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TDBChart = > ChartBook // Zuweisungsprobleme

Ein Thema von NicoleWagner · begonnen am 6. Jul 2010 · letzter Beitrag vom 7. Jul 2010
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Registriert seit: 6. Jul 2010
167 Beiträge
Delphi XE3 Professional

TDBChart = > ChartBook // Zuweisungsprobleme

  Alt 6. Jul 2010, 11:45

ich habe ein TDBChart erstellt mit allem drum und dran. Zuweisungen, Skalierung, Farben, Tools, etc.

Ich moechte jetzt, dass dieses Bild, das ich sehe, nicht dort erscheint, wo es ist, sondern als Tab in einem ChartBook. Die Tabs in meinem Chartbook haben Namen.

Mit anderen Worten ich brauche eine Zuweisung, die lauten soll:
Form1.Tab_Name1 := Form1.myvorhandeneTDB_Chart;
So wie es hier steht, fliegt es mir natuerlich als ungültige Typzuweisung um die Ohren.
Denn TTabSheet und TDBChart kann man nicht verknuepfen.

In diese Richtung habe ich mittlerweile versucht:
Form1.TChart_zu_Name1 := Series_Name1;
Fliegt mir auch um die Ohren, weil TChart und Series sich auch nicht einander zuweisen lassen.

Wer hift mir auf die Spruenge?
In den Tutorials stehen nur Beispiele mit "add.Chart". Ich moechte aber nicht einfach ein Chart hinzufuegen, sondern meine vorhandenen(!) Serien zu vorhandenen(!) Tabs.

Danke fuer Ratschlaege!

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Registriert seit: 9. Dez 2005
Ort: Heilbronn
39.869 Beiträge
Delphi 11 Alexandria

AW: TDBChart = > ChartBook // Zuweisungsprobleme

  Alt 6. Jul 2010, 11:50
Du musst beim Wechseln des Tabs das Sheet als Parent des Charts setzen und die entsprechende Serie aktivieren.

BTW: Herzlich Willkommen in der DP!
Markus Kinzler
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Registriert seit: 7. Apr 2008
211 Beiträge
Delphi 11 Alexandria

AW: TDBChart = > ChartBook // Zuweisungsprobleme

  Alt 6. Jul 2010, 12:03
Hallo Nicole,
wenn ich dich richtig verstehe, soll das Chart auf eine Seite deiner Tabs gelegt werden, richtig?
- Chart anklicken, [SRTG+C] in die Zwischenablage legen und vom Form mit [ENTF] entfernen.
- Das gewünschte Tab aktivieren und das Chart per [STRG+V] aus der Zwischenablage abrufen.
"Sage was du tust, und tue was du sagst"
Johannes Rau
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Registriert seit: 9. Dez 2005
Ort: Heilbronn
39.869 Beiträge
Delphi 11 Alexandria

AW: TDBChart = > ChartBook // Zuweisungsprobleme

  Alt 6. Jul 2010, 12:07
Da ist die Variante per Parent aber einfacher und ist auch dynamisch während des Programm möglich
Markus Kinzler
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Registriert seit: 6. Jul 2010
167 Beiträge
Delphi XE3 Professional

AW: TDBChart = > ChartBook // Zuweisungsprobleme

  Alt 6. Jul 2010, 13:21
Danke fuer beide Varianten. Beide konnte ich (noch) nicht umsetzen, weil:

a) in der Parent Loesung sehe ich einen Stack-Overflow
b) in der Copy und Paste sehe ich zwar "mein" Chart, aber da sind viele Infos zur Formatierung verloren

zuerst zu a, cit:
"Du musst beim Wechseln des Tabs das Sheet als Parent des Charts setzen und die entsprechende Serie aktivieren."
Ich habe nicht ganz verstanden: "beim Wechseln des Tabs". Ich wollte es zur Entwurfszeit zuweisen.

Das Partent-Setzen habe ich versucht, doch es sieht ebenso falsch aus, wie es ist:
Form1.myTDBChart.Parent:=Form1.ChartBook1; -> Overflow

Falsch sieht mir daran aus, dass es irgendwie an Zirkelschluss erinnert bzw. die Information, welcher Tab verwendet werden soll, in meiner Zuweisung nicht vorkommt.

Kannst Du mir vielleicht ein IDIOTENSICHERES Beispiel sagen? Ich bin zwar nicht blond, arbeite mit TChart aber noch nicht lange, was sich auf dasselbe hinausläuft

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Registriert seit: 9. Dez 2005
Ort: Heilbronn
39.869 Beiträge
Delphi 11 Alexandria

AW: TDBChart = > ChartBook // Zuweisungsprobleme

  Alt 6. Jul 2010, 13:32
Dein Vorhabe kann nicht zu Designzeit funktionieren, denn jede Komponente hat einen Parent, der für dessen Zeichnen verantwortlich ist.
Bei deinem Problem ist dieser aber je nach aktiven Tab verschieden. deshalb musst du auf die Änderung des tabs reagieren ( Event OnChange)
  PC: TPageControl;
   PC := (Sender as TPageControl);
   if PC.ActivePageIndex <> -1 then
       Chart1.Parent := PC.ActivePage;
       case PC.ActivePageIndex of
       0: //Hier Unterscheidung der Tabs

Markus Kinzler
  Mit Zitat antworten Zitat

Registriert seit: 6. Jul 2010
167 Beiträge
Delphi XE3 Professional

AW: TDBChart = > ChartBook // Zuweisungsprobleme

  Alt 6. Jul 2010, 15:34
Danke fuer das Beispiel.
Der Stack-Overflow ist weg, doch mein Layout zerfetzt.
Vielleicht habe ich meine Frage auch missverstaendlich ausgedrueckt.

Es ist eine Null-acht-fünfzehn-Aufgabenstellung.
Sieht lang und kompliziert aus, ist aber banal.
Danke Dir und allen, die bis zum Ende lesen.


Meine Basis-Kurve liegt hier:
TDBChart_System: TDBChart
Sie zeigt Zahlen von ein paar Jahren im "täglichen" Zeitablauf.
Ist unübersichtlich.

Daher möchte ich diese Kurve in ein PageControl bringen, dessen Tabs diese Zahlen darstellen als täglich, wöchentlich, monatlich und jährlich.
Wenn meine Farbbänder etc. der Grafik von TDBChart_System "mitgeschickt" würden, waere das toll.

Doch es soll nicht nur geschickt werden, sondern auch als alternatives Intervall dargestellt.
z.B. wöchentlich habe ich mit Hilfe vom TChart Editor gemacht:
Datenquelle - Zusammenfassung - Group by Woche. Den Datensatz beziehe ich aus TBQuery1.

und das Tab dazu ist im Text drunter zu finden unter:
"Tab_weekly: TTabSheet"

Meine Daten "weekly" habe ich genannt "series_weekly".



1) Wie kann ich meine Series_weekly im Tab_weekly darstellen?

2) Wie kann ich meine Grafik TDBChart_System: TDBChart in Tab_daily darstellen?

