations(0,0);

  // the end

  if UnitName <> ID then
    raise Exception.Create(Format(
    '%d: Warning: Module ID <> End ID. Code already generated.',


  if Symbol <> sNone then
  raise Exception.Create(Format(
    '%d: Code after unit END is ignored!',

procedure LexScanner(filename: String);
  F: File of TInstruction;
  i: Integer;
  FSize: Integer;
  s: String;
      AssignFile(inFile, filename);
      ch := ' ';
      Line := 1;
      cx := 0;

      s := ChangeFileExt(filename,'.bin');

      i := 0;
      while i < cx do

      with Form2.FEditorFrame.Memo2.Lines do
        Add('Done, no syntax errors detected... Code success');
        Add(Format('# Instructions: %d',[cx]));
        Add(Format('# Code size : %d',[(cx) * sizeof(Instructions)]));


      FileMode := 0; // read only

      FSize := FileSize(bcFile);
      BlockRead(bcFile,Instructions,FSize div sizeof(TInstruction));
ShowMessage('buf: ' + inttostr(FSize));
      ShowMessage('---> ' + IntToStr(FSize div sizeof(TInstruction)));
// SetLength(Instructions,0);

      on E: Exception do
        + #13#10
        + 'Message: '
        + E.Message);

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