3) Zusatzfrage: Wo und wie oft setze ich am besten: TBQuery1.Active:=true; ?
(Zur Zeit habe ich es einfach am Anfang meiner Formatierungszuweisungen)

das dfm-File:

object Form_TSystemChart: TForm_TSystemChart
  Left = 0
  Top = 0
  ActiveControl = TDBChart_System
  Caption = 'Grafik System'
  ClientHeight = 814
  ClientWidth = 976
  Color = clBtnFace
  Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
  Font.Color = clWindowText
  Font.Height = -11
  Font.Name = 'Tahoma'
  Font.Style = []
  OldCreateOrder = False
  Position = poDesigned
  PixelsPerInch = 96
  TextHeight = 13
  object SpeedButton_ChartSchliessen: TSpeedButton
    Left = 696
    Top = 656
    Width = 257
    Height = 22
    Caption = 'Chart schliessen'
    OnClick = SpeedButton_ChartSchliessenClick
  object SpeedButton_Grafik_speichern: TSpeedButton
    Left = 416
    Top = 656
    Width = 257
    Height = 22
    Caption = 'Grafik speichern'
  object TDBChart_System: TDBChart
    Left = 0
    Top = 8
    Width = 953
    Height = 617
    Foot.Text.Strings = (
    MarginBottom = 50
    MarginUnits = muPixels
    PrintProportional = False
    ScrollMouseButton = mbLeft
    SubFoot.Text.Strings = (
    SubTitle.Text.Strings = (
    Title.Text.Strings = (
    BottomAxis.AxisValuesFormat = '#,##0'
    BottomAxis.LabelsMultiLine = True
    BottomAxis.MaximumOffset = 1
    BottomAxis.MinimumOffset = 1
    BottomAxis.TicksInner.Color = 8388863
    ClipPoints = False
    DepthAxis.MaximumOffset = 1
    DepthAxis.MinimumOffset = 1
    DepthTopAxis.MaximumOffset = 1
    DepthTopAxis.MinimumOffset = 1
    LeftAxis.MaximumOffset = 1
    LeftAxis.MinimumOffset = 1
    Legend.CheckBoxes = True
    Legend.LegendStyle = lsValues
    Legend.MaxNumRows = 0
    Legend.Symbol.Visible = False
    Legend.TextStyle = ltsValue
    Legend.Visible = False
    RightAxis.MaximumOffset = 1
    RightAxis.MinimumOffset = 1
    TopAxis.LabelsFont.OutLine.Visible = True
    View3D = False
    View3DOptions.Orthogonal = False
    Zoom.Brush.Color = clBlack
    Zoom.Brush.Style = bsSolid
    Zoom.Direction = tzdHorizontal
    OnAfterDraw = TDBChart_SystemAfterDraw
    Color = clWindow
    TabOrder = 0
    PrintMargins = (
    object ChartBook_System: TChartBook
      Left = 96
      Top = 16
      Width = 545
      Height = 441
      ActivePage = Tab_daily
      TabOrder = 0
      OnChange = ChartBook_SystemChange
      object Tab_summary: TTabSheet
        Caption = #220'berblick'
        object Chart_Trades: TChart
          Left = 0
          Top = 0
          Width = 537
          Height = 415
          BackWall.Dark3D = False
          BackWall.Pen.Color = clGray
          BackWall.Transparent = False
          Border.Visible = True
          BottomWall.Color = clGray
          BottomWall.Dark3D = False
          BottomWall.Pen.Color = clGray
          LeftWall.Color = clSilver
          LeftWall.Dark3D = False
          LeftWall.Pen.Color = clGray
          Legend.Font.Height = -13
          Legend.MaxNumRows = 0
          Legend.Shadow.HorizSize = 0
          Legend.Shadow.VertSize = 0
          RightWall.Dark3D = False
          RightWall.Pen.Color = clGray
          Title.Font.Color = clBlack
          Title.Font.Height = -13
          Title.Text.Strings = (
          BottomAxis.Axis.Width = 1
          BottomAxis.Grid.Color = clBlack
          BottomAxis.Grid.Style = psSolid
          BottomAxis.Grid.Visible = False
          BottomAxis.GridCentered = True
          BottomAxis.LabelsFont.Height = -13
          BottomAxis.MinorTicks.Visible = False
          BottomAxis.Ticks.Color = clBlack
          BottomAxis.TicksInner.Visible = False
          DepthAxis.Axis.Width = 1
          DepthAxis.Grid.Color = clBlack
          DepthAxis.Grid.Style = psSolid
          DepthAxis.LabelsFont.Height = -13
          DepthAxis.MinorTicks.Visible = False
          DepthAxis.Ticks.Color = clBlack
          DepthAxis.TicksInner.Visible = False
          DepthTopAxis.Axis.Width = 1
          DepthTopAxis.Grid.Color = clBlack
          DepthTopAxis.Grid.Style = psSolid
          DepthTopAxis.LabelsFont.Height = -13
          DepthTopAxis.MinorTicks.Visible = False
          DepthTopAxis.Ticks.Color = clBlack
          DepthTopAxis.TicksInner.Visible = False
          Frame.Color = clGray
          LeftAxis.Axis.Width = 1
          LeftAxis.Grid.Color = clBlack
          LeftAxis.Grid.Style = psSolid
          LeftAxis.LabelsFont.Height = -13
          LeftAxis.MinorTicks.Visible = False
          LeftAxis.Ticks.Color = clBlack
          LeftAxis.TicksInner.Visible = False
          RightAxis.Axis.Width = 1
          RightAxis.Grid.Color = clBlack
          RightAxis.Grid.Style = psSolid
          RightAxis.LabelsFont.Height = -13
          RightAxis.MinorTicks.Visible = False
          RightAxis.Ticks.Color = clBlack
          RightAxis.TicksInner.Visible = False
          TopAxis.Axis.Width = 1
          TopAxis.Grid.Color = clBlack
          TopAxis.Grid.Style = psSolid
          TopAxis.Grid.Visible = False
          TopAxis.LabelsFont.Height = -13
          TopAxis.MinorTicks.Visible = False
          TopAxis.Ticks.Color = clBlack
          TopAxis.TicksInner.Visible = False
          Align = alClient
          BevelOuter = bvNone
          Color = clWhite
          TabOrder = 0
          ColorPaletteIndex = 13
      object Tab_daily: TTabSheet
        Caption = 't'#228'glich'
        ImageIndex = 1
        object Chart_daily: TChart
          Left = 0
          Top = 0
          Width = 537
          Height = 415
          BackWall.Dark3D = False
          BackWall.Pen.Color = clGray
          BackWall.Transparent = False
          Border.Visible = True
          BottomWall.Color = clGray
          BottomWall.Dark3D = False
          BottomWall.Pen.Color = clGray
          LeftWall.Color = clSilver
          LeftWall.Dark3D = False
          LeftWall.Pen.Color = clGray
          Legend.Font.Height = -13
          Legend.MaxNumRows = 0
          Legend.Shadow.HorizSize = 0
          Legend.Shadow.VertSize = 0
          RightWall.Dark3D = False
          RightWall.Pen.Color = clGray
          Title.Font.Color = clBlack
          Title.Font.Height = -13
          Title.Text.Strings = (
          BottomAxis.Axis.Width = 1
          BottomAxis.Grid.Color = clBlack
          BottomAxis.Grid.Style = psSolid
          BottomAxis.Grid.Visible = False
          BottomAxis.GridCentered = True
          BottomAxis.LabelsFont.Height = -13
          BottomAxis.MinorTicks.Visible = False
          BottomAxis.Ticks.Color = clBlack
          BottomAxis.TicksInner.Visible = False
          DepthAxis.Axis.Width = 1
          DepthAxis.Grid.Color = clBlack
          DepthAxis.Grid.Style = psSolid
          DepthAxis.LabelsFont.Height = -13
          DepthAxis.MinorTicks.Visible = False
          DepthAxis.Ticks.Color = clBlack
          DepthAxis.TicksInner.Visible = False
          DepthTopAxis.Axis.Width = 1
          DepthTopAxis.Grid.Color = clBlack
          DepthTopAxis.Grid.Style = psSolid
          DepthTopAxis.LabelsFont.Height = -13
          DepthTopAxis.MinorTicks.Visible = False
          DepthTopAxis.Ticks.Color = clBlack
          DepthTopAxis.TicksInner.Visible = False
          Frame.Color = clGray
          LeftAxis.Axis.Width = 1
          LeftAxis.Grid.Color = clBlack
          LeftAxis.Grid.Style = psSolid
          LeftAxis.LabelsFont.Height = -13
          LeftAxis.MinorTicks.Visible = False
          LeftAxis.Ticks.Color = clBlack
          LeftAxis.TicksInner.Visible = False
          RightAxis.Axis.Width = 1
          RightAxis.Grid.Color = clBlack
          RightAxis.Grid.Style = psSolid
          RightAxis.LabelsFont.Height = -13
          RightAxis.MinorTicks.Visible = False
          RightAxis.Ticks.Color = clBlack
          RightAxis.TicksInner.Visible = False
          TopAxis.Axis.Width = 1
          TopAxis.Grid.Color = clBlack
          TopAxis.Grid.Style = psSolid
          TopAxis.Grid.Visible = False
          TopAxis.LabelsFont.Height = -13
          TopAxis.MinorTicks.Visible = False
          TopAxis.Ticks.Color = clBlack
          TopAxis.TicksInner.Visible = False
          Align = alClient
          BevelOuter = bvNone
          Color = clWhite
          TabOrder = 0
          ColorPaletteIndex = 13
          object DBChart1: TDBChart
            Left = -416
            Top = -202
            Width = 953
            Height = 617
            BackWall.Dark3D = False
            BackWall.Pen.Color = clGray
            BackWall.Transparent = False
            Border.Visible = True
            BottomWall.Color = clGray
            BottomWall.Dark3D = False
            BottomWall.Pen.Color = clGray
            Foot.Text.Strings = (
            LeftWall.Color = clSilver
            LeftWall.Dark3D = False
            LeftWall.Pen.Color = clGray
            MarginBottom = 50
            MarginUnits = muPixels
            PrintProportional = False
            RightWall.Dark3D = False
            RightWall.Pen.Color = clGray
            ScrollMouseButton = mbLeft
            SubFoot.Text.Strings = (
            SubTitle.Text.Strings = (
            Title.Font.Color = clBlack
            Title.Font.Height = -13
            Title.Text.Strings = (
            BottomAxis.Axis.Width = 1
            BottomAxis.AxisValuesFormat = '#,##0'
            BottomAxis.Grid.Color = clBlack
            BottomAxis.Grid.Style = psSolid
            BottomAxis.Grid.Visible = False
            BottomAxis.GridCentered = True
            BottomAxis.LabelsFont.Height = -13
            BottomAxis.LabelsMultiLine = True
            BottomAxis.MaximumOffset = 1
            BottomAxis.MinimumOffset = 1
            BottomAxis.MinorTicks.Visible = False
            BottomAxis.Ticks.Color = clBlack
            BottomAxis.TicksInner.Color = 8388863
            BottomAxis.TicksInner.Visible = False
            ClipPoints = False
            DepthAxis.Axis.Width = 1
            DepthAxis.Grid.Color = clBlack
            DepthAxis.Grid.Style = psSolid
            DepthAxis.LabelsFont.Height = -13
            DepthAxis.MaximumOffset = 1
            DepthAxis.MinimumOffset = 1
            DepthAxis.MinorTicks.Visible = False
            DepthAxis.Ticks.Color = clBlack
            DepthAxis.TicksInner.Visible = False
            DepthTopAxis.Axis.Width = 1
            DepthTopAxis.Grid.Color = clBlack
            DepthTopAxis.Grid.Style = psSolid
            DepthTopAxis.LabelsFont.Height = -13
            DepthTopAxis.MaximumOffset = 1
            DepthTopAxis.MinimumOffset = 1
            DepthTopAxis.MinorTicks.Visible = False
            DepthTopAxis.Ticks.Color = clBlack
            DepthTopAxis.TicksInner.Visible = False
            Frame.Color = clGray
            LeftAxis.Axis.Width = 1
            LeftAxis.Grid.Color = clBlack
            LeftAxis.Grid.Style = psSolid
            LeftAxis.LabelsFont.Height = -13
            LeftAxis.MaximumOffset = 1
            LeftAxis.MinimumOffset = 1
            LeftAxis.MinorTicks.Visible = False
            LeftAxis.Ticks.Color = clBlack
            LeftAxis.TicksInner.Visible = False
            Legend.CheckBoxes = True
            Legend.Font.Height = -13
            Legend.LegendStyle = lsValues
            Legend.MaxNumRows = 0
            Legend.Shadow.HorizSize = 0
            Legend.Shadow.VertSize = 0
            Legend.Symbol.Visible = False
            Legend.TextStyle = ltsValue
            Legend.Visible = False
            RightAxis.Axis.Width = 1
            RightAxis.Grid.Color = clBlack
            RightAxis.Grid.Style = psSolid
            RightAxis.LabelsFont.Height = -13
            RightAxis.MaximumOffset = 1
            RightAxis.MinimumOffset = 1
            RightAxis.MinorTicks.Visible = False
            RightAxis.Ticks.Color = clBlack
            RightAxis.TicksInner.Visible = False
            TopAxis.Axis.Width = 1
            TopAxis.Grid.Color = clBlack
            TopAxis.Grid.Style = psSolid
            TopAxis.Grid.Visible = False
            TopAxis.LabelsFont.Height = -13
            TopAxis.LabelsFont.OutLine.Visible = True
            TopAxis.MinorTicks.Visible = False
            TopAxis.Ticks.Color = clBlack
            TopAxis.TicksInner.Visible = False
            View3D = False
            View3DOptions.Orthogonal = False
            Zoom.Brush.Color = clBlack
            Zoom.Brush.Style = bsSolid
            Zoom.Direction = tzdHorizontal
            OnAfterDraw = TDBChart_SystemAfterDraw
            BevelOuter = bvNone
            Color = clWindow
            TabOrder = 0
            PrintMargins = (
            ColorPaletteIndex = 13
            object ChartBook1: TChartBook
              Left = 96
              Top = 16
              Width = 545
              Height = 441
              ActivePage = TabSheet4
              TabOrder = 0
              object TabSheet1: TTabSheet
                Caption = #220'berblick'
                ExplicitLeft = 0
                ExplicitTop = 0
                ExplicitWidth = 0
                ExplicitHeight = 0
                object Chart1: TChart
                  Left = 0
                  Top = 0
                  Width = 537
                  Height = 415
                  BackWall.Dark3D = False
                  BackWall.Pen.Color = clGray
                  BackWall.Transparent = False
                  Border.Visible = True
                  BottomWall.Color = clGray
                  BottomWall.Dark3D = False
                  BottomWall.Pen.Color = clGray
                  LeftWall.Color = clSilver
                  LeftWall.Dark3D = False
                  LeftWall.Pen.Color = clGray
                  Legend.Font.Height = -13
                  Legend.MaxNumRows = 0
                  Legend.Shadow.HorizSize = 0
                  Legend.Shadow.VertSize = 0
                  RightWall.Dark3D = False
                  RightWall.Pen.Color = clGray
                  Title.Font.Color = clBlack
                  Title.Font.Height = -13
                  Title.Text.Strings = (
                  BottomAxis.Axis.Width = 1
                  BottomAxis.Grid.Color = clBlack
                  BottomAxis.Grid.Style = psSolid
                  BottomAxis.Grid.Visible = False
                  BottomAxis.GridCentered = True
                  BottomAxis.LabelsFont.Height = -13
                  BottomAxis.MinorTicks.Visible = False
                  BottomAxis.Ticks.Color = clBlack
                  BottomAxis.TicksInner.Visible = False
                  DepthAxis.Axis.Width = 1
                  DepthAxis.Grid.Color = clBlack
                  DepthAxis.Grid.Style = psSolid
                  DepthAxis.LabelsFont.Height = -13
                  DepthAxis.MinorTicks.Visible = False
                  DepthAxis.Ticks.Color = clBlack
                  DepthAxis.TicksInner.Visible = False
                  DepthTopAxis.Axis.Width = 1
                  DepthTopAxis.Grid.Color = clBlack
                  DepthTopAxis.Grid.Style = psSolid
                  DepthTopAxis.LabelsFont.Height = -13
                  DepthTopAxis.MinorTicks.Visible = False
                  DepthTopAxis.Ticks.Color = clBlack
                  DepthTopAxis.TicksInner.Visible = False
                  Frame.Color = clGray
                  LeftAxis.Axis.Width = 1
                  LeftAxis.Grid.Color = clBlack
                  LeftAxis.Grid.Style = psSolid
                  LeftAxis.LabelsFont.Height = -13
                  LeftAxis.MinorTicks.Visible = False
                  LeftAxis.Ticks.Color = clBlack
                  LeftAxis.TicksInner.Visible = False
                  RightAxis.Axis.Width = 1
                  RightAxis.Grid.Color = clBlack
                  RightAxis.Grid.Style = psSolid
                  RightAxis.LabelsFont.Height = -13
                  RightAxis.MinorTicks.Visible = False
                  RightAxis.Ticks.Color = clBlack
                  RightAxis.TicksInner.Visible = False
                  TopAxis.Axis.Width = 1
                  TopAxis.Grid.Color = clBlack
                  TopAxis.Grid.Style = psSolid
                  TopAxis.Grid.Visible = False
                  TopAxis.LabelsFont.Height = -13
                  TopAxis.MinorTicks.Visible = False
                  TopAxis.Ticks.Color = clBlack
                  TopAxis.TicksInner.Visible = False
                  Align = alClient
                  BevelOuter = bvNone
                  Color = clWhite
                  TabOrder = 0
                  ColorPaletteIndex = 13
              object TabSheet2: TTabSheet
                Caption = 't'#228'glich'
                ImageIndex = 1
                ExplicitLeft = 0
                ExplicitTop = 0
                ExplicitWidth = 0
                ExplicitHeight = 0
                object Chart2: TChart
                  Left = 0
                  Top = 0
                  Width = 537
                  Height = 415
                  BackWall.Dark3D = False
                  BackWall.Pen.Color = clGray
                  BackWall.Transparent = False
                  Border.Visible = True
                  BottomWall.Color = clGray
                  BottomWall.Dark3D = False
                  BottomWall.Pen.Color = clGray
                  LeftWall.Color = clSilver
                  LeftWall.Dark3D = False
                  LeftWall.Pen.Color = clGray
                  Legend.Font.Height = -13
                  Legend.MaxNumRows = 0
                  Legend.Shadow.HorizSize = 0
                  Legend.Shadow.VertSize = 0
                  RightWall.Dark3D = False
                  RightWall.Pen.Color = clGray
                  Title.Font.Color = clBlack
                  Title.Font.Height = -13
                  Title.Text.Strings = (
                  BottomAxis.Axis.Width = 1
                  BottomAxis.Grid.Color = clBlack
                  BottomAxis.Grid.Style = psSolid
                  BottomAxis.Grid.Visible = False
                  BottomAxis.GridCentered = True
                  BottomAxis.LabelsFont.Height = -13
                  BottomAxis.MinorTicks.Visible = False
                  BottomAxis.Ticks.Color = clBlack
                  BottomAxis.TicksInner.Visible = False
                  DepthAxis.Axis.Width = 1
                  DepthAxis.Grid.Color = clBlack
                  DepthAxis.Grid.Style = psSolid
                  DepthAxis.LabelsFont.Height = -13
                  DepthAxis.MinorTicks.Visible = False
                  DepthAxis.Ticks.Color = clBlack
                  DepthAxis.TicksInner.Visible = False
                  DepthTopAxis.Axis.Width = 1
                  DepthTopAxis.Grid.Color = clBlack
                  DepthTopAxis.Grid.Style = psSolid
                  DepthTopAxis.LabelsFont.Height = -13
                  DepthTopAxis.MinorTicks.Visible = False
                  DepthTopAxis.Ticks.Color = clBlack
                  DepthTopAxis.TicksInner.Visible = False
                  Frame.Color = clGray
                  LeftAxis.Axis.Width = 1
                  LeftAxis.Grid.Color = clBlack
                  LeftAxis.Grid.Style = psSolid
                  LeftAxis.LabelsFont.Height = -13
                  LeftAxis.MinorTicks.Visible = False
                  LeftAxis.Ticks.Color = clBlack
                  LeftAxis.TicksInner.Visible = False
                  RightAxis.Axis.Width = 1
                  RightAxis.Grid.Color = clBlack
                  RightAxis.Grid.Style = psSolid
                  RightAxis.LabelsFont.Height = -13
                  RightAxis.MinorTicks.Visible = False
                  RightAxis.Ticks.Color = clBlack
                  RightAxis.TicksInner.Visible = False
                  TopAxis.Axis.Width = 1
                  TopAxis.Grid.Color = clBlack
                  TopAxis.Grid.Style = psSolid
                  TopAxis.Grid.Visible = False
                  TopAxis.LabelsFont.Height = -13
                  TopAxis.MinorTicks.Visible = False
                  TopAxis.Ticks.Color = clBlack
                  TopAxis.TicksInner.Visible = False
                  Align = alClient
                  BevelOuter = bvNone
                  Color = clWhite
                  TabOrder = 0
                  ColorPaletteIndex = 13
              object TabSheet3: TTabSheet
                Caption = 'w'#246'chentlich'
                ImageIndex = 2
                ExplicitLeft = 0
                ExplicitTop = 0
                ExplicitWidth = 0
                ExplicitHeight = 0
                object Chart3: TChart
                  Left = 0
                  Top = 0
                  Width = 537
                  Height = 415
                  BackWall.Dark3D = False
                  BackWall.Pen.Color = clGray
                  BackWall.Transparent = False
                  Border.Visible = True
                  BottomWall.Color = clGray
                  BottomWall.Dark3D = False
                  BottomWall.Pen.Color = clGray
                  LeftWall.Color = clSilver
                  LeftWall.Dark3D = False
                  LeftWall.Pen.Color = clGray
                  Legend.Font.Height = -13
                  Legend.MaxNumRows = 0
                  Legend.Shadow.HorizSize = 0
                  Legend.Shadow.VertSize = 0
                  RightWall.Dark3D = False
                  RightWall.Pen.Color = clGray
                  Title.Font.Color = clBlack
                  Title.Font.Height = -13
                  Title.Text.Strings = (
                  BottomAxis.Axis.Width = 1
                  BottomAxis.Grid.Color = clBlack
                  BottomAxis.Grid.Style = psSolid
                  BottomAxis.Grid.Visible = False
                  BottomAxis.GridCentered = True
                  BottomAxis.LabelsFont.Height = -13
                  BottomAxis.MinorTicks.Visible = False
                  BottomAxis.Ticks.Color = clBlack
                  BottomAxis.TicksInner.Visible = False
                  DepthAxis.Axis.Width = 1
                  DepthAxis.Grid.Color = clBlack
                  DepthAxis.Grid.Style = psSolid
                  DepthAxis.LabelsFont.Height = -13
                  DepthAxis.MinorTicks.Visible = False
                  DepthAxis.Ticks.Color = clBlack
                  DepthAxis.TicksInner.Visible = False
                  DepthTopAxis.Axis.Width = 1
                  DepthTopAxis.Grid.Color = clBlack
                  DepthTopAxis.Grid.Style = psSolid
                  DepthTopAxis.LabelsFont.Height = -13
                  DepthTopAxis.MinorTicks.Visible = False
                  DepthTopAxis.Ticks.Color = clBlack
                  DepthTopAxis.TicksInner.Visible = False
                  Frame.Color = clGray
                  LeftAxis.Axis.Width = 1
                  LeftAxis.Grid.Color = clBlack
                  LeftAxis.Grid.Style = psSolid
                  LeftAxis.LabelsFont.Height = -13
                  LeftAxis.MinorTicks.Visible = False
                  LeftAxis.Ticks.Color = clBlack
                  LeftAxis.TicksInner.Visible = False
                  RightAxis.Axis.Width = 1
                  RightAxis.Grid.Color = clBlack
                  RightAxis.Grid.Style = psSolid
                  RightAxis.LabelsFont.Height = -13
                  RightAxis.MinorTicks.Visible = False
                  RightAxis.Ticks.Color = clBlack
                  RightAxis.TicksInner.Visible = False
                  TopAxis.Axis.Width = 1
                  TopAxis.Grid.Color = clBlack
                  TopAxis.Grid.Style = psSolid
                  TopAxis.Grid.Visible = False
                  TopAxis.LabelsFont.Height = -13
                  TopAxis.MinorTicks.Visible = False
                  TopAxis.Ticks.Color = clBlack
                  TopAxis.TicksInner.Visible = False
                  Align = alClient
                  BevelOuter = bvNone
                  Color = clWhite
                  TabOrder = 0
                  ColorPaletteIndex = 13
              object TabSheet4: TTabSheet
                Caption = 'monatlich'
                ImageIndex = 3
                OnContextPopup = Tab_monthlyContextPopup
                object Chart4: TChart
                  Left = 0
                  Top = 0
                  Width = 537
                  Height = 415
                  BackWall.Dark3D = False
                  BackWall.Pen.Color = clGray
                  BackWall.Transparent = False
                  Border.Visible = True
                  BottomWall.Color = clGray
                  BottomWall.Dark3D = False
                  BottomWall.Pen.Color = clGray
                  LeftWall.Color = clSilver
                  LeftWall.Dark3D = False
                  LeftWall.Pen.Color = clGray
                  Legend.Font.Height = -13
                  Legend.MaxNumRows = 0
                  Legend.Shadow.HorizSize = 0
                  Legend.Shadow.VertSize = 0
                  RightWall.Dark3D = False
                  RightWall.Pen.Color = clGray
                  Title.Font.Color = clBlack
                  Title.Font.Height = -13
                  Title.Text.Strings = (
                  BottomAxis.Axis.Width = 1
                  BottomAxis.Grid.Color = clBlack
                  BottomAxis.Grid.Style = psSolid
                  BottomAxis.Grid.Visible = False
                  BottomAxis.GridCentered = True
                  BottomAxis.LabelsFont.Height = -13
                  BottomAxis.MinorTicks.Visible = False
                  BottomAxis.Ticks.Color = clBlack
                  BottomAxis.TicksInner.Visible = False
                  DepthAxis.Axis.Width = 1
                  DepthAxis.Grid.Color = clBlack
                  DepthAxis.Grid.Style = psSolid
                  DepthAxis.LabelsFont.Height = -13
                  DepthAxis.MinorTicks.Visible = False
                  DepthAxis.Ticks.Color = clBlack
                  DepthAxis.TicksInner.Visible = False
                  DepthTopAxis.Axis.Width = 1
                  DepthTopAxis.Grid.Color = clBlack
                  DepthTopAxis.Grid.Style = psSolid
                  DepthTopAxis.LabelsFont.Height = -13
                  DepthTopAxis.MinorTicks.Visible = False
                  DepthTopAxis.Ticks.Color = clBlack
                  DepthTopAxis.TicksInner.Visible = False
                  Frame.Color = clGray
                  LeftAxis.Axis.Width = 1
                  LeftAxis.Grid.Color = clBlack
                  LeftAxis.Grid.Style = psSolid
                  LeftAxis.LabelsFont.Height = -13
                  LeftAxis.MinorTicks.Visible = False
                  LeftAxis.Ticks.Color = clBlack
                  LeftAxis.TicksInner.Visible = False
                  RightAxis.Axis.Width = 1
                  RightAxis.Grid.Color = clBlack
                  RightAxis.Grid.Style = psSolid
                  RightAxis.LabelsFont.Height = -13
                  RightAxis.MinorTicks.Visible = False
                  RightAxis.Ticks.Color = clBlack
                  RightAxis.TicksInner.Visible = False
                  TopAxis.Axis.Width = 1
                  TopAxis.Grid.Color = clBlack
                  TopAxis.Grid.Style = psSolid
                  TopAxis.Grid.Visible = False
                  TopAxis.LabelsFont.Height = -13
                  TopAxis.MinorTicks.Visible = False
                  TopAxis.Ticks.Color = clBlack
                  TopAxis.TicksInner.Visible = False
                  View3D = False
                  Align = alClient
                  BevelOuter = bvNone
                  Color = clWhite
                  TabOrder = 0
                  ColorPaletteIndex = 13
              object TabSheet5: TTabSheet
                Caption = 'j'#228'hrlich'
                ImageIndex = 4
                ExplicitLeft = 0
                ExplicitTop = 0
                ExplicitWidth = 0
                ExplicitHeight = 0
                object Chart5: TChart
                  Left = 0
                  Top = 0
                  Width = 537
                  Height = 415
                  BackWall.Dark3D = False
                  BackWall.Pen.Color = clGray
                  BackWall.Transparent = False
                  Border.Visible = True
                  BottomWall.Color = clGray
                  BottomWall.Dark3D = False
                  BottomWall.Pen.Color = clGray
                  LeftWall.Color = clSilver
                  LeftWall.Dark3D = False
                  LeftWall.Pen.Color = clGray
                  Legend.Font.Height = -13
                  Legend.MaxNumRows = 0
                  Legend.Shadow.HorizSize = 0
                  Legend.Shadow.VertSize = 0
                  RightWall.Dark3D = False
                  RightWall.Pen.Color = clGray
                  Title.Font.Color = clBlack
                  Title.Font.Height = -13
                  Title.Text.Strings = (
                  BottomAxis.Axis.Width = 1
                  BottomAxis.Grid.Color = clBlack
                  BottomAxis.Grid.Style = psSolid
                  BottomAxis.Grid.Visible = False
                  BottomAxis.GridCentered = True
                  BottomAxis.LabelsFont.Height = -13
                  BottomAxis.MinorTicks.Visible = False
                  BottomAxis.Ticks.Color = clBlack
                  BottomAxis.TicksInner.Visible = False
                  DepthAxis.Axis.Width = 1
                  DepthAxis.Grid.Color = clBlack
                  DepthAxis.Grid.Style = psSolid
                  DepthAxis.LabelsFont.Height = -13
                  DepthAxis.MinorTicks.Visible = False
                  DepthAxis.Ticks.Color = clBlack
                  DepthAxis.TicksInner.Visible = False
                  DepthTopAxis.Axis.Width = 1
                  DepthTopAxis.Grid.Color = clBlack
                  DepthTopAxis.Grid.Style = psSolid
                  DepthTopAxis.LabelsFont.Height = -13
                  DepthTopAxis.MinorTicks.Visible = False
                  DepthTopAxis.Ticks.Color = clBlack
                  DepthTopAxis.TicksInner.Visible = False
                  Frame.Color = clGray
                  LeftAxis.Axis.Width = 1
                  LeftAxis.Grid.Color = clBlack
                  LeftAxis.Grid.Style = psSolid
                  LeftAxis.LabelsFont.Height = -13
                  LeftAxis.MinorTicks.Visible = False
                  LeftAxis.Ticks.Color = clBlack
                  LeftAxis.TicksInner.Visible = False
                  RightAxis.Axis.Width = 1
                  RightAxis.Grid.Color = clBlack
                  RightAxis.Grid.Style = psSolid
                  RightAxis.LabelsFont.Height = -13
                  RightAxis.MinorTicks.Visible = False
                  RightAxis.Ticks.Color = clBlack
                  RightAxis.TicksInner.Visible = False
                  TopAxis.Axis.Width = 1
                  TopAxis.Grid.Color = clBlack
                  TopAxis.Grid.Style = psSolid
                  TopAxis.Grid.Visible = False
                  TopAxis.LabelsFont.Height = -13
                  TopAxis.MinorTicks.Visible = False
                  TopAxis.Ticks.Color = clBlack
                  TopAxis.TicksInner.Visible = False
                  Align = alClient
                  BevelOuter = bvNone
                  Color = clWhite
                  TabOrder = 0
                  ColorPaletteIndex = 13
            object LineSeries1: TLineSeries
              ColorEachLine = False
              Marks.Arrow.Visible = True
              Marks.Callout.Brush.Color = clBlack
              Marks.Callout.Arrow.Visible = True
              Marks.Visible = False
              DataSource = IBQuery1
              SeriesColor = clBlack
              Title = 'Kapital'
              ValueFormat = 'MM.yyyy'
              VertAxis = aBothVertAxis
              XLabelsSource = 'ENTRYDATE'
              Brush.Color = clWhite
              Brush.Style = bsClear
              ClickableLine = False
              Dark3D = False
              LineBrush = bsClear
              OutLine.Color = clSilver
              OutLine.SmallDots = True
              OutLine.Visible = True
              Pointer.InflateMargins = True
              Pointer.Style = psRectangle
              Pointer.Visible = False
              XValues.Name = 'X'
              XValues.Order = loAscending
              XValues.ValueSource = 'ENTRYDATE'
              YValues.Name = 'Y'
              YValues.Order = loNone
              YValues.ValueSource = 'ERGEBNIS'
            object BarSeries1: TBarSeries
              Marks.Arrow.Visible = True
              Marks.Callout.Brush.Color = clBlack
              Marks.Callout.Arrow.Visible = True
              Marks.Visible = True
              DataSource = IBQuery1
              XLabelsSource = '#DAY#ENTRYDATE'
              MultiBar = mbSideAll
              XValues.DateTime = True
              XValues.Name = 'X'
              XValues.Order = loNone
              YValues.Name = 'Kreis'
              YValues.Order = loNone
              YValues.ValueSource = '#SUM#ENTRYDATE'
            object LineSeries2: TLineSeries
              Marks.Arrow.Visible = True
              Marks.Callout.Brush.Color = clBlack
              Marks.Callout.Arrow.Visible = True
              Marks.Visible = False
              DataSource = IBQuery1
              LinePen.Color = clGreen
              Pointer.InflateMargins = True
              Pointer.Style = psRectangle
              Pointer.Visible = False
              XValues.Name = 'X'
              XValues.Order = loAscending
              YValues.Name = 'Y'
              YValues.Order = loNone
            object ColorBandTool1: TColorBandTool
              Color = 33023
              Cursor = crNo
              DrawBehindAxes = True
              EndValue = 60.000000000000000000
              ResizeEnd = True
              ResizeStart = True
              StartValue = -60.000000000000000000
              AxisID = 2
            object ColorLineTool1: TColorLineTool
              Draw3D = False
              NoLimitDrag = True
              Pen.Color = 4227072
              Pen.Width = 2
              AxisID = 2
      object Tab_weekly: TTabSheet
        Caption = 'w'#246'chentlich'
        ImageIndex = 2
        object Chart_weekly: TChart
          Left = 0
          Top = 0
          Width = 537
          Height = 415
          BackWall.Dark3D = False
          BackWall.Pen.Color = clGray
          BackWall.Transparent = False
          Border.Visible = True
          BottomWall.Color = clGray
          BottomWall.Dark3D = False
          BottomWall.Pen.Color = clGray
          LeftWall.Color = clSilver
          LeftWall.Dark3D = False
          LeftWall.Pen.Color = clGray
          Legend.Font.Height = -13
          Legend.MaxNumRows = 0
          Legend.Shadow.HorizSize = 0
          Legend.Shadow.VertSize = 0
          RightWall.Dark3D = False
          RightWall.Pen.Color = clGray
          Title.Font.Color = clBlack
          Title.Font.Height = -13
          Title.Text.Strings = (
          BottomAxis.Axis.Width = 1
          BottomAxis.Grid.Color = clBlack
          BottomAxis.Grid.Style = psSolid
          BottomAxis.Grid.Visible = False
          BottomAxis.GridCentered = True
          BottomAxis.LabelsFont.Height = -13
          BottomAxis.MinorTicks.Visible = False
          BottomAxis.Ticks.Color = clBlack
          BottomAxis.TicksInner.Visible = False
          DepthAxis.Axis.Width = 1
          DepthAxis.Grid.Color = clBlack
          DepthAxis.Grid.Style = psSolid
          DepthAxis.LabelsFont.Height = -13
          DepthAxis.MinorTicks.Visible = False
          DepthAxis.Ticks.Color = clBlack
          DepthAxis.TicksInner.Visible = False
          DepthTopAxis.Axis.Width = 1
          DepthTopAxis.Grid.Color = clBlack
          DepthTopAxis.Grid.Style = psSolid
          DepthTopAxis.LabelsFont.Height = -13
          DepthTopAxis.MinorTicks.Visible = False
          DepthTopAxis.Ticks.Color = clBlack
          DepthTopAxis.TicksInner.Visible = False
          Frame.Color = clGray
          LeftAxis.Axis.Width = 1
          LeftAxis.Grid.Color = clBlack
          LeftAxis.Grid.Style = psSolid
          LeftAxis.LabelsFont.Height = -13
          LeftAxis.MinorTicks.Visible = False
          LeftAxis.Ticks.Color = clBlack
          LeftAxis.TicksInner.Visible = False
          RightAxis.Axis.Width = 1
          RightAxis.Grid.Color = clBlack
          RightAxis.Grid.Style = psSolid
          RightAxis.LabelsFont.Height = -13
          RightAxis.MinorTicks.Visible = False
          RightAxis.Ticks.Color = clBlack
          RightAxis.TicksInner.Visible = False
          TopAxis.Axis.Width = 1
          TopAxis.Grid.Color = clBlack
          TopAxis.Grid.Style = psSolid
          TopAxis.Grid.Visible = False
          TopAxis.LabelsFont.Height = -13
          TopAxis.MinorTicks.Visible = False
          TopAxis.Ticks.Color = clBlack
          TopAxis.TicksInner.Visible = False
          Align = alClient
          BevelOuter = bvNone
          Color = clWhite
          TabOrder = 0
          ColorPaletteIndex = 13
      object Tab_monthly: TTabSheet
        Caption = 'monatlich'
        ImageIndex = 3
        OnContextPopup = Tab_monthlyContextPopup
        ExplicitLeft = 0
        ExplicitTop = 0
        ExplicitWidth = 281
        ExplicitHeight = 167
        object Chart_monthly: TChart
          Left = 0
          Top = 0
          Width = 537
          Height = 415
          BackWall.Dark3D = False
          BackWall.Pen.Color = clGray
          BackWall.Transparent = False
          Border.Visible = True
          BottomWall.Color = clGray
          BottomWall.Dark3D = False
          BottomWall.Pen.Color = clGray
          LeftWall.Color = clSilver
          LeftWall.Dark3D = False
          LeftWall.Pen.Color = clGray
          Legend.Font.Height = -13
          Legend.MaxNumRows = 0
          Legend.Shadow.HorizSize = 0
          Legend.Shadow.VertSize = 0
          RightWall.Dark3D = False
          RightWall.Pen.Color = clGray
          Title.Font.Color = clBlack
          Title.Font.Height = -13
          Title.Text.Strings = (
          BottomAxis.Axis.Width = 1
          BottomAxis.Grid.Color = clBlack
          BottomAxis.Grid.Style = psSolid
          BottomAxis.Grid.Visible = False
          BottomAxis.GridCentered = True
          BottomAxis.LabelsFont.Height = -13
          BottomAxis.MinorTicks.Visible = False
          BottomAxis.Ticks.Color = clBlack
          BottomAxis.TicksInner.Visible = False
          DepthAxis.Axis.Width = 1
          DepthAxis.Grid.Color = clBlack
          DepthAxis.Grid.Style = psSolid
          DepthAxis.LabelsFont.Height = -13
          DepthAxis.MinorTicks.Visible = False
          DepthAxis.Ticks.Color = clBlack
          DepthAxis.TicksInner.Visible = False
          DepthTopAxis.Axis.Width = 1
          DepthTopAxis.Grid.Color = clBlack
          DepthTopAxis.Grid.Style = psSolid
          DepthTopAxis.LabelsFont.Height = -13
          DepthTopAxis.MinorTicks.Visible = False
          DepthTopAxis.Ticks.Color = clBlack
          DepthTopAxis.TicksInner.Visible = False
          Frame.Color = clGray
          LeftAxis.Axis.Width = 1
          LeftAxis.Grid.Color = clBlack
          LeftAxis.Grid.Style = psSolid
          LeftAxis.LabelsFont.Height = -13
          LeftAxis.MinorTicks.Visible = False
          LeftAxis.Ticks.Color = clBlack
          LeftAxis.TicksInner.Visible = False
          RightAxis.Axis.Width = 1
          RightAxis.Grid.Color = clBlack
          RightAxis.Grid.Style = psSolid
          RightAxis.LabelsFont.Height = -13
          RightAxis.MinorTicks.Visible = False
          RightAxis.Ticks.Color = clBlack
          RightAxis.TicksInner.Visible = False
          TopAxis.Axis.Width = 1
          TopAxis.Grid.Color = clBlack
          TopAxis.Grid.Style = psSolid
          TopAxis.Grid.Visible = False
          TopAxis.LabelsFont.Height = -13
          TopAxis.MinorTicks.Visible = False
          TopAxis.Ticks.Color = clBlack
          TopAxis.TicksInner.Visible = False
          View3D = False
          Align = alClient
          BevelOuter = bvNone
          Color = clWhite
          TabOrder = 0
          ExplicitWidth = 281
          ExplicitHeight = 167
          ColorPaletteIndex = 13
      object Tab_yearly: TTabSheet
        Caption = 'j'#228'hrlich'
        ImageIndex = 4
        ExplicitLeft = 0
        ExplicitTop = 0
        ExplicitWidth = 281
        ExplicitHeight = 167
        object Chart_yearly: TChart
          Left = 0
          Top = 0
          Width = 537
          Height = 415
          BackWall.Dark3D = False
          BackWall.Pen.Color = clGray
          BackWall.Transparent = False
          Border.Visible = True
          BottomWall.Color = clGray
          BottomWall.Dark3D = False
          BottomWall.Pen.Color = clGray
          LeftWall.Color = clSilver
          LeftWall.Dark3D = False
          LeftWall.Pen.Color = clGray
          Legend.Font.Height = -13
          Legend.MaxNumRows = 0
          Legend.Shadow.HorizSize = 0
          Legend.Shadow.VertSize = 0
          RightWall.Dark3D = False
          RightWall.Pen.Color = clGray
          Title.Font.Color = clBlack
          Title.Font.Height = -13
          Title.Text.Strings = (
          BottomAxis.Axis.Width = 1
          BottomAxis.Grid.Color = clBlack
          BottomAxis.Grid.Style = psSolid
          BottomAxis.Grid.Visible = False
          BottomAxis.GridCentered = True
          BottomAxis.LabelsFont.Height = -13
          BottomAxis.MinorTicks.Visible = False
          BottomAxis.Ticks.Color = clBlack
          BottomAxis.TicksInner.Visible = False
          DepthAxis.Axis.Width = 1
          DepthAxis.Grid.Color = clBlack
          DepthAxis.Grid.Style = psSolid
          DepthAxis.LabelsFont.Height = -13
          DepthAxis.MinorTicks.Visible = False
          DepthAxis.Ticks.Color = clBlack
          DepthAxis.TicksInner.Visible = False
          DepthTopAxis.Axis.Width = 1
          DepthTopAxis.Grid.Color = clBlack
          DepthTopAxis.Grid.Style = psSolid
          DepthTopAxis.LabelsFont.Height = -13
          DepthTopAxis.MinorTicks.Visible = False
          DepthTopAxis.Ticks.Color = clBlack
          DepthTopAxis.TicksInner.Visible = False
          Frame.Color = clGray
          LeftAxis.Axis.Width = 1
          LeftAxis.Grid.Color = clBlack
          LeftAxis.Grid.Style = psSolid
          LeftAxis.LabelsFont.Height = -13
          LeftAxis.MinorTicks.Visible = False
          LeftAxis.Ticks.Color = clBlack
          LeftAxis.TicksInner.Visible = False
          RightAxis.Axis.Width = 1
          RightAxis.Grid.Color = clBlack
          RightAxis.Grid.Style = psSolid
          RightAxis.LabelsFont.Height = -13
          RightAxis.MinorTicks.Visible = False
          RightAxis.Ticks.Color = clBlack
          RightAxis.TicksInner.Visible = False
          TopAxis.Axis.Width = 1
          TopAxis.Grid.Color = clBlack
          TopAxis.Grid.Style = psSolid
          TopAxis.Grid.Visible = False
          TopAxis.LabelsFont.Height = -13
          TopAxis.MinorTicks.Visible = False
          TopAxis.Ticks.Color = clBlack
          TopAxis.TicksInner.Visible = False
          Align = alClient
          BevelOuter = bvNone
          Color = clWhite
          TabOrder = 0
          ExplicitWidth = 281
          ExplicitHeight = 167
          ColorPaletteIndex = 13
    object Series_weekly: TLineSeries
      ColorEachLine = False
      Marks.Arrow.Visible = True
      Marks.Callout.Brush.Color = clBlack
      Marks.Callout.Arrow.Visible = True
      Marks.Visible = False
      DataSource = IBQuery1
      SeriesColor = clBlack
      Title = 'Kapital'
      ValueFormat = 'MM.yyyy'
      VertAxis = aBothVertAxis
      XLabelsSource = 'ENTRYDATE'
      Brush.Color = clWhite
      Brush.Style = bsClear
      ClickableLine = False
      Dark3D = False
      LineBrush = bsClear
      OutLine.Color = clSilver
      OutLine.SmallDots = True
      OutLine.Visible = True
      Pointer.InflateMargins = True
      Pointer.Style = psRectangle
      Pointer.Visible = False
      XValues.Name = 'X'
      XValues.Order = loAscending
      XValues.ValueSource = 'ENTRYDATE'
      YValues.Name = 'Y'
      YValues.Order = loNone
      YValues.ValueSource = 'ERGEBNIS'
    object Series_daily: TBarSeries
      Marks.Arrow.Visible = True
      Marks.Callout.Brush.Color = clBlack
      Marks.Callout.Arrow.Visible = True
      Marks.Visible = True
      DataSource = IBQuery1
      XLabelsSource = '#DAY#ENTRYDATE'
      MultiBar = mbSideAll
      XValues.DateTime = True
      XValues.Name = 'X'
      XValues.Order = loNone
      YValues.Name = 'Kreis'
      YValues.Order = loNone
      YValues.ValueSource = '#SUM#ENTRYDATE'
    object Series_monthly: TLineSeries
      Marks.Arrow.Visible = True
      Marks.Callout.Brush.Color = clBlack
      Marks.Callout.Arrow.Visible = True
      Marks.Visible = False
      DataSource = IBQuery1
      LinePen.Color = clGreen
      Pointer.InflateMargins = True
      Pointer.Style = psRectangle
      Pointer.Visible = False
      XValues.Name = 'X'
      XValues.Order = loAscending
      YValues.Name = 'Y'
      YValues.Order = loNone
    object ChartTool1: TColorBandTool
      Color = 33023
      Cursor = crNo
      DrawBehindAxes = True
      EndValue = 60.000000000000000000
      ResizeEnd = True
      ResizeStart = True
      StartValue = -60.000000000000000000
      AxisID = 2
    object ChartTool_SystemBook: TColorLineTool
      Draw3D = False
      NoLimitDrag = True
      Pen.Color = 4227072
      Pen.Width = 2
      AxisID = 2
  object PrintDialog1: TPrintDialog
    Left = 552
    Top = 736
  object IBQuery1: TIBQuery
    Database = SQL_.IBDatabase1
    Transaction = SQL_.IBTransaction1
    SQL.Strings = (
      'select ......*myAbfrage*'
    Left = 16
    Top = 16

Geändert von mkinzler ( 6. Jul 2010 um 19:19 Uhr) Grund: Delphi-Tag eingefügt
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Registriert seit: 9. Dez 2005
Ort: Heilbronn
39.869 Beiträge
Delphi 11 Alexandria

AW: TDBChart = > ChartBook // Zuweisungsprobleme

  Alt 6. Jul 2010, 19:44
1) Wie kann ich meine Series_weekly im Tab_weekly darstellen?

2) Wie kann ich meine Grafik TDBChart_System: TDBChart in Tab_daily darstellen?
Würde ich über die Abfrage machen. Beim Wechsel des Tabs ( siehe Beispeil oben), Abfrage durch Abfrage mit passender Gruppierung austauschen

3) Zusatzfrage: Wo und wie oft setze ich am besten: TBQuery1.Active:=true; ?
(Zur Zeit habe ich es einfach am Anfang meiner Formatierungszuweisungen)
Nach dem Austausch der Abfrage aber beeser IBQuery.Open;
doch mein Layout zerfetzt.
Was meinst du mit zerfetzt?
Markus Kinzler
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Registriert seit: 6. Jul 2010
167 Beiträge
Delphi XE3 Professional

AW: TDBChart = > ChartBook // Zuweisungsprobleme

  Alt 6. Jul 2010, 20:05
Mit "zerfetzt" meine ich, dass offenbar nach der Zuweisung irgendwelche aligns nicht im Sinne meiner sind. Die Elemente rutschen ineinander und uebereinander und verlieren ihre vor mir subjektiv erwarteten maximalen Aussenraender.

and Query.Open; (statt active:=true)
Warum wuerdest Du das bevorzugen?

zur Frage 2:
Irgendetwas macht das jedenfalls. Danke!
Ein paar Stunden Arbeit sollten dazu führen, dass es auch macht, was ich will.

zur Frage 1:
Hast Du da einen Tipp für mich? In meiner Hoffnung gibt es da eine total einfach Lösung, eine Zuweisung aus einer Zeile (der Ahnungslose traeumt eben).

Ich stelle mir sowas vor wie ("Zahlenreihe" = Platzhalter):
Form1.Chart_weekly."Zahlenreihe":=Form1.Series_wee kly;
Datei ist Series_weekly(TLineSeries)und Chart_weekly(TChart)

Ich habe das Gefuehl, es muesste vor meiner Nase liegen, ein Chart und eine Series zu verbinden. Aber ich sehe es nicht.

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Registriert seit: 9. Dez 2005
Ort: Heilbronn
39.869 Beiträge
Delphi 11 Alexandria

AW: TDBChart = > ChartBook // Zuweisungsprobleme

  Alt 6. Jul 2010, 20:25
Mit "zerfetzt" meine ich, dass offenbar nach der Zuweisung irgendwelche aligns nicht im Sinne meiner sind. Die Elemente rutschen ineinander und uebereinander und verlieren ihre vor mir subjektiv erwarteten maximalen Aussenraender.
Setze die entsprechenden Eigenschaften noch einmal bach dem Ändern des Parent.

Zu 1) Schalte diese auf True und alle anderen Series auf False

TDBChart_System.Series[0].Active := True; Query.Active macht eigentlich das Selbe. So sieht man den Unterschied von Query.Open /Query.Execute aber besser
Markus Kinzler
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